Friday, 29 February 2008

March 08 Newsletter

Mothers Day

Why not treat your Mother to lunch at the Kingsley Park WMCTo book a table.
Phone Sarah 01604 715514

The mother of three notoriously unruly youngsters was asked whether or not she'd have children if she had it to do over again. "Yes," she replied. "But not the same ones."-

Entertainment in March

March Entertainment
1st Mixed Blessings
2nd V2
7th Paula Swan
8th The Method
9th Completely Hooked
14th Guy Surtees
15th Richtones
16th Logic
21st Lee Ross
22nd Aleys Comet
23rd Afternoon Motown Disco 2-5pm
23rdJonny Red
28th Francine
29th Threepenny Bit
30th 2 Hearts

Welfare Subs 2008

The Annual Subscription of
is now due
and must be paid by30th March 2008.
Those members who currently do not pay an annual subscription will have £3.00 deducted from their March payout.

Payments can be made and Benefits will be paid each Friday between the hours of 7.00pm and 9.00pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00pm.

Mini Tote

The Mini Tote is proving to be very popular, so popular we have been running out of tickets. New tickets have been ordered and they should be with us in a couple of weeks with a new first prize of £140. So please stay with us for the next couple of weeks as we wait for the new tickets to be delivered.

Brian Dolby

On Sunday Brian Dolby was elected as our new trustee, We wish him well in his new post. But don't worry Brian tells me he will still be around on bingo nights.

Peter Manley

One Dart Peter Manley visits Kingsley Park WMC

Hot City Nights

Tina Turner, Meat Loaf and Freddie Mecury entertain the members at KPWMC.
pictures by George Maddison.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Bar Staff

Lauren, Jenna and Micheal on New Year's Eve.
pictures by George Maddison.

Service Award for Dave Birch CMD.

On Sunday 3rd February, Dave Birch CMD was presented with a Ten Year Service Certificate for services to the South East Midlands Branch Executive Committee. Barry Slasberg CMD presented the award.

50 Year Awards

This year three members have reached 50 years of membership to the club. Our President Graham Burgess Presented awards to Keith Robins, Gavin Field and Bert Marshal. We hope to see them at the club for many years to come.


Voting for Vice-President and five members of the Committee will take place on.Friday 29th February 20.00 to 22.00Saturday 1st March 20.00 to 22.00Sunday 2nd March 11.30 to 13.30The following retire after the Annual General Meeting and are eligible for re-election.
Mr R Shanahan.
Mr J Collins
Mr R Horner
Mr P Kirby
Mr M Wright.
Any member who wishes to be nominated must have been a financial member for at least six months prior to nominations closing and must be proposed and seconded by two financial members.Nominations will close 24 hours after the Annual General Meeting.Each person nominated should present a photograph of himself to the Secretary before voting takes place for display in the voting area.Once a nomination has been made, it must not be removed from the nomination sheet other than by the Secretary upon personal instruction from the nominee.By Order of E.C.