Tuesday, 30 June 2009

What's On This Week

Monday 29th Ladies Skittles A Team County Tavern away
B Team Headlands home

Tuesday 30th Poker
Abington Park Bowls Park Avenue

Wednesday 1st BH Quiz Night

Thursday 2nd Pool St Georges Con Club away
Ladies Darts Fosters 4-A-Side
NWMC Spencer A away

Friday 3rd Krys

Saturday 4th Restless Dog

Sunday 5th Tacky Tigerz

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter July 2009.

Editor Matt Wright
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com
The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Door Staff 711002
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Children’s Outing.

This years Children's outing will take place on Saturday 15th August to Skegness. As in previous years, children and grandchildren of members under the age of 14 go free. The price for adults is just £10.00. Tickets are on sale from Paddy Mullally from July 3rd at the following times.
Friday’s from 7.30pm. – 9.00pm.
Saturday’s from 7.30pm. – 9.00pm.
Sunday’s from 11.30am. – 1.00pm. & 7.30pm. – 9.00pm.

What A Lot We’ve Got!

We are currently living in an unprecedented nightmare.

The bankers who hold the wealth of the world in their hands have proved themselves to be totally unworthy of the trust placed in them; with a few exceptions. The politicians say they must be paid magnificent sums beyond most of our wildest dreams or we will lose them. Surely the correct answer is they should be kicked into touch as soon as honest and competent replacements can be found. Indeed it could not be much worse if this were to happen before the replacements were found.

Many of the politicians who are in charge of the banking system and are making a good fistful of denying us all of a decent social life by taxing our clubs out of existence and bowing to the political power of the supermarkets and small clique super lobbyists to decimate us, are themselves exposed as totally unaffected by all the damage they cause through their corrupt expense claims. Even when exposed, many will stay on until the next election to claim the benefits of a full term of service that we believe are not inconsiderable.

In spite of all of the above, Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club continues to provide more than a full programme for the benefit of all its members. We have many games open to all as seen in other parts of this newsletter. There is cribbage, poker, pool, skittles, snooker, football, air-gun bowls & darts where we take part in leagues and knock out competitions; some at national level. Most lunchtime’s you can find a nap school in the bar. Every weekend we have live entertainment on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Every Friday and Sunday we have bingo and Wednesdays is our B H quiz night. We are Cask Marque accredited and this means our cask beers are independently checked. They have never been found wanting.

We have not even started on the special events throughout the year for our children, our pensioners and life members.
Despite the huge costs of providing all of the above facilities free of charge, the price of drinks at the bar was actually reduced at the end of last year to support our members who are being hit by the credit squeeze.
What do we ask of our members for all of this?
The answer is nothing but loyalty to the club to which you belong. Variety is the spice of life and visiting other clubs is the stuff of our organisation, but it would not be unfair to seek members to use their own club as their home from home.
If you are one of our members who prefer other places to socialise, don’t forget as a part owner of this club you have a vested interest in its success. If there is something you are not happy with in your club then let the Committee know directly or through the Secretary.
Likewise if there is something you would like to see introduced at any time of any day we are open just let us know.

The Committee wants to provide what the members want. It’s as simple as that. However, they cannot all be mind readers. They do want to hear from you.
Success needs two things. Good management and loyal members. Either one without the other simply does not work.
It is true when we look at what goes on in this club that we can say, “What a lot we’ve got!” Every one of our readers and all our other members are needed to help preserve that.

Thank You,

Newsletter Archives.

Our newsletter started in November 2001, some of the earlier ones could have been printed on one sheet of paper, your editor has been gathering all the past editions together and they will be published on our web site soon.

One subject that keeps raising its ugly head over the years is the bad language of some of our members. We have received several letters of complaint and despite warnings and notices throughout the club some members just can’t get the message.
As some of you may know, last month we had to suspend a member for swearing. Please make sure you are not next.
You might not think that swearing and rowdy behaviour affects anyone but yourselves, but you are wrong. Can you remember when some of you were children and your parents took you on our children’s outing to Skegness? In the old days we used to fill seven coach loads. This year there will only be three. This used to be a family club, now because of the language parents are not bringing their children in as often. At one time our club used to be busy every night of the week, now the intimidating behaviour of the few are driving others away.

Local Children In Need.

Our children in need fund is into four figures and we are looking at ways to improve the lives of local children. Do you know a child in the local area whose life could be improved by a donation from our fund?
As the title says, this fund is for local children who have a genuine need, not to provide luxuries.
Please apply in writing to the committee if you know of any child that we can help. And remember Donations are always welcome.

Mini Bus Hire.

Our Return Tariff's Are.

Airports: Luton £125, Birmingham £155, East Midlands £160,
Heathrow £205, Stanstead £210. Gatwick £265.
Docks: Dover for £310 or Southampton for £265
Resorts: Skegness £220, Great Yarmouth £285 or Blackpool £455.
Race Tracks: Peterborough £135, Ascot or Newbury £305.
London Night Out; £190

The bus holds 16 but we advise you leave room for the luggage.
Want to hire the mini bus to go somewhere not mentioned above?
Ask Barry for a quote. 01604 719800.

Room Hire.

Bookings for the concert room for 2009 are nearly full, but we still have a few dates available.
Birthday, Wedding, Engagement or Anniversary coming up? Get in now to avoid disappointment. (Please note we do not accept bookings for eighteenth birthdays).
At only £150, we offer our members one of the lowest, (if not the lowest) room hire in Northampton.
For Sunday Christenings, The Concert Room is available at £60. And the Lounge at £45,
The Concert Room, Lounge & Smaller rooms are available mid-week for all sorts of events and meetings. If you know of a group that is looking for a new venue, we have rooms available.
Remember we can do your catering. Phone Sarah on 715514 to discus your requirements.


We have recently had the carpet in the main bar dry-cleaned at a cost of £725. But already there are trampled-in sweets on it. Parents teach their children not to eat sweets that have been dropped on the floor, in some cases this means that sweets are left on the floor leading to them being trampled in.

If you spill a drink on your table, please do not use a beer mat to wipe it onto the floor. If you table is dirty, wet or has rubbish on it please inform a member of staff and it will be cleaned.

Cask Marque.

During a surprise visit from Cask Marque our beers were found to be almost perfect.

The only point that was dropped was because one of our beers was half a degree too warm. Michael has addressed the problem and all should now be perfect.

Oxford Haemophilia Society.

I would like to thank all the members who supported my tombola to raise funds for the Oxford Haemophilia Society on Saturday 20th June.

I would also like to thank the Committee for allowing this again.

Weather permitting I hope to run another towards the end of July.

We raised £65.00 on the day.

Once again, thanks to all

Judi Slasberg (S68)

Coast-to-Coast Charity Walk 2009.Rebecca Doy our Stewards Sister and occasional barmaid is going to walk the 192 miles between St Bees & Robin Hood’s Bay to raise money for the Great Ormond Street Hospital. Most people do the walk in about 13 or 14 days. The committee wish her well in her quest.You can do your bit by offering to sponsor her.For more information speak to the Steward.

The Headlands
Take away

Welcome to the Headlands Tandoori Take Away your Local Exotic Indian Cuisine
Free Delivery within Northampton (Minimum order £10.00)
Delivery time 45 minutes to 1 hour
223 Birchfield Road East, Northampton. NN3 2BZ
Open 6 days a week (Including bank holidays)
Monday to Saturday 5.00pm-11.00pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays 5.00pm-11.00pm
01604 713033 or 01604 714676
10% Discount for members of KINGSLEY PARK WMC
On presentation of membership cards.

Armed Forces Day.

On Thursday we had our Armed Forces and Veterans Day. Those who were early enough started the day with one of Sarah’s magnificent all bay breakfasts or bangers & Mash.

The Amy with her “In The Mood” Show entertained us and we all had a good time.

Pictured bellow is Amy and some of the members and guests that attended.

Games News.

Our Men’s Skittles Team finished runners-up in the Northampton Town League Knockout .
The Northampton Air-Gun Clubs Handicap Knockout was won by Kingsley Parks R Shears with M Bodsworth also of Kingsley Park the runner-up.

Games Diary.

Thursday 2nd PoolLadies Darts St Georges Con Club awayFosters 4-A-SideNWMC Spencer A away
Monday 6th Ladies Skittles A Team Cogenhoe homeB Team British Rail away
Tuesday 7th PokerAbington Park Bowls BBOB
Wednesday 8th Abington Park Bowls Inter League
Thursday 9th PoolLadies Darts CogenhoeFosters St Crispins awayNWMC British Rail home
Friday 10th Abington Park Bowls Royal Mail
Monday 13th Ladies Skittles A Team Devonshire awayB Team Bye
Tuesday 14th PokerAbington Park Bowls Casuals
Thursday 16th PoolLadies Darts Singles KnockoutFosters Horseshoe homeNWMC Singles at KP
Friday 17th Abington Park Bowls Kingsthorpe Methodist
Tuesday 21st PokerAbington Park Bowls Enterprise
Thursday 23rd PoolLadies Darts Doubles KnockoutFosters 4-A-Side FinalNWMC Free Week
Tuesday 28th PokerAbington Park Bowls Park BC
Thursday 30th PoolLadies Darts Free WeekFosters Loco A awayNWMC Free Week

July Entertainment.

Wednesday 1st BH Quiz Night
Friday 3rd KrysBingo 60’s
Saturday 4th Restless Dog Blues, Soft Rock
Sunday 5th Tacky TigerzBingo
Wednesday 8th BH Quiz Night
Friday 10th RendevouzBingo 60’s to 80’s
Saturday 11th Physical Comedy Group
Sunday 12th David Duffy BandBingo Irish
Wednesday 15th BH Quiz Night
Friday 17th TBABingo
Saturday 18th Playground 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 19th The ShabangBingo Duo
Wednesday 22nd BH Quiz Night
Friday 24th The 2 TonesBingo Madness Tribute
Saturday 25th Vagabond Kings 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 26th Just UsBingo 70’s to 80’s
Wednesday 29th BH Quiz Night
Friday 31st The Melody BeatsBingo Group
Saturday 1st Aug Born Again Beatles Beatles Tribute

There is no Saturday Bingo in July.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Whats on this week.

Monday 22nd Ladies Skittles A Team Foundry A home
B Team St Crispins away

Tuesday 23rd Poker

Wednesday 24th BH Quiz Night
Abington Park Bowls Monks Park Strollers

Thursday 25th Afternoon entertainment for armed forces day 2.00-4.30
with "in the mood"
Ladies Darts Fosters Artizan A home
NWMC Cogenhoe home
Pool Rileys C home

Friday 26th Expressive Harmony

Saturday 27th Disco Royale (group)

Sunday 28th Just Push Play

Sunday, 14 June 2009

What's On This Week

Monday 15th Ladies Skittles A TeamWhitworth Rd away
B Team Monks Park B home

Tuesday 16th Poker

Wednesday 17th BH Quiz Night
Air-Gun Clubs Handicap Knockout

Thursday 18th Pool Wootton away
Ladies Darts A TeamWhitworth Rd away
B Team Monks Park B home

Friday 19th Abington Park Bowls Aurora
Tom Healy Show Band

Saturday 20th Abington Park Bowls Crocket Cup
Rude Boys

Sunday 21st Dessert Divas

Sunday, 7 June 2009

What's On This Week.

Monday 8th Abington Park Bowls Parklands
Ladies Skittles A Team Queens Park home
B Team Obelisk away

Tuesday 9th Poker

Wednesday 10th Afternoon Bingo
Abington Park Bowls Inter League
BH Quiz Night
Air-Gun Clubs Handicap Knockout

Thursday 11th Pool Bye
Ladies Darts Fosters Loco B home
NWMC Spencer B home

Friday 12th Abington Park Bowls Park BC
Paul Neon & The Saints

Saturday 13th Broken Toys

Sunday 14th Total Belief

Monday, 1 June 2009

June Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter June 2009.

Editor Matt Wright
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com
The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Door Staff 711002
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Wednesday Afternoon Bingo.

Following suggestions from members it has been decided that on Wednesdays from June 3rd we will have a bingo session.
The sessions will run between 2.30 and 4.00.
Tea, coffee, hot snacks and freshly filled rolls will be available.
This is an extra service to our members, please spread the word and give it your support.

Welfare Payout.

The June 2009 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during June, commencing on Sunday 7th June 2009.

The next Welfare Payments will be made in September 2009.


Members are reminded that if you want to smoke, you should do
it in the garden. You can gain access through the double doors
at the rear of the main bar. (Children are only allowed in the garden if accompanied by an adult.)

Smoking is not allowed on the ramp to the front door or the forecourt. Members have been complaining that smokers have sometimes blocked the ramp.

Veterans & Armed Forces Day.

In honour of our armed forces we are having an afternoon of entertainment on Thursday June 25th.
From 11.00 to 2.00 for £3, you can purchase one of Sarah’s excellent set breakfasts. The entertainment with ‘In The Mood’ starts at 1.30 and finishes at 4.30.

Charity donations.

We have donated £50 to the British Legion to help send veterans to the D-Day memorial service in France and £50 to the Headlands Scouts. The GMB has given us £25 to add to our charity fund.
Lady member Imogene Pinckard is doing a sponsored walk in aid of Cynthia Spencer. The club have started her off with £25. If you see her around the club why not give her your support.

Helicopter Flight for Two.

The club have received two tickets for a helicopter flight at this year’s Hollowell Steam & Heavy Horse Show. We have decided to raffle them off with proceeds going to the WNAA.
Tickets will be on sale from Sunday June 7th until the draw on Sunday 28th at 1.30pm. See Brian Dolby for tickets.

The Headlands
Take away

Welcome to the Headlands Tandoori Take Away your Local Exotic Indian Cuisine
Free Delivery within Northampton (Minimum order £10.00)
Delivery time 45 minutes to 1 hour
223 Birchfield Road East, Northampton. NN3 2BZ
Open 6 days a week (Including bank holidays)
Monday to Saturday 5.00pm-11.00pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays 5.00pm-11.00pm
01604 713033 or 01604 714676
10% Discount for members of KINGSLEY PARK WMC
On presentation of membership cards.

Children’s Outing.

This years Children's outing will take place on Saturday 15th August to Skegness. As in previous years, children and grandchildren of members under the age of 14 go free. The price for adults is just £10.00. Tickets will be available from early June at the following times.
Fridays 7-30pm - 9-00pm
Saturdays 7-30pm - 9-00pm
Sundays 11-30am - 1-00pm
Details will be displayed on the club notice board.

Rule Reminder.

Every male member of this club can sign in two male visitors as
guests. The guests may bring their partners and children under 18
with them. This right does not extend to members under suspension or
ex members or persons whose nomination for memberships have been
Under our by law, no guests may be signed in more than six times in a
year and the Committee has a right to deny any guest entry.
Members must accompany their guests during their stay in the club.
Guests are not allowed to buy intoxicating liquor directly or
The member, who signs a guest in, is totally responsible for all acts
of his guest whilst on the premises. Any act committed by a guest
shall be deemed to have been committed by the member who introduced
the guest.
The present reasoning behind the rule about guests buying drink is
bound in the law. Every drink purchased by a person who is not a
member or associate is subject to Corporation Tax, and if the club
has to start paying that, the inevitable consequence is that all
prices would have to increase.
The reasoning behind the disciplinary matter is to ensure people do
not sign others in just to gain entry for them. It is a pretty safe
bet that genuine guests will behave with respect to those who brought
them in. Our club enjoys many privileges under the law because it is
a private members club.

Games Diary.

Redtooth Poker.
Congratulations to Ryan Peacock, Lawrence Collins and Lee Winters Jnr for qualifying for the regional final.
Air Gun.
Kingsley Park WMC has won the Northampton and District Air-Gun Summer League.

Monday 1st Ladies Skittles A Team King William awayB Team Shoemakers home
Tuesday 2nd Poker
Wednesday 3rd Air-Gun Clubs Handicap KO
Thursday 4th Ladies DartsPool Fosters 3-A-SideNWMC Free WeekRileys B away
Friday 5th Abington Park Bowls Enterprise
Monday 8th Abington Park BowlsLadies Skittles ParklandsA Team Queens Park homeB Team Obelisk away
Tuesday 9th Poker
Wednesday 10th Abington Park BowlsAir-Gun Inter LeagueClubs Handicap KO
Thursday 11th Ladies DartsPool Fosters Loco B homeNWMC Spencer B homeBye
Friday 12th Abington Park Bowls Park BC
Monday 15th Ladies Skittles A Team Whitworth Rd awayB Team Monks Park B home
Tuesday 16th Poker
Wednesday 17th Air-Gun Clubs Handicap KO
Thursday 18th Ladies DartsPool Fosters St Georges Con awayNWMC Queens Park awayWootton away
Friday 19th Abington Park Bowls Aurora
Saturday 20th Abington Park Bowls Crocket Cup
Monday 22nd Ladies Skittles A Team Foundry A homeB Team St Crispins away
Tuesday 23rd Poker
Wednesday 24th Abington Park Bowls Monks Park Strollers
Thursday 25th Ladies DartsPool Fosters Artizan A homeNWMC Cogenhoe homeRileys C home
Monday 29th Ladies Skittles A Team County Tav awayB Team Headlands home
Teusday 30th Abington Park Bowls Park Avenue

June Entertainment.

Wednesday 3rd Afternoon BingoEvening BH Quiz Night
Friday 5th Mystic CrewBingo Reggae Band
Saturday 6th Roseville RockersBingo Rock n Roll Band
Sunday 7th 2 InsaneBingo Boy/Girl Duo
Wednesday 10th Afternoon BingoEvening BH Quiz Night
Friday 12th Paul Neon & The SaintsBingo 50s – 60s Group
Saturday 13th Broken Toys Chart Gover Group
Sunday 14th Total BeliefBingo Boy/Girl Duo
Wednesday 17th Afternoon BingoEvening BH Quiz Night
Friday 19th Tom Healy Show BandBingo Irish/Country Band
Saturday 20th Rude BoysBingo 50s – Modern Group
Sunday 21st Dessert DivasBingo 90s - Modern
Wednesday 24th Afternoon BingoEvening BH Quiz Night
Friday 26th Expressive HarmonyBingo Boy/Girl Duo
Saturday 27th Disco Royale Disco Band
Sunday 28th Just Push PlayBingo 80s - Modern