Friday, 27 July 2012
August Newsletter
Members Children.
In the last few weeks we have had to stop children running around the bar and climbing on and jumping off the stage. This is dangerous and if any of the children doing this are injured then club is liable. We don’t expect you to tie them to their seats but children running in between the tables playing tag or hide n seek causing members drinks to be spilled is unacceptable.
Unlike some clubs that do not allow children in after a certain time we only ask parents that bring their children to the club to please just keep an eye on them, keep them under control and please do not let them run about.
Club Accounts To 30th June 2012.
It has been some time since your Executive Committee has been able to present accounts that seem to indicate we at Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club are bucking the trend and joining a minority of clubs that are showing improvements in their financial situation.
There are several factors contributing to this improvement listed in no order of importance.
Thanks to the Working Men’s Club and Institute Union Ltd of which we are members, there is a change in the tax regime on our fruit machines. It has generated £11,500 extra income for the club whilst offering greater choices and prizes for our members' enjoyment.
Then, your Committee through its strong emphasis on restricting costs has reduced overheads for the six months by 5%, from £210K to £200K.
The strong influence on members to come to the club because of the very real influence of our Steward Keith Pollitt and his team that has shown a huge improvement in the consistency and quality of our ales cannot be overstated. For the first six months compared to last year, our bar takings have increased for the first time in a long time.
The final acknowledgement must go to the many members who remain loyal to this, their club. Without you there would be no club.
Having said all of this, a very serious note of caution must be added. It is appreciated that work and cash are short for many of us. It is more important than ever that our members remain loyal. Whatever it takes for you to want to come in more often, please use the suggestion box in the main bar or speak to any of the officers or committee members. Every suggestion will be seriously considered.
Club Cards.
Members are reminded that club cards should be carried at all times. Bar staff have been told not to serve anyone that they do not know to be a member unless that person can prove that they are a member.
Only members and associate members can be served at the bar. If you sign in a guest you are responsible for that guest and guests cannot purchase drinks from the bar.
Games News.
Congratulations to Kath Maclean for winning the Northampton Working Men’s Club League ladies darts singles
Bank Holiday Monday 27th August
Doors open at 11am.Join us for a big breakfast from noon until 2pmEntertainment 1-4pm.
Hello and welcome to "Them 2 ladZ" the Skegness based duo. Unlike most duos, "Them 2 ladZ" use the latest custom made backing tracks, accompanied with either electric lead, or bass guitar. Great harmonies and backing vocals makes a fantastic sound better. A varied range of music, from 60s to present, with lots to sing a long to, makes a great day out a certainty, with more than a few laughs from the pair of jokers.
August Entertainment.
Wednesday 1st Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 3rd Ben Murphy Male Vocalist
Saturday 4th Adrenalin Top Local Band
Sunday 5th Ska-Waddy Ska.Reggae.Glam.
Friday 10th Leonie Voss Girl Vocalist
Saturday 11th Kustom Kings Rock n Roll
Sunday 12th PG Chips Great Duo
Friday 17th Eddie Brown Male Vocalist
Saturday 18th The Damones Top Local Band
Sunday 19th Luke Gessner Male Vocalist
Friday 24h Clair Daniels Girl Vocalist
Saturday 25th Krys 60’s Covers
Sunday 26th Steven Hayles Elwood V Robbie
Monday 27th 1-4pm Them 2 Ladz Comedy Duo
Friday 31st Rough Dimonds Top Local Band
Bingo every Friday, Sunday and Monday 27th.
BH Quiz night every Wednesday.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
July Entertainment.
Sunday 1st
Terry Jay 50’ 60’s Covers
Wednesday 4th
Bluegrass Jam Session Male Vocalist
Friday 6th
Paul James Male Vocalist
Saturday 7th
Red Thunder Rock n Roll
Sunday 8th
Paul Richie Male Vocalist
Friday 13th
Ultimatum Duo
Saturday 14th Unity Reggae Band Reggae Music
Sunday 15th Steve Perry
Male Vocalist
Friday 20th Myke B
Male Vocalist
Saturday 21st Tom Healy Band
Irish Show Band
Sunday 22nd Johnny Red
Rock n Roll
Friday 27th A D
Male Vocalist
Saturday 28th The Mantas
60’s to Modern Band
Sunday 29th Secret Party
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
The Annual General Meeting of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club will be held in the concert room on Sunday March 4th 2012 at 11.15 a.m.
Notice of Election 2012.
Voting for the Secretary, Vice-President and six members of the committee will take place on.
Friday 9th March 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 10th March 11.30am to 1.30pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 18th 11.30am to 1.30pm.
The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 4th March,
Vice-President; Richard Shanahan.
Committee; Pete Kirby.
Martin Moss.
Paddy Mullally.
All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Any member who wishes to be nominated must have been a financial member for at least six months prior to nominations closing and must be proposed and seconded by two financial members.
Nominations close 24 hours after the Annual General Meeting.
Those nominated should supply to Secretary a photograph of themselves for display in the voting area so voters can see for whom they are voting.
Once a nomination has been entered on the nomination sheet, it must not be deleted other by the General Secretary upon the personal instruction from the nominee.
All posts are open to both male and female members.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.
Annual General Meeting.
Sunday 4th March,
1. Minute of remembrance
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Auditors report and statement of accounts.
4. Election of Auditors
5. Appointment of ballot box attendant and three scrutineers.
6. Any notice of motion.
Any notice of motion must be presented in writing to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting.
By Order of E.C.
Welfare Payment.The March 2012 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during March, commencing on Sunday 6th March 2012.
For club members of KPWMC who do not currently qualify for Welfare Fund payouts the annual fee shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who are qualified members of the Welfare Fund and in receipt of quarterly payments will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.
John Carnegie-Brown (Welfare Secretary)
A St Patrick’s Dance.
Tickets are available for this event on Saturday 17th March 2012.
With music by Gerald and Eileen Duffy.
and a dance display of Irish Dancing.
Tickets are only £5.00 each. From Committee or from behind bar.
Members, Associates and bona fide guests only.
Donna Dee Morgan Memorial Fundraiser.
Club President Bob Horner, Kev Fardon, Du'Reece & Elaine Morgan,
Jason Lillis and Shona Maclean.
Well done to all that took part in raising £2.350
It is with deep regret we announce the death of John O'Brien. He was affectionately known as Big John in the club. A member since 1968 he has been loyal to this club in all those years. John served a good stint on the Committee when his presence was always felt, He was honest and forthright and never suffered fools gladly. This put together with a heart of gold and total commitment made him a club member to be proud of. When his health permitted he would often be in the club playing nap many lunchtimes right up to the end. He would be the first to admit he was by no means perfect but his legacy will be that of a huge character who was a through and through Kingsley Park person. (It would have been nice to be able to say "man")
Our sympathies go to his family.
March Entertainment.
Friday 2nd Secret Party Duo
Saturday 3rd Happy Accident Group
Sunday 4th Michael Knight Male Vocal
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass jam Session
Friday 9th Stephen Casari Male Vocal
Saturday 10th Kustom Kings Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 11th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Friday 16th Carl Stevens Male Vocal
Saturday 17th Sonny & the Honneydippers Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 18th Walk Right Back Duo
Friday 23rd Jenna Girl Vocal
Saturday 24th The 2 Tones Ska Band
Sunday 25th Nataya Girl Vocal
Friday 30th Nelson Male Vocal
Saturday 31st Mustang Blue Group
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.
BH Quiz Night
Notice of Election 2012.
Voting for the Secretary, Vice-President and six members of the committee will take place on.
Friday 9th March 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 10th March 11.30am to 1.30pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 18th 11.30am to 1.30pm.
The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 4th March,
Vice-President; Richard Shanahan.
Committee; Pete Kirby.
Martin Moss.
Paddy Mullally.
All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Any member who wishes to be nominated must have been a financial member for at least six months prior to nominations closing and must be proposed and seconded by two financial members.
Nominations close 24 hours after the Annual General Meeting.
Those nominated should supply to Secretary a photograph of themselves for display in the voting area so voters can see for whom they are voting.
Once a nomination has been entered on the nomination sheet, it must not be deleted other by the General Secretary upon the personal instruction from the nominee.
All posts are open to both male and female members.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.
Annual General Meeting.
Sunday 4th March,
1. Minute of remembrance
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Auditors report and statement of accounts.
4. Election of Auditors
5. Appointment of ballot box attendant and three scrutineers.
6. Any notice of motion.
Any notice of motion must be presented in writing to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting.
By Order of E.C.
Welfare Payment.The March 2012 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during March, commencing on Sunday 6th March 2012.
For club members of KPWMC who do not currently qualify for Welfare Fund payouts the annual fee shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who are qualified members of the Welfare Fund and in receipt of quarterly payments will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.
John Carnegie-Brown (Welfare Secretary)
A St Patrick’s Dance.
Tickets are available for this event on Saturday 17th March 2012.
With music by Gerald and Eileen Duffy.
and a dance display of Irish Dancing.
Tickets are only £5.00 each. From Committee or from behind bar.
Members, Associates and bona fide guests only.
Donna Dee Morgan Memorial Fundraiser.
Club President Bob Horner, Kev Fardon, Du'Reece & Elaine Morgan,
Jason Lillis and Shona Maclean.
Well done to all that took part in raising £2.350
It is with deep regret we announce the death of John O'Brien. He was affectionately known as Big John in the club. A member since 1968 he has been loyal to this club in all those years. John served a good stint on the Committee when his presence was always felt, He was honest and forthright and never suffered fools gladly. This put together with a heart of gold and total commitment made him a club member to be proud of. When his health permitted he would often be in the club playing nap many lunchtimes right up to the end. He would be the first to admit he was by no means perfect but his legacy will be that of a huge character who was a through and through Kingsley Park person. (It would have been nice to be able to say "man")
Our sympathies go to his family.
March Entertainment.
Friday 2nd Secret Party Duo
Saturday 3rd Happy Accident Group
Sunday 4th Michael Knight Male Vocal
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass jam Session
Friday 9th Stephen Casari Male Vocal
Saturday 10th Kustom Kings Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 11th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Friday 16th Carl Stevens Male Vocal
Saturday 17th Sonny & the Honneydippers Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 18th Walk Right Back Duo
Friday 23rd Jenna Girl Vocal
Saturday 24th The 2 Tones Ska Band
Sunday 25th Nataya Girl Vocal
Friday 30th Nelson Male Vocal
Saturday 31st Mustang Blue Group
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.
BH Quiz Night
Friday, 6 January 2012
Newsletter January 2012.
Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter January 2012.
Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog
Facebook Kingsley Park Wmc
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Bar 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary
Happy New Year.
The committee and bar staff would like to wish all our members, associates, friends old and new a happy and prosperous New Year.
Subscriptions 2012
Membership subscriptions for 2012 have been affected by the increase cost of the pass card that was voted in at the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men's Club & Institute Union in Blackpool on 9th April.
The motion to put the Pass Card up to £3.50 including VAT from £2.55 plus VAT was passed by the two-thirds majority required. With the different VAT treatment this is an increase to the CIU of only 36 pence.
The subscription for all members for 2012 will therefore be £8.50 per member, be they male, female or over 65. Life members will only have to pay £3.50 for their pass card.
Subscriptions shall be taken in January as follows:
Sundays 8th 15th 22nd 29th from 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 9th 16th 23rd 30th from 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 10th 17th 24th 31st from 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 11th 18th 25th from 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 14th 21st 28th from 12.00 to 13.30
Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.
Sundays 5th 12th 19th 26th from 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 6th 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.
You may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or fellow member may pay on your behalf. They just need to bring your red or white membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope. If you are having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions
10% discount at County Florist.Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs. Special Offer For Members.The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering.
Obituaries.Alan Chandler. Our condolences to his wife Rene, his children Mark, Darren, Caroline and his other family and friends.
Harold March. Our thoughts are with his children Marian, Clifford, Alan and other family and friends. Harold was once a well known Pianist and Organist in Northampton’s Working Men’s Clubs.
Sheila Rankin. Our sympathy to her daughters Sharon and Jean & other family and friends.
Donna Dee Morgan.
Memorial Fundraiser.
Saturday 21st January
At Kingsley Park WMC
The Tornadoes
DJ & Compere
Bob Nixon
Raffle of donated prizes.
All donations welcome.
In aid of
Du'reece Morgan.
Adults Only.
Limited amount of tickets £5:00.
On sale now
Snooker Cues.
There area lot of snooker cues belonging to members past and present in the snooker room that have not been used in years. Following repairs to the wall we no longer have the racks on which to store them. If they are yours or you know to whom they belong to, please arrange to have them moved. Any cues left over after one month will be sold off for charity
January Games.
Thursday 5th Ladies Darts Fosters League The Rover awayNWNC League Free Week
Friday 6th Men’s Skittles St James away
Monday 9th Ladies Skittles A Team v B Team
Tuesday 10th 25’sSnooker The Crispin awayA Team Barratts Stones A homeB Team Barratts Bears awayC Team Earls Barton home
Thursday 12th Ladies Darts Fosters League Loco Club homeNWNC League Spencer B home
Friday 13th Men’s Skittles Northampton A away
Monday 16th Ladies Skittles A Team Foundry B homeB Team Bat & Wickets away
Tuesday 17th 25’sSnooker Bat & Wickets homeA Team Barratts Jolly Potters homeB Team Ashby Barratts awayC Team Barratts all Blacks home
Thursday 19th Ladies Darts Fosters League 4-A-SideNWNC League Cogenhoe home
Friday 20th Men’s Skittles Pairs
Tuesday 24th 25’s Snooker Swan & Helmet awayA Team, Team ChampionshipB Team Far Cotton A homeC Team, Team Championship
Thursday 26th Ladies Darts Fosters League Artizan awayNWNC League Bitish Ral B away
Friday 27th Men’s Skittles Queens Park away
Tuesday 31st 25’s Snooker Kingsthorpe SC homeA Team Barratts Legends homeB Team Barratts Stones B awayC Team Queens Park B home
January Entertainment.
Sunday 1st Neil Guitar Vocalist
Friday 6th Just Jake Vocalist
Saturday 7th Uncle Tom Cobley Hollies Tribute
Sunday 8th Christal Duo
Friday 13th Paula Swann Vocalist
Saturday 14th Threepenny Bit Group
Sunday 15th Amy C Vocalist
Friday 20th Attitude Duo
Saturday 21st Midsensation Group
Sunday 22nd Billy De Laine Vocalist
Friday 27th Vinny Christian Vocalist
Saturday 28th Phyzical Group
Sunday 29th Kim Robinson Vocalist
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.
BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.
Newsletter January 2012.
Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog
Facebook Kingsley Park Wmc
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Bar 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary
Happy New Year.
The committee and bar staff would like to wish all our members, associates, friends old and new a happy and prosperous New Year.
Subscriptions 2012
Membership subscriptions for 2012 have been affected by the increase cost of the pass card that was voted in at the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men's Club & Institute Union in Blackpool on 9th April.
The motion to put the Pass Card up to £3.50 including VAT from £2.55 plus VAT was passed by the two-thirds majority required. With the different VAT treatment this is an increase to the CIU of only 36 pence.
The subscription for all members for 2012 will therefore be £8.50 per member, be they male, female or over 65. Life members will only have to pay £3.50 for their pass card.
Subscriptions shall be taken in January as follows:
Sundays 8th 15th 22nd 29th from 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 9th 16th 23rd 30th from 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 10th 17th 24th 31st from 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 11th 18th 25th from 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 14th 21st 28th from 12.00 to 13.30
Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.
Sundays 5th 12th 19th 26th from 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 6th 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.
You may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or fellow member may pay on your behalf. They just need to bring your red or white membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope. If you are having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions
10% discount at County Florist.Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs. Special Offer For Members.The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering.
Obituaries.Alan Chandler. Our condolences to his wife Rene, his children Mark, Darren, Caroline and his other family and friends.
Harold March. Our thoughts are with his children Marian, Clifford, Alan and other family and friends. Harold was once a well known Pianist and Organist in Northampton’s Working Men’s Clubs.
Sheila Rankin. Our sympathy to her daughters Sharon and Jean & other family and friends.
Donna Dee Morgan.
Memorial Fundraiser.
Saturday 21st January
At Kingsley Park WMC
The Tornadoes
DJ & Compere
Bob Nixon
Raffle of donated prizes.
All donations welcome.
In aid of
Du'reece Morgan.
Adults Only.
Limited amount of tickets £5:00.
On sale now
Snooker Cues.
There area lot of snooker cues belonging to members past and present in the snooker room that have not been used in years. Following repairs to the wall we no longer have the racks on which to store them. If they are yours or you know to whom they belong to, please arrange to have them moved. Any cues left over after one month will be sold off for charity
January Games.
Thursday 5th Ladies Darts Fosters League The Rover awayNWNC League Free Week
Friday 6th Men’s Skittles St James away
Monday 9th Ladies Skittles A Team v B Team
Tuesday 10th 25’sSnooker The Crispin awayA Team Barratts Stones A homeB Team Barratts Bears awayC Team Earls Barton home
Thursday 12th Ladies Darts Fosters League Loco Club homeNWNC League Spencer B home
Friday 13th Men’s Skittles Northampton A away
Monday 16th Ladies Skittles A Team Foundry B homeB Team Bat & Wickets away
Tuesday 17th 25’sSnooker Bat & Wickets homeA Team Barratts Jolly Potters homeB Team Ashby Barratts awayC Team Barratts all Blacks home
Thursday 19th Ladies Darts Fosters League 4-A-SideNWNC League Cogenhoe home
Friday 20th Men’s Skittles Pairs
Tuesday 24th 25’s Snooker Swan & Helmet awayA Team, Team ChampionshipB Team Far Cotton A homeC Team, Team Championship
Thursday 26th Ladies Darts Fosters League Artizan awayNWNC League Bitish Ral B away
Friday 27th Men’s Skittles Queens Park away
Tuesday 31st 25’s Snooker Kingsthorpe SC homeA Team Barratts Legends homeB Team Barratts Stones B awayC Team Queens Park B home
January Entertainment.
Sunday 1st Neil Guitar Vocalist
Friday 6th Just Jake Vocalist
Saturday 7th Uncle Tom Cobley Hollies Tribute
Sunday 8th Christal Duo
Friday 13th Paula Swann Vocalist
Saturday 14th Threepenny Bit Group
Sunday 15th Amy C Vocalist
Friday 20th Attitude Duo
Saturday 21st Midsensation Group
Sunday 22nd Billy De Laine Vocalist
Friday 27th Vinny Christian Vocalist
Saturday 28th Phyzical Group
Sunday 29th Kim Robinson Vocalist
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.
BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.
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