Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Annual General Meeting of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club will be held in the concert room on Sunday March 4th 2012 at 11.15 a.m.

Notice of Election 2012.
Voting for the Secretary, Vice-President and six members of the committee will take place on.

Friday 9th March 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 10th March 11.30am to 1.30pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 18th 11.30am to 1.30pm.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 4th March,

Vice-President; Richard Shanahan.

Committee; Pete Kirby.
Martin Moss.
Paddy Mullally.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.

Any member who wishes to be nominated must have been a financial member for at least six months prior to nominations closing and must be proposed and seconded by two financial members.

Nominations close 24 hours after the Annual General Meeting.

Those nominated should supply to Secretary a photograph of themselves for display in the voting area so voters can see for whom they are voting.

Once a nomination has been entered on the nomination sheet, it must not be deleted other by the General Secretary upon the personal instruction from the nominee.

All posts are open to both male and female members.

It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

Annual General Meeting.
Sunday 4th March,

1. Minute of remembrance
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Auditors report and statement of accounts.
4. Election of Auditors
5. Appointment of ballot box attendant and three scrutineers.
6. Any notice of motion.

Any notice of motion must be presented in writing to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting.

By Order of E.C.

Welfare Payment.
The March 2012 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during March, commencing on Sunday 6th March 2012.

For club members of KPWMC who do not currently qualify for Welfare Fund payouts the annual fee shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who are qualified members of the Welfare Fund and in receipt of quarterly payments will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.
John Carnegie-Brown (Welfare Secretary)

A St Patrick’s Dance.
Tickets are available for this event on Saturday 17th March 2012.
With music by Gerald and Eileen Duffy.
and a dance display of Irish Dancing.
Tickets are only £5.00 each. From Committee or from behind bar.
Members, Associates and bona fide guests only.

Donna Dee Morgan Memorial Fundraiser.

Club President Bob Horner, Kev Fardon, Du'Reece & Elaine Morgan,
Jason Lillis and Shona Maclean.
Well done to all that took part in raising £2.350

It is with deep regret we announce the death of John O'Brien. He was affectionately known as Big John in the club. A member since 1968 he has been loyal to this club in all those years. John served a good stint on the Committee when his presence was always felt, He was honest and forthright and never suffered fools gladly. This put together with a heart of gold and total commitment made him a club member to be proud of. When his health permitted he would often be in the club playing nap many lunchtimes right up to the end. He would be the first to admit he was by no means perfect but his legacy will be that of a huge character who was a through and through Kingsley Park person. (It would have been nice to be able to say "man")
Our sympathies go to his family.

March Entertainment.
Friday 2nd Secret Party Duo
Saturday 3rd Happy Accident Group
Sunday 4th Michael Knight Male Vocal
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass jam Session
Friday 9th Stephen Casari Male Vocal
Saturday 10th Kustom Kings Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 11th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Friday 16th Carl Stevens Male Vocal
Saturday 17th Sonny & the Honneydippers Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 18th Walk Right Back Duo
Friday 23rd Jenna Girl Vocal
Saturday 24th The 2 Tones Ska Band
Sunday 25th Nataya Girl Vocal
Friday 30th Nelson Male Vocal
Saturday 31st Mustang Blue Group

Bingo every Friday and Sunday.

BH Quiz Night