Saturday, 28 February 2009

March Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter March 2009.

Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Door Staff 711002
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary

50 Year Member.

Congratulations to Roger Swallow for achieving 50 years of membership.

Card Check.

Unannounced card checks will take place in March. Members are reminded that club cards should be carried at all times.

Committee Elections.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 1st March.

President; Graham Burgess.

Treasurer; Dave Birch.

Committee; Geoff Bassett, Stu Bee, John Canham,
John Carnegie-Brown and Matt Wright.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Any male member with at least six months membership is eligible for
election if nominated and seconded by two male members with at least
six month's membership.

The nomination sheet was posted in the main bar on 15th February
and will remain in place until noon 2nd March.
Those nominated should, supply a photograph to the Secretary, so
voters can see for whom they are voting.

Voting will be on.
Friday 6th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 7th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 8th 11.30am to 1.30pm.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

Welfare News.

The March 2009 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00pm and 9.00pm and Sundays between 11.00am and 1.00pm during March, commencing on Sunday 8th March 2009.

For existing members of the KPWMC Welfare Fund subscriptions shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who currently do not pay an annual subscription will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.


It is with deep regret that we announce the death of our great friend Derek Fielding.

Derek joined the Club on 18th October 1964. He served 9 years on the Committee, part of which time he served as Vice President. Derek did not suffer fools gladly and if he had anything to say it was said to your face and always with good intention; never malice. It was certainly a sad day for the Committee when he left, but a good day for our games section as he became games secretary for four years after leaving the committee.
Even when he finished with formal positions in the club, Derek together with his wife Cath were tied to us with a bond that would see them in the club most days except when their wonderful cruises took them away. The stories Derek regailed us with brought those trips alive.

Derek's illness was cruel and painful, but that did not take away his sense of humour. All appointments with nurses or doctors or anyone else had to be before noon. He may have told them different, but the reason was he insisted on being in the club around noon for a drink and a game of nap with his friends.
Derek was in the club for a drink with Cath the day before he passed away.

Everyone who had the privilege of knowing him will sorely miss him. His bravery in his last months was an inspiration that put so many things in perspective.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to his wife Cath in her loss.

We are also sad to hear of the death of Jewel Cruse. Jewel enjoyed her bowls and was well known around the WMC circuit, she would often accompany her late husband John who was President of the Northampton Branch and on the Committee of the South East Midlands Executive.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to her family and friends.

Our condolences and sympathy also go to the family and friends of Sailesh Vadher.

Looking for inspiration for that gift with a difference?
Look no further help is at hand
Never know what to buy for that someone special, why not buy a gift that will make a difference? It couldn't be easier.
You buy a gift for your friend/family. The gift makes your friend smile and patients will benefit at our hospice.
200 lottery Club

I wish to give The Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice 200 club membership as a gift to the person shown below: (the recipient must be 16 or over)
Name (please use BLOCK LETTERING):

(Gift membership will start from the month you choose and will end in December each calendar year at a cost of£1 per month. Thereafter, the recipient will be placed on our 200-lottery club mailing list.)
SEND TO: Mrs S Bownass
Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice Manfield Health Campus
Kettering Road
Cheques should be made payable to 'Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice'
The recipient of your gift will be sent their own lottery number along with details of your gift to them.
Thank you for your continued support
Price Increase.

It is that time of year again. The Brewers and suppliers of soft drinks have all put their prices up, and we have no option but to pass these increases on. The prices will go up on Monday 2nd March.

Draught beer will be going up 10 pence a pint and other drinks normally 5 pence but occasionally 10 pence for the larger alcoholic beverages.
The good news is that the price of a pint will generally not be more than it was before the prices were decreased in October last year.

This means there will have been no real increase in draught beers since February 2008
We continue to fight hard for every penny and must thank Carlsberg for their support in these most difficult times.

Jive Lessons.

Our Jive classes has got off to an excellent start with over 30 people turning up in the first few weeks, Rockabilly Chick Clair and Rockin Kat
are teaching us lots of new moves. If you enjoy jiving why not come along and show us what you can do? Dancing is an excellent way to keep fit and shed a few pounds.
Come along Thursdays between 7pm-9pm and join in the fun.

Charity News.

In this hard time it is good to know that our members are still digging deep when it comes to charity.
In the last few weeks we have had letters of thanks from.

The Northampton Association for the Blind for the £600 donation.
From NAASH (homeless shelter) for the £100 donation.
From Friends of Cynthia Spencer for the £81-76 bar box donations.
From One Step at a Time who raised £550 at their fund raising event in the Concert Room.
We received a pair of hospitality tickets to see the Saints from Diageo, which we auctioned for £80 this and £10 donated by The Northampton Specimen Group has been added to our Charity Fund.

The Headlands
Take away

Welcome to the Headlands Tandoori Take Away your Local Exotic Indian Cuisine
Free Delivery within Northampton (Minimum order £10.00)
Delivery time 45 minutes to 1 hour
223 Birchfield Road East, Northampton. NN3 2BZ
Open 6 days a week (Including bank holidays)
Monday to Saturday 5.00pm-11.00pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays 5.00pm-11.00pm
01604 713033 or 01604 714676
10% Discount for members of KINGSLEY PARK WMC
On presentation of membership cards.

St Patrick’s Dance and Fund Raiser.

Northampton Irish Support Group works to help local Irish people and those of Irish descent in a wide variety of ways.
They particularly focus on their elders providing drop-in meetings, activities, and courses, and have recently set up a luncheon club.
Their committee is looking at ways to raise funds to support the group to enable them to reach a larger number of their older community.

On Saturday March 21st they are holding a dance and raffle at Kingsley Park WMC. 8pm to Midnight. Starring the Tom Healy Show Band.

Tickets: £5-00 each are available from Paddy Mullally and from behind the bar or by calling Hazel or Liz on 01604 629502. All proceeds go to NISG.

Games Diary.

Redtooth Poker. Good luck in the area final on March 8th To Laurence Collins, Phil Knight and Steve Marson.

Sunday 1st Football TBA
Monday 2nd Crib TBA
Tuesday 3rd Poker
A Team Queen’s Park away
B Team Barratts Bears home
Thursday 5th Ladies Darts N.W.M.C.League Queen’s Park home
Fosters League Artizan away
Friday 6th Men’s Skittles Bye
Sunday 8th Football TBA
Monday 9th Crib TBA
Tuesday 10th Poker
A Team Derngate Z home
B Team Far Cotton D away
Thursday 12th Ladies Darts N.W.M.C.League Charity Pairs
Fosters League St Crispins home
Friday 13th Men’s Skittles 3-A-Side Round Two
Sunday 15th Football TBA
Monday 16th Crib TBA
Tuesday 17th Poker
A Team Far Cotton B home
Thursday 19th Ladies Darts N.W.M.C.League Finnish Pairs
Fosters League Pairs Preliminary
Friday 20th Men’s Skittles Northampton A home
Sunday 22nd Football TBA
Monday 23rd Crib TBA
Tuesday 24th Poker
A Team Far Cotton A away
B Team Far Cotton C home
Thursday 26th Ladies Darts N.W.M.C.League Spencer A home
Fosters League Horseshoe away
Friday 27th Men’s Skittles 4-A-Side Final at Brafield
Sunday 29th Football TBA
Monday 30th Crib TBA
Tuesday 31st Poker
A Team Earls Barton away
B Team Barratts B home

March Entertainment.

Sunday 1st The Strollers Rock n Roll (Group)
Wednesday 4th BH Quiz Night
Thursday 5th Jive Lessons
Friday6th Equinox (Duo)
Saturday 7th Paul Neon and the Saints (Group)
Sunday 8th Dauble Take (Duo)
Wednesday 11th BH Quiz Night
Thursday 12th Jive Lessons
Friday 13th Kickstart (Group)
Saturday 14th Mustart (Group)
Sunday 15th Logic Irish (Duo)
Wednesday 18th BH Quiz Nights
Thursday 19th Jive Lessons
Friday 20th Mike Nelson (Guitar Vocalist)
Saturday 21st (Bar) Mustang Blue (Group)

(Concert Room) St Patrick’s dance.
Tickets £5 See posters for details.

Sunday 22nd Krys (Group)
Wednesday 25th BH Quiz Night
Thursday 26th Jive Lessons
Friday 27th Blisamie (Duo)
Saturday 28th Threepenny Bit
Sunday 29th Vinny Christian (John Lennon Tribute)

NOTE; There is no Saturday Bingo in March.