Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter April 2009.
Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Door Staff 711002
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary
Annual General Meeting.
This year’s AGM attracted 43 members 17 of which were committee. The motion to reduce the number of years for which members qualified for life membership from 30 years to 25 years was passed. This change will take effect from January 2010.
Questions were asked and suggestions were made. The steps that are being taken to reduce our overheads were outlined to the members.
If you have any suggestions on how we can reduce cost even further, please let us know, preferably in writing.
Committee Election.
This year we saw a 50% increase in the number of voters. Graham Burgess was re-elected as President, Dave Birch was unopposed as Treasurer. All the committee that stood for re-election was returned along with Dave Yates.
Thanks go to those who stood but couldn't quite muster the votes required.
Your Committee Are:
President; Graham Burgess, Vice-President; Richard Shanahan, Treasurer; Dave Birch, Trustees;, Ramesh Chudasama & Brian Dollby TBA (see below). Finance; Stu Bee, Pete Kirby and John Collins.
Welfare; John Carnegie-Brown and Dave Yates. Entertainment; Paddy Mullally, Geof Bassett, Bob Horner and Martin Moss.
Newsletter, Raffle’s & Publicity; Matt Wright.
Special Meeting .
A special meeting will be held on Sunday April 19that 11.15am.
Agenda (a) Rule Change. Rule 21.(3) To insert Saturday 11.30 to 13.30.
(b) Election of Trustee. No other business than that named in the notice shall be brought before a special meeting.
Several members have approached the committee about not being able to vote on the committee elections on Saturday lunchtime. It is hoped that with the rule change many more members will find the time to vote.
Following a resignation we now need a new Trustee.
Liability of Trustees.
Rule 13. All the property of the club shall be vested in the trustees representing and acting for the whole of the members of the club. No personal liability shall attach to any trustee, except to the extent of such funds of the club as may be actually received by him.
Northampton Irish Support Group.
The charity dance held in support of NISG was a huge success. Although all the figures are not in yet it is estimated that they managed to raise £970. They wish to thank all the members and staff, that attended and/or bought raffle tickets. The winning raffle numbers are on the notice board.
For those who did not hear Barry’s interview on BBC Radio Northampton.
We are all going through this credit crunch, everyone is suffering, and nobody is escaping. We don’t expect our clubs to be exempt from that suffering. But when Government, both local Government and National government impose rules that damage us, When breweries put price increases on that our members can’t afford, it takes away the ability of people to have a social life outside the home. And if people are losing their jobs, losing their income because of short time and everything else like this. I personably think that it is very important that there should be somewhere outside the home where people can escape from, a home from home where they can enjoy themselves without a lot of spending money, take their families and relax. The working men’s club I believe is one of the last bastions where this can happen.
There is the licensing act 2003, major act that came in affecting all licenced premises, anywhere that sold alcohol. The purpose of the act was to discourage crime and disorder, to avoid nuisance, to promote public safety and to protect our children from harm. Something we as a movement have been doing that since 1862. To come into line with the 2003 act we had to spend two and a half thousand just to get registered. And also on top of that we have to pay £300 a year registration. Where- as before the act came in line we were paying about £2 a year. This is money coming out of the member’s pockets to the government to make us do something that we have been doing for almost one and a half centuries. That is our policy and we police it. If people get drunk for instance, badly drunk, badly misbehaved, we have a disciplinary policy and they can be expelled from membership.
Binge drinking, a major problem of course is fuelled by the supermarkets and deregulated off-licences. That can be taken advantage of very easily. I believe very sincerely a lot of the binge drink problem comes from people buying their cheap drink from the supermarkets, going home, getting fairly well oiled and coming out for the last pint. Who gets the blame for what the supermarkets provide for people to go and get bladdered on and then just one pint trips them over when they get in here, the well-regulated clubs!
The other thing that is hitting us at the moment is the breweries and suppliers putting their prices up. They are putting the prices up between 3 and 7%, which could mean a 20p a pint increase. We have got to look at the whole industry, quite honestly in the current climate with people losing work and not having enough income to spend.
As far as the breweries are concerned, their costs are going up even though we are talking about lower inflation and even deflation. Wages are going up, the minimum wage increases every year and a lot of people are on the minimum wage. So you can’t deny they have a valid argument for an increase. What I would beg of them is to realise that their customers who are the Working Men’s Clubs in this case are selling to people that can not afford to pay more for their drinks. The majority of WMC’s do not have the reserves now because these other things that we have been going through that have eaten away at the reserves over the years. They cannot take on board these increases and absorb them.
Barry then gave the reporter a tour of the club while he told her how we started 120 years ago in a couple of terraced houses in Moore Street and then moved to where we are now and how over the last 100 years we have grown.
As he showed her our smoking area, he told her that when the smoking ban came in it had cost us £7,500 so that people could have a smoke in comfort and that we had lost a lot of trade because of the ban. We do feel sorry for the people, especially in this winter weather when they have to come out of a nice warm inside to have a smoke, then had to go back inside to get warm again.
We don’t think anyone argues against the ban nowadays but a proper regulated room for smokers, where non-smoking bar staff would not have to work, would (a) Be beneficial to the smokers and to the club and (b) smokers would not be treated like 2nd class citizens like they are now.
The reporter then interviewed a couple of our members. Firstly a lady member who told her that the club had been an absolute haven to her, when asked why? She told her about when her husband was in a near-by nursing home this was somewhere she could come with her book, have a drink, where she was comfortable and nobody gave her any hassle.
Then a male member told the reporter how he first joined in 1976 and how he had been a member of WMC’s for 33 years. He told that he seen many changes in what we could do or not do etc. He tells us that he finds that in the club everybody helps and supports everybody and that when things go wrong or we hear about a loss etc we are there to support each other. He tells us he suffers from epilepsy and he has had bad seizures here and people straight away made arrangements to get him to the hospital, and how when he was able to come in again how the members had asked how he was. If it wasn't for that fact I probably would not have the courage to come out and enjoy myself, I come out knowing that there is always someone available to take me home/ or to hospital, it is like a family something that you don’t get in a pub. Clubs are great!
Derek Fielding.
I would like to thank all of Derek's and my friends who came and supported me in our farewell to Derek.
The lunchtime nap schools were always a great release for Derek and me when we could just get away from it all and enjoy ourselves.
I want to especially thank Kev Fardon who has always been the best friend we could ever have had. He has been a rock.
Also I would like to thank Barry Slasberg for his eulogy. I think he caught Derek just right.
And finally, thank you to the staff at the club for the lovely buffet that helped make Derek's day one to be remembered with fondness.
Kingsley will always be my second home knowing all Derek's friends are mine also. I look forward to the banter for many years to come.
Thank you.
Charity Race Night.
A race night is being held in the concert room on the 2nd of May to raise funds for WNAA. (See Posters for Details) please come along and support this event,
The Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance (WNAA) was established in October 2003 to provide an emergency medical service for the heart of England including Warwickshire, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes. Prior to this, the region had relied on older, slower aircraft with limited space for onboard patient treatment. The new service shifted the emphasis from transporting casualties to hospital, to recognising the need to get senior Doctors and Consultants to the scene of incidents as quickly as possible, providing lifesaving treatment and medication at the scene and en-route to hospital.
Cash Back.
It has come to our attention that some members have been wasting valuable drinking time by walking up to the bank to get cash.
Although we cannot accept cheques in payment of accounts, we can
accept payment by debit or credit cards and also offer cash back on
debit cards only. Each time these services are used they do add cost
to the club, so all we ask is that they are used for meaningful
Also we offer a phone top up service. The club does get a commission
for each top up that is used to set against the cost of the debit or
credit card transactions. This is a standard commission given by the
mobile companies to all providers and does not affect what you get.
That means for every pound you pay you get a full pound credit. Here
is another way you can put money into the club without paying a penny.
The Headlands
Take away
Welcome to the Headlands Tandoori Take Away your Local Exotic Indian Cuisine
Free Delivery within Northampton (Minimum order £10.00)
Delivery time 45 minutes to 1 hour
223 Birchfield Road East, Northampton. NN3 2BZ
Open 6 days a week (Including bank holidays)
Monday to Saturday 5.00pm-11.00pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays 5.00pm-11.00pm
01604 713033 or 01604 714676
10% Discount for members of KINGSLEY PARK WMC
On presentation of membership cards.
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club Life Members and Pensioners’ Annual Day Out
The above outing will take place on Saturday 27th June 2009.
As in the last few years, members who qualify to go on this trip will need to acquire 5 tokens before they may collect their ticket. As last year, a £5.00 deposit will be required which will be refundable on the day. The tokens may be obtained from John Carnegie-Brown or Dave Yates at the following times with effect from Sunday 5th April 2009.
Sunday 11.00am – 1.00pm or 7.00pm -9.00pm
Monday 12.00 noon -3.00pm
Friday 11.00am – 3 00pm or 7.00pm -9.00pm
Saturday 11.00am - 3.00pm
or from behind the Bar at other times. Once you have the 5 tokens you may only obtain your ticket from JCB or Dave who will need to see your club membership card and who will issue your ticket.
We will be calling at Coventry Transport Museum for a couple of hours. If you want to have a walk round Coventry or have a beer in a local hostelry this is down to you.
Please note that the coach leaves Hen Lane Social Club at 7.15 pm.
The itinerary of the day will look something very similar to this:
9.00am Depart Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club, 120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
10.30am Arrive at Embassy Social Club, Stratford on Avon
1.00 pm Depart Embassy Social Club, Stratford on Avon
1.45pm Arrive Coventry Transport Museum
3.45pm Leave Coventry Transport Museum
4.00pm Arrive Hen Lane Social Club, Coventry
5.30pm Dinner served
7.15pm Depart Hen Lane Social Club, Coventry
8.30pm Arrive at KPWMC approx
If you have any queries please have a word with John or Dave
The new Treasure Chest.
A new treasure chest is now under way.
The purpose of the new treasure chest is to raise money to help pay for the club’s entertainment and senior citizens and life members functions.
Each new jackpot will start at £100.00.
Tickets will be sold for £1.00 per strip of five.
Half of the money from ticket sales will go into the treasure chest fund to be paid out if the treasure chest is opened. If the box is not opened £25.00 will be paid out from ticket sales and half of the remaining money will go to the prize fund and half to club funds to be used for the purposes of the treasure chest as stated above.
The draw will be made every Sunday at about 21.15. The winning ticket must be presented by 23.00 on the same day.
The number of keys will start at 21 and will reduce by one on a weekly basis until only 3 keys are left. They will remain at this number until the treasure chest is opened.
Committee members will not hold tickets for people who are not in the club when the draw is made.
Tickets are available from the Welfare Table (John & Dave) on Friday evenings and Sunday lunchtime and evenings.
Veterans Day 2009
Veterans Day has a new name from this year. It will now be known as Armed Forces Day, From this year on, Armed Forces Day will be held annually on 27th June. As in the past few years we will be honouring our armed forces with a day of entertainment on the 25th.
New Flooring In the Bar Area.
Most of you have noticed the new floor covering in the main bar. Now that we don’t have a carpet it makes you realise how much drink is being spilled. Several people have been coming up with their ideas of what has happened to the footrest. It was sold as scrap and £30 has been added to club funds.
Games News.
This year’s Abington Park Bowling League runs from Tuesday 5th May until mid August. This year we have at least 25 games (more if we advance in the cup). The games start at 7pm at the beginning of the season and at 6.30pm at the end of the season as the light gets shorter. We have 10 Tuesday, 9 Friday, 2 Wednesday 1 Monday and 1 Thursday games. We need more players as we have so many games. If you are a bowls player and would like to represent our club please get in touch with Roy Hillary.
Congratulations to the Air-Gun team for winning the 5-A-Side competition
Wed 1st Air-Gun 30 and Under KO
Thu 2nd Ladies Darts Fosters League
NWMC League Loco A home
5-A-Side at Kingsley
Fri 3rd Men’s Skittles Spencer A away
Mon 6th Ladies Skittles A Team County Tavern home
B Team Headlands away
Tue 7th Poker
A Team Kingsthrope home
B Team Derngate away
Wed 8th Air-Gun 30 and Under KO
Thu 9th Ladies Darts Fosters League Pairs Final
Fri 10th Men’s Skittles 3-A-Side Final
Tue 14th Poker
A Team Barretts Shoes home
B Team Earls Barton away
Wed 15th Air-Gun A Monks Park home
B Team Vocal away
Thu 16th Ladies Darts Fosters League Pioneer away
Fri 17th Men’s Skittles Pairs Final
Mon 20th Ladies Skittles A Team Cogenhoe away
B Team Brittish Rail home
Tue 21st Poker
A Team Far Cotton away
B Team Ashby Barretts home
Wed 22nd Air-Gun A Team Bye
B Team Vocal away
Thu 23rd Ladies Darts Fosters League Free Week
Fri 24th Men’s Skittles Garner Shield 1st Round
Mon 27th Ladies Skittles A Team Devonshire home
B Team Bye
Tue 28th Poker
A Team Barretts Shoes away
B Team Brafield home
Wed 29th Air-Gun A Team v B Team
Thu 30th Ladies Darts Fosters League Artizan B home
April Entertainment.
Wed 1st BH Quiz Night From 8.30
Fri 3rd Risky Business
Sat 4th Cassiday Band Group
Sun 5th Taylored Country
Bingo Group
Wed 8th BH Quiz Night From 8.30
Fri 10th Red Thunder
Sat 11th 4 A Reason Group
Sun 12th Total Eclipse
Bingo Duo
Mon 11th Bank Holiday Bingo
Wed 15th BH Quiz Night From 8.30
Thu 16th Jive Lessons 7-9pm
Fri 17th Elvis, Billy & Shaky
Bingo Male Vocalists
Sat 18th Heaven Knows Group
Sun 19th Almaz
Wed 22nd BH Quiz Night From 8.30
Thu 23rd St Georges Day. See poster for details
Jive Lessons Afternoon
Fri 24th Open Road
Bingo Duo
Sat 25th Acsia Group
Sun 26th Crazy Dimond
Bingo Duo
Wed 29th BH Quiz Night From 8.30
Thu 30th Jive Lessons 7-9pm
Have we any Talent?
The C.I.U. are holding a Talent Contest, and we are looking for people from this club to represent the Northampton Division. There is no age limit, so it can be from Emily dancing through to Alf on his harmonica. Lots of you think you are comedians and/or love to sing. So why not give it a go. No Bands/Groups or Karaokes allowed. Ask Paddy for details.