Friday, 27 November 2009

December Newsletter.

Subscriptions 2010.

Subs for 2010 are payable from January 3rd to January 31st. At the end of this period any member who has not paid their subs become members in arrears and may not use the facilities of the club until they pay them.

After the 28th February those who have not paid lose their membership.
Please note that even if you joined the club at the end of 2009subs are payable in full for 2010.

The rates of subscription for 2010 are as follows: -

Men £7.00
Men Life Member £3.00
Men Pensioners £6.50
Women £3.00
The sessions for payment are as follows: -

Sundays January 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays January 4th 11th 18th 25th 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays January 5th 12th 19th 26th 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays January 6th 13th 20th 27th 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays January 8th 15th 22nd 29th 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays January 9th 16th 23rd 30th 11.00 to 13.00
Sundays February 7th 14th 21st 28th 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays February 1st 8th 15th 22nd 19.30 to 20.30
If you are unable to attend at these times, a friend may pay for you or you can send your membership card in the post with a cheque made out to "Kingsley Park Working Men Club" and a return paid self addressed envelope. If none of these work for you please telephone the Secretary 01604 719800 who will do his best to accommodate you at a mutually convenient time.
Following the rule change at the last AGM male members now qualify for life membership after 25 years. This means if you have had continuous membership since 1985 or before you are entitled to life membership. We also reward members on reaching 50, 60 and 70 years. All these awards are considered on receipt of application from members.
For life membership please deposit your membership and associate cards with the secretary and collect your life membership card and tie the following week.

Free Wi-Fi.

As a free service to our members and guests we invite you to make use of our wireless Internet connection.

Government puts the boot in - again!

Earlier this year the Government reduced VAT to 15% to soften the blow of the recession. True to form however, at the same time they increased the duty on alcohol so that the VAT saving was cancelled out.

From 1st January next year the VAT rate is to be increased to 17.5%, but the duty increase is not going to be reversed. This means an extra 5 pence of every pint sold goes to the Government from 1st January.

You will understand from our previous disclosures about our financial position that the club cannot absorb this cost.

It is with great regret that the price of all draught beers will increase by 5 pence per pint and all bottled alcoholic drinks and other alcoholic measures will also increase by 5 pence from 1st January 2010.

The Government, at its most cynical, has decreed that the VAT rate shall not go up until 06.00 on 1st January so that the first drink to see in the New Year will be at 15%.

With a General Election looming, it may be the time now for us as individual members to start lobbying our prospective Members of Parliament.

If you want to help make a difference, come and have a chat with the General Secretary Monday 7th December at 2000 in the Ken Taylor Lounge. The easiest thing in the world is to say, "What difference can one person make?" The only way to get change is by the joint action of a lot of one persons together. We just may be able to work something out that is worth doing!
Light at the end of the tunnel.

You may recall that we issued a special newsletter in August informing you of our results to the end of June. For the first six months we made a loss of £34K. For the next three months to 30th September we made a loss of £5k. By any standards this is a remarkable turn around for the quietest three months of the year. The tariff is at a level that can sustain our overheads if we can keep a lid on them.
A continuing improvement in the quality of our service and presentation of our beers is a high priority.
This recovery is in its infancy and is very fragile because the effect of the credit crunch is still being felt and will continue to be felt for some time to come.

If, we could just rid ourselves of the petty vandalism that blights our club; mainly in the toilets.

If, the small minority could refrain from grinding chewing gum, crisps and sweets into the carpets.

If, the small minority could kerb their foul language, even when football is showing.

Then, our club would be more welcoming and the members, associates and guests we have lost through being fed up with the vandalism or are intimidated by the bad language just might come back.

More than ever we need the loyalty of our members to sustain our recovery and ensure the light at the end of the tunnel is sunlight and not a train coming straight at us.

Help for Heroes.

Thank you to all that took part. We managed to raise £350 for the cause.
We are pleased to announce that this will be an annual event on the Friday nearest the 11th November.

Welfare Payout.

The December 2009 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during December, commencing on Sunday 6th December 2009.

The next Welfare Payments will be made in March 2010.

The Treasure Chest.

The purpose of the treasure chest is to raise money to help pay for the club’s entertainment and senior citizens and life members functions.

Each new jackpot will start at £100.00.
Tickets will be sold for £1.00 per strip of five. Half of the money from ticket sales after deducting the consolation prize will be added to the treasure chest fund to be paid out if the treasure chest is opened. £25.00 will be paid out each week as a consolation to the person who wins the key but cannot open the chest.
All remaining monies will be used for the purposes of the treasure chest as stated above. The draw will be made every Sunday at about 21.15pm.
The number of keys will start at 21 and will reduce by one on a weekly basis until only 3 keys are left. They will remain at this number until the treasure chest is opened. Committee members will not hold tickets for people who are not in the club when the draw is made. Tickets are available from the Welfare Table on Friday evenings and Sunday lunchtime and evenings.

Christmas Raffle.

There are still a few tickets available, get yours before December 6th.

Christmas Dinner.

Sunday December 20th is Christmas dinner day at the Kingsley. Why pay silly pub prices when you can have your Christmas meal here?
We can accommodate up to 150 people.
Please phone Sarah on 01604 715514 with your booking. Bookings must be made by December 13th.

Christmas Menu.


Country Vegetable Soup served with a Roll & Butter.
Plum & Brandy Pate
Served on Toast.

Main Courses.

Beef Roast, carved slices of topside beef served with mashed & roast potatoes, vegetables and a Yorkshire pudding.
Roast Turkey, fresh cooked turkey served with mashed & roast potatoes, vegetables and stuffing.
Mushroom & Walnut Hotpot
Served with roast potatoes and vegetables.


Christmas Pudding served with Brandy Custard.

And Finally.

Tea or Coffee with Chocolate Mint Creams.

Adults £14-95 Children £7-95

Pete Joins Committee.

Pete Beaumont has joined the committee as part of the welfare section. We also welcome back Lew Sander who returns following his recent illness. We are now back to full strength for the run up to Christmas.

December Games.

Tuesday 1st 25.sPokerSnooker Bat & Wickets homeTeam Championships
Wednesday 2nd Air-Gun A Team Monks Park awayWanderers Cogenhoe home
Thursday 3rd PoolFosters DartsNWMC Darts Team Knockout FinalPairs FinalsBritish Rail away
Friday 4th Men’s Skittles St James home
Monday 7th Ladies SkittlesCrib A Team County Tavern homeB Team Obelisk awayA Team Moulton homeB Team St James away
Tuesday 8th 25’sPokerSnooker Xmas Knockout at Frog & FiddlerA Team Barratts St Giles awayB Team Barratts Stones home
Wednesday 9th Air-Gun Rearranged Fixtures
Thursday 10th PoolFosters DartsNWMC Darts Singles FinalSt Georges Con Club awaySingles Average at British Rail
Friday 11th Men’s Skittles CIU Singles
Monday 14th Ladies Skittles A Team Sun (Kislingbury) awayB Team Headlands home
Tuesday 15th 25’sPokerSnooker Xmas Knockout at Frog & FiddlerA Team Rileys D homeB Team Far Cotton A away
Thursday 17th PoolFosters DartsNWMC Darts Doubles Knockout FinalFree WeekFree Week
Friday 18th Men’s Skittles CIU Final at Spencer
Tuesday 22nd PokerSnooker Team Championship Fixtures

December Entertainment.

Wednesday 2nd Bluegrass Jam SessionBH Quiz Night
Friday 4th Walk Right Back 50’s & 60’s
Saturday 5th Cassidy Show Band Irish Country
Sunday 6th Wednesday 9th Crazy DiamondBH Quiz Night 60’s to Modern
Friday 11th Robs Video Show Original Videos
Saturday 12th Flash Back to the 80’s 80’s Band
Sunday 13thWednesday 16th Itchy FeetBH Quiz Night 70’s to Modern
Friday 18th Double Take Duo
Saturday 19th Afternoon Pantomime AladdinEvening Frantik 2.00-4.45pmTrio
Sunday 20th New York Minute Modern Duo
Thursday 24th Midsensation (Bar)Masterblaster (Concert Room) GroupDisco
Saturday 26th Afternoon.Evening Paul Neon and the Saints (Bar)Hot Wax (Concert Room)The Inside Job (Bar)Tony Gee (Concert Room) Rock n RollDiscoGroupDisco
Sunday 27th G String
Thursday 31st Hot City Nights (Bar)Disco Dean (Concert Room) Disco
Bingo Fridays 4th 11th 18th & Sundays 6th 13th 20th & 27th