Friday, 29 January 2010

February Newsletter

Have you renewed your membership?

Any member who has not paid their subscription by 31st January has become a member in arrears. This means that they are not allowed into the Club until they pay their subscriptions.
Payments can be made in February on Sundays 7th 14th 21st 28th. 11.30 to 12.30. Or Mondays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. From 19.30 to 20.30
Anyone that has not paid will lose their membership and will not be allowed to reapply until March 2011.

Bar Tariff.

The annual round of price increases is upon us again. Wholesalers and the breweries are all announcing increases that are coming in at staggered times. Regretfully these prices will have to be passed on through bar prices. We will be passing them on as they arise.

We appreciate that there has already been an increase due to the VAT change from 1st January. This is money that has to be paid over to HM Revenue and Customs. It has not gone into the club's coffers.

There will also be an increase when the budget is set. This has already been promised by the Chancellor and will simply reflect money we will be paying over to him yet again.

All we can promise is that increases will be kept as low as possible, but regret that they cannot be avoided.


Book Swap.

We have set up a book swap for our members.You will find it located in the downstairs poolroom on your left as you enter the Club.If you have any books that you have read and are just gathering dust, why not add them to our book collection and swap them for some that are already on the shelves.

Games News.

The semi-final and final of the CIU crib pairs will take place at Wellingbourgh Railway Club late February or early March, members are invited to go along and give their support to Alan Coles and Ramesh Chudasama. Watch notice board for details.

Charity Fund Raising Night.

Last year a grand charity event supporting the "Natalie Hill Hope For Life Fund” raised a magnificent £800+ in support of a local child. This year Natalie's mum, Vanessa hopes to top £1000. The Natalie Hill Hope For Life Fund is a registered charity managed by Vanessa Hill who many of you may remember used to work behind the bar at the club.
This year Vanessa has had the fantastic good fortune to enlist the support of one of our favourite groups of all time,” Accrington Stanley" a Beatles tribute group and also hopes to have a top rate support act. The event takes place on Saturday 5th June 2010
Tickets for the event will be on sale behind the bar from the end of February costing £5.00. There will also be a raffle and any donations or support would be appreciated. This is definitely a date to book for a good night out and an excellent cause.
Vanessa started this charity when her daughter Natalie aged 7, sadly passed away in 1993 having suffered from Neuroblastoma (cancer of the nervous system). The aim of the charity is to support terminally ill children and their families that live in the Northampton area.
Proceeds from this fundraising night will go to support Matt Herbert who suffers from Leukaemia. Matt has been featured in the Chronicle and is also being supported by the Saints. He attends The Northampton School for Boys. Please support this charitable cause.

Charitable Donations.

Bert Young. Our deepest sympathy to his wife Shirley daughters Kim and Sindy, and to his family and friends.
Maurice Pittam. Our condolences go to his wife Val and to his children Marc and Debs and to his family and friends.
Ernie Pass. At 92 ernie was one of our oldest members our thoughts are with son Brian and his other family and friends.

Win a Fish Supper.

To be in with a chance of winning a Fish-Supper for two simply buy a ticket for our Sunday evening raffle, only 50p for ten tickets.

Dates for your diary 2010.

A St Patrick’s Dance.
On Saturday 20th March 2010.With music by Pat Nugent & Mustang. Plus dance display.Tickets £5.00 each. From Paddy Mullally or from behind bar.Late bar until midnight.Members, Associates and bona fide guests only.

St Georges Day April 23rd.
Doors open at 11.00 am. Sarah’s superb all day breakfast will be on sale.
There will be raffles and a collection bucket for donations to Help 4 Heroes.
Entertainment afternoon and evening.

Charity Fund Raising Night.
June 10th To raise money for the Natalie Hill Hope For Life Fund.Starring Accrington Stanley.Plus support act.Tickets £5.00 available from the end of February, behind bar or from Vanessa Hill.

World Cup 2010.
June and July are world cup months.All England matches will be live on the big screen.Weekend entertainment will be delayed until the final whistle.England Kick-off times.June 10th USA 7.30 pmJune 18th Algeria 7.30pmJune 23rd Slovenia 3.00pm

Armed Forces Day June 25th.
Doors open at 11.00 am. Sarah’s superb all day breakfast will be on sale. There will be raffles and a collection bucket for donations to Help 4 Heroes.Entertainment will be provided by Amy C (as last year) – a superb artiste with a repartee of World War II songs.

Help For Heroes Nov 12th
Doors open at 11.00 am. Sarah’s superb all day breakfast will be on sale. There will be raffles and a collection bucket for donations to Help 4 Heroes.Entertainment will be provided by Book Im & Risk It (as last year) For further information, suggestions or comments please speak to John or Pete on the Welfare Table, who would also appreciate any unused and unwanted gifts for us to raffle off.

On Tuesday nights, tables are reserved for league matches for the duration of the match only. At all other times the tables are open to all members associates and bona fide guests.

February Entertainment.

Wednesday 3rd Bluegrass Jam Session BH Quiz Night
Friday 5th Second City
Saturday 6th Vivo
Sunday 7th D S SoulBH
Friday 12th Johnny Red
Saturday 13th No Limit
Sunday 14th Nightshift
Friday 19th A-L-S
Saturday 20th The Classics
Sunday 21st D-V-8
Friday 26th Parker
Saturday 27th Mr President
Sunday 28th Just Push Play

Every Wednesday BH Quiz Night,

Bingo every Friday and Sunday.