Saturday, 27 February 2010

Newsletter March 2010.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter March 2010.
Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog
Facebook Kingsley Park Wmc

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Phone 711002
Bar Manager 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary

Welfare News.

The March 2010 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00pm and 9.00pm and Sundays between 11.00am and 1.00pm during March, commencing on Sunday 7th March 2009.

For existing members of the KPWMC Welfare Fund subscriptions shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who currently do not pay an annual subscription will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.

Committee Elections.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 28th February.
Vice President; Richard Shanahan.
Committee; John Collins, Bob Horner, Pete Kirby,
Paddy Mullally and Lew Sander.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Any male member with at least six months membership is eligible for
election if nominated and seconded by two male members with at least
six month's membership.
The nomination sheet was posted in the main bar on 14th February
and will remain in place until noon 1st March.
Those nominated should supply the Secretary with a photograph, so
voters can see for whom they are voting.
Voting will be on.
Friday 5th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 6th 11.30am to 1.00pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 7th 11.30am to 1.00pm.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

Book Swap.

Our book swap is working well now with many members taking books to read and clearing their shelves at home and bringing them down to the club.We’ve fitted additional shelves to satisfy the demand from our members. You will find it located in the downstairs poolroom on your left as you enter the Club. If you have any books that you have read and are just gathering dust, why not add them to our book collection and swap them for some that are already on the shelves.

Games News.

The date for the CIU crib pairs semi-final and final has now been decided. It will take place at Wellingborourgh Railway Club on Saturday March 6th at 2pm. We ask the members that are going along to support our players, Alan Coles and Ramesh Chudasama to be there early and not to forget to take their club cards with them. We wish Ramesh and Alan good luck and I hope to include a picture of them with the trophy in next month’s newsletter.
Congratulations to Kath Maclean for being part of the winning team in the N.W.M.C. Ladies Darts League Pairs Knockout.

Charity Donation.

We have received a letter from the Cynthia Spencer charity thanking us for the £131-81. For the loose change that you put in their collection box.

Kids Outing.

Regretfully the committee has decided that we are unable to fund the children’s outing this year. For years we have been bearing this loss but due to financial restraints we have decided that it would be unfair to ask our members to continue with the cost.

Games Room Bar.

The bar in the games room has not been used regularly enough. This means we are unable to maintain the high standard of draught beers and lagers that our members deserve. It has been decided that the bar will only open when the games teams have a match on. Further to this the bar will only sell bottled drinks.

Sadly we have to announce the death of Cyril Wade. Ex Royal Marines Cyril 89 was a life member and a great supporter of the club always buying a raffle ticket.
In recent times Cyril would come to the club on his mobility scooter and be wheeled into the club on his wheelchair to enjoy a drink with his friends in the lounge. Cyril’s children, grand children and great grand children use the club most weeks, we offer them our condolences. All his friends and fellow members will sadly miss Cyril.

A St Patrick’s Dance.

There are still some tickets available for this event on Saturday 20th March 2010.With music by Pat Nugent & Mustang. Plus dance display.Tickets are only £5.00 each. From Paddy Mullally or from behind bar. Late bar until midnight.Members, Associates and bona fide guests only.

Wanted, Newsletter Contributions.

I have now been doing your newsletter for two years, during this time the one thing I have most enjoyed doing is bringing you the contributions from our fellow members. Often as I sit at my computer a few days before publication I am at a loss for content. We have the regular entertainment page, games page, front page and maybe a paid advert. Well that’s four easy pages, just another four to fill.
If you have any stories for us, or even an idea for a story or any requests, please let me know.

Room Hire.

As most of you will probably know, our concert room is available for hire for your celebrations. (Excluding 18th birthdays). But did you know that we have several rooms that can be used for smaller meetings. If you are involved with an organisation why don’t you ask us what we can offer you?
The cost of hiring the concert room on a Saturday night is excellent value at only £150 a night (not an hour like some other venues). The cost for an afternoon Christening or children’s birthday party is only £60. Or you could have the Lounge for only £45.
We also offer a various food options (ask Sarah for details) or you can supply your own. Whatever the event that you may be planning, why not ask us first?