Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter July 2010.
Editor Matt Wright
The Kingsley Blog
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Door Staff 711002
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary
Front of House.
The committee would like to welcome Alan Payet to our front of house team. Alan has several years experience and has gained qualifications in the licence trade. We are sure Alan will be a worthy assistant to Sarah and an inspiration to all the staff. He looks forward to the challenges ahead.
I cannot remember a budget in recent times when a chancellor of the exchequer has not targeted Drinking, Smoking and Driving.
Thank goodness the importance of a social existence has been given its rightful priority in this budget. It is true that the increase in VAT will affect all prices, but this does not come into force until 4th January 2011.
There is no increase in duty in this budget and the threat of a huge increase in cider duty has been removed.
There is no doubt that every one of us will be affected in the long term by what is happening in the country at large, but it is pleasing to note that your club is being given a breather for the time being that should enable prices to be stabilised for the rest of the year at least.
Dob Em In!!
If you see or hear people vandalising the club, please inform a committeeman, the steward or assistant steward straight away.
We have had two toilets vandalised in the last week or so with pipes being ripped from the walls.
This mindless action by thugs who seem bereft of brain cells serves no purpose other than to increase the cost of a drink.
These people do not deserve your loyalty. They may not even be members. We can do without them, but we have to catch them first. So, if you catch them please dob 'em in.
Thank you
The Natalie Hill Hope For Life Fund.
Dear Members.
We would like to thank you for your kindness & generosity in supporting our event on Saturday June the 5th. We raised £1305.30. Many thanks to those of you who donated raffle prizes for this event. On Sunday 20th we presented a cheque for £3,000 to Matt Herbert and his family to enable them to take a holiday in the South of France.
We continue to do this good work with your support. Many many thanks.
Yours sincerely.
Vanessa Hill.
Update Your Address.
On several occasions recently the committee has tried to write to members only to have the letter returned and be told that they have not lived here there for years. If you refer to your rulebook you will see that it is part of the rules that you must update your address when you move house.
Notifying Change of Address,
4. The committee shall keep upon the club premises a register of the names and addresses of the members. Every member shall, within 14 days, give notice to the secretary of any change in his address. The names of those who cease to be members shall be removed from the register.
If this applies to you please update your address immediately.
Club By-law.
One of the club by-laws states that no muddy boots or overalls are to be worn in the club. We all know that it is nice to drop into the club on the way home from a hard days work to have a couple of relaxing drinks.
We have nothing against that, but what we do ask you to do on weekdays is to go home by 7.00pm and get changed and not to come to the club in dirty clothes at the weekend.
As some of you may know a group of members known as the nutters have been raising money for a fun day out. They have successfully reached their target and thank all that contributed. They have also donated £100 to Help For Heroes, We hope they have a great day out on October 17th.
Danny Dent. Our condolences go to his sons Danny and Kevin, Their families and his friends.
Mark Harris. Son of Brian and Sally, Brother to Lee and Michelle. Our thoughts are with them and his other family and friends.
Games News.
Congratulations to Phil Knight who finished runner-up in the Redtooth poker regional final. Phil now goes on to the national final.
Ladies Darts.
Kathy Maclean & Katrina Birch have won the N.W.M.C. League pairs competition.
Pool & Table Tennis.
From next season teams from Kingsley Park WMC will be representing us in the Monday night pool league and in the Northampton table tennis league.
Join In Our Blind Tasting.
From Monday 28th June while stocks last we are offering a blind tasting of two vodkas to see if there is a need for change of our house vodka.
If you want to take part simply tell the staff.
You will be given a single Smirnoff for which you will pay and you will be given a single of the new brand free of charge.
Both will be poured out of your sight.
All you have to do is tell the staff which one you prefer and if the majority is big enough for change, the house vodka will be changed. If there is a vote for change, this could result in a small price reduction.
Please note that only one test per person in any one session is permitted.
Happy Tasting!!
We Wish You Well Paddy.
Our Entertainment Secretary Paddy Mullally is presently in Northampton General Hospital where he is in a very poorly condition.
All of us who know Paddy know he is no pushover and he is a great fighter. Both of these qualities he has shown in abundance in his service to the club over many decades, mainly as Entertainment Secretary.
We all wish you a full and quick recovery Paddy and look forward to seeing you back in your rightful place as head of entertainment.
From the many members and the Committee who are all in your debt for brightening our lives at Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
July Entertainment.
Friday 2nd Sarah Quinn
Saturday 3rd De Souza
Sunday 4th Circus
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 9th K T Star
Saturday 10th Raw Deal
Sunday 11th Fu2ion
Friday 16th TBA
Saturday 17th Playground
Sunday 18th Paul Robinson
Friday 23rd Andy Stone
Saturday 24th Sound Advice
Sunday 25th The Rebel
Friday 30th Gabbo
Saturday 31st Bogus Blooze
Every Wednesday, B H Quiz Night.
Bingo Every Friday and Sunday.