Friday, 28 January 2011

February Newsletter.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter February 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514 or 711002
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary

It’s A Boy.

The committee and staff would like to congratulate proud parents Sarah and Ben on the birth of their first child.
Subscription Renewal.

Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.

Sundays 6th 13th 20th 27th From 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 7th 14th 21st 28th From 19.30 to 21.00

Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.

Ladies must attend in person to receive and sign for their Associate cards.

Males may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or a fellow member may pay on their behalf. They just need to bring your red membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope.

If anyone is having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions

If anyone cannot make these times, please contact the Secretary by popping in, telephoning or writing and make alternative arrangements to pay before 28th February.


We have received a letter of thanks from the Blind Association thanking us for the £450 that our members raised through the bottle on the bar.

We have also received thanks From the Poppy Appeal for the £131.84 raised through the sale of poppies.

We have also raised over £1000 for the Macmillan Haematology Suite at Northampton General Hospital. A big thank you to the people that supported us on the night, to all the bingo players that threw their loose change into the buckets after the bingo sessions and everyone that contributed,

What Are the Benefits of CIU Membership?

1. The opportunity for its members to purchase Associate and Pass Cards, in order to be able to visit 2,200 affiliated clubs through Great Britain.
2. A monthly Journal giving news & views on other clubs and articles of club management and legal advice.
3. The opportunity to attend Branch and National Meetings thus meeting fellow club members and exchanging ideas with other club officials.
4. A chance to visit a luxury holiday centre for subsidised breaks by the sea in en-suite accommodation.
5. Regular information from local and national offices helping officials run their clubs efficiently.
6. Participating in local, area and national games, quizzes and all types of sports against fellow clubmen.
7. An Annual Report containing over a hundred pages of useful information.
8. Participation in local and national seminars and lectures concerning all aspects of club administration.
9. Subsidised trips to race meetings.
10. Beneficial arrangements with breweries, banks and other suppliers through deals registered on behalf of clubs.
11. Opportunities to stand for election at local level.
12. Up to date information and advice on matters of law affecting clubs.
13. Better relationships with police, local authorities, government bodies etc.
14. The rules department changes rules free of charge. Solicitors would charge several hundred pounds.
15. Arbitrations are organised by the CIU minimal cost. Outside professional fees would cosy £000’s.

If a club left the Union it would lose all these benefits and would face grave difficulties in its dealings with the Financial Services Authority.

The Annual General Meeting.

At the time of going to press the date of the 2011 Annual General Meeting is yet to be confirmed, but in all likelihood it will take place in the concert room on Sunday 27th February at 11.15 am.
This meeting will be historic in that it will be the first meeting of members that both men and women will be able to attend.
For those attending for the first time, briefly the format of the meeting is to confirm previous meeting minutes, adopt the financial accounts, appoint auditors for the coming year, set up elections for the following week and consider any notices of motion.
The only item needing further explanation is that of notices of motion. These are items put forward to the meeting by either the Committee or individual members concerning the running of the club. If a member wishes to put forward a notice, they must present that motion in writing to the General Secretary signed by themselves and seconded by another member. Both these members should attend the meeting and the proposer must stand up and put the arguments forward for the motion. The seconder may add to the argument or simply state s/he seconds the motion. Others may then contribute to the debate both for and against and
finally the proposer may answer any matters arising from the debate before voting by show of hands takes place.
Notices of motion should ideally start with such words as “I put forward the following notice of motion for consideration and, if thought fit, adoption by the annual general meeting to be held Sunday 27th February 2011”
If passed at the meeting by a simple majority this becomes a recommendation for the Committee to consider and either enact, or decline to enact, if it feels the motion passed is not in the best interests of the club.
Notices of motion cannot involve the changing of rules. There is a different procedure for these.
For consideration at the meeting any notice of motion must be presented to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting so that it can be added to the displayed agenda for members to come prepared.
The Annual General Meeting is the one meeting where members can come and state their views, ask questions on any matter on the agenda criticise praise or thank the Committee on its endeavours over the past year and offer support for the coming year.
It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at the meeting so that your committee will be able to feel there is real support from the membership in guiding the club through the difficult times ahead.

Committee Elections

In early February, a nomination sheet will be posted in the main bar
and will remain in place until noon 28th February inviting nominations for positions on the management committee. Any person standing must have been a full financial member of the club for at least six months and must be proposed and seconded by two full financial members of at least six months standing also.
This means that this upcoming election is the last annual election where only men can be elected.
Although women cannot stand this time they are entitled to vote in the election.
Women may join the committee from 1st July 2011 and will therefore be eligible for co-option from that date should there be any casual vacancy arising.
Anyone interested in helping run the club on behalf of its two thousand members who want to know what is involved should pop in and see the General Secretary or speak to any member of the Committee.
The job is not easy, but as part of a good team it could be both fun and extremely rewarding when your efforts contribute towards filling the club with happy members and associates.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 27th February.

President; Graham Burgess.

Treasurer; Dave Birch.

Committee; Geoff Bassett, Pete Beaumont,
John Carnegie-Brown and Matt Wright.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Those nominated should supply the Secretary with a photograph, so
voters can see for whom they are voting.
Voting will be on.
Friday 5th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 6th 11.30am to 1.00pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 7th 11.30am to 1.00pm.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

St Patrick’s Dance.

Our annual St Patrick’s dance will be held on Saturday 12th March. Music will be by The Cassidy Show Band. There will also be a display of Irish dancing. Tickets for this event are on sale from committee members or from behind the bar. We will be raising funds for local children in need on the night.
Tickets are only £5.00 and the bar will be opened until midnight.

50-Year Member.Congratulations to Rodger Nicoles for his 50-year membership.

February Entertainment.

Wednesday 2nd Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 4th Jessica Vocalist
Saturday 5th After The Break Trio
Sunday 6th Bobby Daniels Vocalist
Friday 11th Tony Beltz Vocalist
Saturday 12th Ego Trio
Sunday 13th Andy Hammersley Vocalist
Friday 18th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Saturday 19th Switch Trio
Sunday 20th Keith Dee Vocalist
Friday 25th Ben Murphy Vocalist
Saturday 26th Open Road Trio
Sunday 27th Nina Vocalist

Bingo every Friday & Sunday.

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.