Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter April 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
The Kingsley Blog
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary
Life Members Outing.
On Saturday 26th June our annual outing will take place. The program this year is;
9.00 depart Kingsley. 10.30 arrive Embassy SC.
17.00 leave Embassy SC. 19.00 arrive Kingsley.
Tickets at £5.00 (refundable on day of trip) will be available from John or Pete or from behind the bar from April 1st.
Annual General Meeting.
The AGM for the club was held in the concert room on Sunday 13th March 2011.
With the advent of the Equality Act our women members have now become full members with equal rights to men. The first task of the chairman, Graham Burgess, was to warmly welcome women members to the meeting for the first time in the club's history.
The meeting was presented with the annual accounts that showed a massive improvement on the last year with the loss reduced from £57,000 to £7,000. The reduction was due mainly to savings, finding extra sources of income and continuing to get increasing support from our main supplier Carlsberg. As promised, price increases at the bar were kept to a minimum and will continue so to be.
It is a shame to note that out of about 2000 members 41 including the Committee bothered to attend. That is just over 2% of the membership.
Children’s Outing.
Last year we could not afford a children's outing and we regret that we are still not in a position to subsidise such an outing this year. However, members approached us last year that said they were willing to pay for their children. We need to gauge if this idea would have any support and ask any family interested to let the Secretary know how many tickets they are prepared to pay for at £12 per seat for every person. Children up to four years old would go free. All adults and other children would be asked to pay the full fare.
Please contact the Secretary by 21st April so that we can make a decision on which you can be informed in the next newsletter.
Thank you.
Elections 2011.
There were only enough nominations this year to fill the vacancies available. They were: - President. Graham Burgess returned unopposed
Treasurer. Dave Birch CMD returned unopposed. Committee. Geoff Bassett, Pete Beaumont, John Carnegie-Brown, Carl White and Matt Wright. There will therefore be no elections this year. There will however be some casual vacancies to be filled by the new committee. Could we then see our first Woman Committee member?
Macmillan Donation.
On Sunday 20th March a cheque for £1100 in memory of John Collins was presented to the Macmillan Cancer Support who with Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust have joined forces to create a state of the art Macmillan Haematology Suite at Northampton General Hospital, providing chemotherapy for people with cancers of the blood such as leukaemia and lymphoma. Graham Burgess presented the cheque to the Macmillan representative. Watched by members of John’s family, also in the picture are main fundraisers Richard Shanahan & Martin Moss and secretary Barry Slasberg.
St Georges Day.
On St Georges Day Saturday April 23rd we will be having a full day of celebrations. Opening at 11.00. From midday until 4 pm you can enjoy a full English breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50. Gammon ham, egg and chips. - £3.00 Faggots, mash, and mushy peas. - £3.50The entertainment will start at 2.00.-4.30 with Walk Right Back. There will be a spirit raffle with profits going to the Help For Heroes fund and in the evening we have a great group The Gents.
Royal Wedding Day.
On Friday April 29th we will once again be open early. On the menu from midday until 4pm will be a breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50 Pie – (chicken and mushroom or minced beef and onion), chips and peas.Scampi, chips and peas. -£3.50 each.The entertainment starts at 2.00 with the popular Mystic Crew, in the evening back in the club by popular demand we will have the fabulous duo Hot Property this is one act you should not miss.
Sadly we have to report the deaths of Mrs Smith, Bob Marriot, John Croft and Alf Munns. Our thoughts are with their families and friends.
Geff Boswell. One of the founder members of the reformed Air-Gun team back in 1972, a long time member and general dogsbody of our outdoor bowls team and a long time member of the indoor bowls league at Kingsley Park will be sadly missed.
Redtooth Poker.
Congradulations to Phil Knight for his preformance in the area finals where he won £500 he now goes on to compete in the National Championships.
Special Offer For Members.
Golden China
Beijing Palace
The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering.
April Entertainment
Friday 1st Carl Merry Top Male Vocalist
Saturday 2nd Got The T Shirt Trio
Sunday 3rd Bonnie Girl Vocalist
Wednesday 6th Bluegrass Jam Session New players welcome
Friday 8th Damion Male Vocalist 50-60’s
Saturday 9th Just Push Play Trio
Sunday 10th Tom Healy Band Irish Country rock n Roll
Friday 15th Louise Clair Girl Vocalist
Saturday 16th Two & A Half Men Trio
Sunday 17th Nina Girl Vocalist
Friday 22nd Cris Igoe Male Vocalist
Saturday 23rd Day. Walk Right Back Duo 50’s – 60’s
Eve. The GentsGroup
Sunday 24th Paul Neon Duo
Monday 25th Scot David Male Vocalist
Friday 29th Day. Mystic Crew
Eve. Hot Property Top Girl Duo
Saturday 30th Jessie Garron Male Vocalist
Sunday 1st Krys Top 60’s Group
Monday 2nd The Many Sides of Gary Rock n Roll
Bingo every Friday, Sunday and Mondays 25th & 2nd.
B H Quiz every Wednesday.