Sunday, 27 November 2011

December Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter December 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley,
NN2 7HJ.
Phone Bar 715514

Secretary 719800
Email Secretary

Festive Opening Hours.

Saturday 24th 11.00 to 23.30 Thursday 29th 11.00 to 23.00
Sunday 25th 11.00 to 15.00 Friday 30th 11.00 to 23.30
Monday 26th 11.00 to 23.00 Saturday 31st 11.00 to 00.30
Tuesday 27th 11.00 to 23.00 Sunday 1st 11.00 to 23.00
Wednesday 28th 11.00 to 23.00 From Monday 2nd Normal Hours

Welcome Keith Pollitt.
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Keith as our Steward. He comes with a great pedigree having recently been awarded the honour of Cellar Manager of the year by CAMRA in Milton Keynes.

It is early days yet but your Committee has every confidence that he will prove an invaluable asset to the club and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association.
We would also like to thank Mark and Nathan who so valiantly held the fort while we were looking for a new steward.

Mini Tote & Treasure Chest.
There will be no Mini Tote or Treasure Chest in the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year. Tickets will be back on sale on Monday 2nd January for the next draw.

Welfare Payout.
The December 2011 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during September, commencing on Sunday 4th December 2011. The next Welfare Payments will be made in March 2012.

Dave Hewit A lunchtime regular who would often join in the card school. Our condolences go to his family and friends.

Tommy Leonard A bingo regular, well known and loved by his Irish friends, condolences to his wife Mary and family.

Alexander (Sandy) Rankin 87. Our thoughts are with his wife Sheila, daughters Sharon and Jean & other family and friends.

Anna Mullally. 1941-2011. A special Lady that will sadly missed by a lot of people. Our condolences to her Husband Paddy, Daughters Catherine & Maria, Son John. Her Grand Children and Great Grandchildren. And to her other family and her many friends.
Subscriptions 2012
Membership subscriptions for 2012 have been affected by the increase cost of the pass card that was voted in at the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men's Club & Institute Union in Blackpool on 9th April.
The motion to put the Pass Card up to £3.50 including VAT from £2.55 plus VAT was passed by the two-thirds majority required. With the different VAT treatment this is an increase to the CIU of only 36 pence.
The subscription for all members for 2012 will therefore be £8.50 per member, be they male, female or over 65. Life members will only have to pay £3.50 for their pass card.

Subscriptions shall be taken in January as follows:

Sundays 8th 15th 22nd 29th from 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 9th 16th 23rd 30th from 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 10th 17th 24th 31st from 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 11th 18th 25th from 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 14th 21st 28th from 12.00 to 13.30

Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.

Sundays 5th 12th 19th 26th from 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 6th 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00

Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.
You may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or fellow member may pay on your behalf. They just need to bring your red or white membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope. If you are having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions

Could we ask members who will become life members in 2012 to claim their life membership this year so we can get cards ready when they come in to pay their subs rather than send them away to come back later.
Grant.We have given Amy Forbes a donation from our Children In Need Fund towards her trip to the USA with the guides. We have received a very nice thank-you card from her that is on the notice board.
Games News.
Dave Brawn presented Jenk Schwartz with the Mark Knight Memorial Trophy watched by runner-up Sean Spence
Also qualifying for the regional finals is Martin Lynch.

Golden China&Beijing PalaceSpecial Offer For Members.The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering. County Florist10% discount at County Florist.Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs.
Games Fixtures.
Thursday 1st Fosters DartsNWMC League Pioneer homeVocal home
Friday 2nd Men’s Skittles Queens Park home
Monday 5th Ladies Skittles A Team Semilong A awayB Team Foundry B home
Tuesday 6th Snooker25’s A Team Barratts St Giles homeB Team Barratts Stones awayC Team Barratts Hot Shots homeBye
Wednesday 7th Air-Gun A Team Monks Park awayWanderers Vocal home
Thursday 8th Fosters DartsNWMC League St Crispin awayQueens Park away
Friday 9th Men’s Skittles Northampton B away
Monday 12th Ladies Skittles A Team St Georges homeB Team Romany away
Tuesday 13th Snooker A Team Queens Park A awayB Team Far Cotton C homeC Team Far Cotton B away
Thursday 15th Fosters DartsNWMC League 3-A-SideSingles
Friday 16th Men’s Skittles Singles
Tuesday 20th Snooker Team Knockout
Friday 23rd Men’s Skittles Singles
Friday 30th Men’s Skittles Semilong home

December Entertainment.

Friday 2nd Nina Vocalist
Saturday 3rd Sonny & The Honneydippers 50/60 Rock n Roll
Sunday 4th Keith Tallis Vocalist
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 9th Kelly Louise Vocalist
Saturday 10th Cassidy Band Irish 50/60’s
Sunday 11th Brian T Williams Vocalist
Friday 16th Alan Newton Vocalist
Saturday 17th Midnight Hour 60/70/80’s
Sunday 18th Terry Graig Vocalist
Friday 23rd Charlie Waterford Vocalist
Saturday 24th (Bar) Krys(Back Room) Memories Top 60’s BandDisco
Boxing Day (Bar) Paul Neon & the Saints Rock n Roll
Boxing Day (Back Room) Hot Wax Disco
Boxing Night Many Sides of Gary 50/60 Rock n Roll
Boxing Night (Back Room) Tony Gee Disco
Friday 30th Laizon 50/60’s – Modern
New Years Eve (Bar) Mystic Crew Reggae
New Years Eve (Back Room) Masterblaster Disco

Bingo Every Friday and Sundays 4th, 11th & 18th.
BH Quiz Nights Wednesdays 7th, 14th & 21st.

Season’s greetings to all our members and friends.