Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Christmas Draw 2011

6 Port 1216
31 £10 Vouchers 1455
43 Port 1477
28 Chocolate Biscuits 1705
20 £10 Vouchers 1764
44 Bacardi 1986
19 Box of Chocolates 2243
36 £10 Vouchers 2263
21 Vodka 2382
47 Baileys 2517
1 £500 2542
9 Baileys 2596
38 Vodka 2762
16 Baileys 2938
30 Box of Chocolates 3110
46 Chocolate Biscuits 3517
8 Bacardi 3540
5 Whisky 3557
26 Whisky 3655
10 Box of Chocolates 3824
15 Port 3856
13 Bacardi 3915
49 Vodka 4018
24 £10 Vouchers 4227
12 Brandy 4295
34 Whisky 4365
37 Baileys 4366
2 £250 4373
48 Box of Chocolates 4557
25 Bacardi 4910
32 Brandy 5054
17 Whisky 5247
14 £10 Vouchers 5332
22 Port 5462
29 Vodka 5579
40 £10 Vouchers 5768
27 Baileys 5847
39 Box of Chocolates 5869
42 Whisky 5941
4 Brandy 5966
50 £10 Vouchers 6007
35 Bacardi 6100
3 £100 6183
33 Port 6714
11 £10 Vouchers 6765
18 Vodka 6858
23 Brandy 6964
45 £10 Vouchers 7039
41 Brandy 7123
7 £10 Vouchers 7154

Christmas Draw 2011

1 £500 2542 26 Whisky 3655
2 £250 4373 27 Baileys 5847
3 £100 6183 28 Choc Biscuits 1705
4 Brandy 5966 29 Vodka 5579
5 Whisky 3557 30 Box of Chocs 3110
6 Port 1216 31 £10 Vouchers 1455
7 £10 Vouchers 7154 32 Brandy 5054
8 Bacardi 3540 33 Port 6714
9 Baileys 2596 34 Whisky 4365
10 Box of Chocs 3824 35 Bacardi 6100
11 £10 Vouchers 6765 36 £10 Vouchers 2263
12 Brandy 4295 37 Baileys 4366
13 Bacardi 3915 38 Vodka 2762
14 £10 Vouchers 5332 39 Box of Chocs 5869
15 Port 3856 40 £10 Vouchers 5768
16 Baileys 2938 41 Brandy 7123
17 Whisky 5247 42 Whisky 5941
18 Vodka 6858 43 Port 1477
19 Box of Chocs 2243 44 Bacardi 1986
20 £10 Vouchers 1764 45 £10 Vouchers 7039
21 Vodka 2382 46 Choc Biscuits 3517
22 Port 5462 47 Baileys 2517
23 Brandy 6964 48 Box of Chocs 4557
24 £10 Vouchers 4227 49 Vodka 4018
25 Bacardi 4910 50 £10 Vouchers 6007

Sunday, 27 November 2011

December Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter December 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com



Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley,
NN2 7HJ.
Phone Bar 715514

Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Festive Opening Hours.

Saturday 24th 11.00 to 23.30 Thursday 29th 11.00 to 23.00
Sunday 25th 11.00 to 15.00 Friday 30th 11.00 to 23.30
Monday 26th 11.00 to 23.00 Saturday 31st 11.00 to 00.30
Tuesday 27th 11.00 to 23.00 Sunday 1st 11.00 to 23.00
Wednesday 28th 11.00 to 23.00 From Monday 2nd Normal Hours

Welcome Keith Pollitt.
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Keith as our Steward. He comes with a great pedigree having recently been awarded the honour of Cellar Manager of the year by CAMRA in Milton Keynes.

It is early days yet but your Committee has every confidence that he will prove an invaluable asset to the club and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association.
We would also like to thank Mark and Nathan who so valiantly held the fort while we were looking for a new steward.

Mini Tote & Treasure Chest.
There will be no Mini Tote or Treasure Chest in the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year. Tickets will be back on sale on Monday 2nd January for the next draw.

Welfare Payout.
The December 2011 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during September, commencing on Sunday 4th December 2011. The next Welfare Payments will be made in March 2012.

Dave Hewit A lunchtime regular who would often join in the card school. Our condolences go to his family and friends.

Tommy Leonard A bingo regular, well known and loved by his Irish friends, condolences to his wife Mary and family.

Alexander (Sandy) Rankin 87. Our thoughts are with his wife Sheila, daughters Sharon and Jean & other family and friends.

Anna Mullally. 1941-2011. A special Lady that will sadly missed by a lot of people. Our condolences to her Husband Paddy, Daughters Catherine & Maria, Son John. Her Grand Children and Great Grandchildren. And to her other family and her many friends.
Subscriptions 2012
Membership subscriptions for 2012 have been affected by the increase cost of the pass card that was voted in at the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men's Club & Institute Union in Blackpool on 9th April.
The motion to put the Pass Card up to £3.50 including VAT from £2.55 plus VAT was passed by the two-thirds majority required. With the different VAT treatment this is an increase to the CIU of only 36 pence.
The subscription for all members for 2012 will therefore be £8.50 per member, be they male, female or over 65. Life members will only have to pay £3.50 for their pass card.

Subscriptions shall be taken in January as follows:

Sundays 8th 15th 22nd 29th from 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 9th 16th 23rd 30th from 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 10th 17th 24th 31st from 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 11th 18th 25th from 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 14th 21st 28th from 12.00 to 13.30

Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.

Sundays 5th 12th 19th 26th from 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 6th 13th 20th 27th from 19.30 to 21.00

Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.
You may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or fellow member may pay on your behalf. They just need to bring your red or white membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope. If you are having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions

Could we ask members who will become life members in 2012 to claim their life membership this year so we can get cards ready when they come in to pay their subs rather than send them away to come back later.
Grant.We have given Amy Forbes a donation from our Children In Need Fund towards her trip to the USA with the guides. We have received a very nice thank-you card from her that is on the notice board.
Games News.
Dave Brawn presented Jenk Schwartz with the Mark Knight Memorial Trophy watched by runner-up Sean Spence
Also qualifying for the regional finals is Martin Lynch.

Golden China&Beijing PalaceSpecial Offer For Members.The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering. County Florist10% discount at County Florist.Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs.
Games Fixtures.
Thursday 1st Fosters DartsNWMC League Pioneer homeVocal home
Friday 2nd Men’s Skittles Queens Park home
Monday 5th Ladies Skittles A Team Semilong A awayB Team Foundry B home
Tuesday 6th Snooker25’s A Team Barratts St Giles homeB Team Barratts Stones awayC Team Barratts Hot Shots homeBye
Wednesday 7th Air-Gun A Team Monks Park awayWanderers Vocal home
Thursday 8th Fosters DartsNWMC League St Crispin awayQueens Park away
Friday 9th Men’s Skittles Northampton B away
Monday 12th Ladies Skittles A Team St Georges homeB Team Romany away
Tuesday 13th Snooker A Team Queens Park A awayB Team Far Cotton C homeC Team Far Cotton B away
Thursday 15th Fosters DartsNWMC League 3-A-SideSingles
Friday 16th Men’s Skittles Singles
Tuesday 20th Snooker Team Knockout
Friday 23rd Men’s Skittles Singles
Friday 30th Men’s Skittles Semilong home

December Entertainment.

Friday 2nd Nina Vocalist
Saturday 3rd Sonny & The Honneydippers 50/60 Rock n Roll
Sunday 4th Keith Tallis Vocalist
Wednesday 7th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 9th Kelly Louise Vocalist
Saturday 10th Cassidy Band Irish 50/60’s
Sunday 11th Brian T Williams Vocalist
Friday 16th Alan Newton Vocalist
Saturday 17th Midnight Hour 60/70/80’s
Sunday 18th Terry Graig Vocalist
Friday 23rd Charlie Waterford Vocalist
Saturday 24th (Bar) Krys(Back Room) Memories Top 60’s BandDisco
Boxing Day (Bar) Paul Neon & the Saints Rock n Roll
Boxing Day (Back Room) Hot Wax Disco
Boxing Night Many Sides of Gary 50/60 Rock n Roll
Boxing Night (Back Room) Tony Gee Disco
Friday 30th Laizon 50/60’s – Modern
New Years Eve (Bar) Mystic Crew Reggae
New Years Eve (Back Room) Masterblaster Disco

Bingo Every Friday and Sundays 4th, 11th & 18th.
BH Quiz Nights Wednesdays 7th, 14th & 21st.

Season’s greetings to all our members and friends.

November Newesletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter November 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Phone Bar 715514 Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Children’s Pantomime.

This years pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk takes place in the concert room on Saturday 17th December 2010 from 2pm to 4:15pm.
Tickets are free for member’s children and grandchildren only and will be available in November as follows;

Friday 4th Saturday 5th Sunday 6th
Friday 11th Saturday 12th Sunday 13th
Friday 18th Saturday 19th Sunday 20th
Friday 25th Saturday 26th Sunday 27th

Between 7.30pm and 9pm each night from Paddy Mullally.

"WHAT is a Working Men's Club?"

Sometimes dating back more than 100 years, they are to often places which modern leisure seekers do not even think of visiting or so it seems from the dwindling membership and falling attendance figures suffered by many venues.
Many people were shocked when they read a recent story in the Chronicle & Echo which stated the Far Cotton Working Men's Club which had been running for 104 years could soon close unless immediate financial help is found.
Crunch time came on Monday 24th October, when members turned out in force to vote against the proposed closure of the club.
More than 150 of the club’s 500 members attended the meeting and the majority voted against the proposal to dissolve the club.
Chairman of the committee, Kath Dawes, said: “The motion was put to the members and they rejected the proposal to dissolve the club. Now comes the hard work to keep the club open.”
She said the smoking ban, the recession and a 10-day closure imposed by Northampton Borough Council’s licensing authority earlier this year, following a problem with a temporary event notice, had all contributed to the club’s struggle. She added: “We now need to generate some serious cash into the club to keep it open.
“Members are trying to come up with ideas. We need members and the community to give one last big push to save the club.

But what has happened to make life so difficult for working men's clubs today? Kathleen said: "The smoking ban has really affected a lot of people. People think why should I go out and stand in the cold and smoke? They can go to the supermarket, buy something to drink, stay home and drink that. "I think mainly it is because of smoking but also they keep increasing the prices of the budget on beer and the breweries pass on the increases to us. Our prices aren't dear but we do need some that are cheaper."
She continued: "We do have a good amount of support. People have been saying 'we don't want the club to shut' but I say 'it is not down to me, it is down to the members'. We have nearly 500 members and if some of them visited it even one day a week it would be a real boost."
The club is working hard to keep people attending, Kathleen's husband 50 year old Trevor, a trustee, said he joined the club when he was 18.
He said: "We used to go when we were kids, we were not allowed into pubs. It was a lot busier but then there were more houses here, and we had Airflow Streamlines having its union meetings here and other unions had their meetings here. "We always had entertainment on but obviously we have had to. It is still well used and we have a lot of younger members now as they can't take kids into pubs."

Although Kingsley Park Working Men's Club still has an active social scene, membership figures have fallen over the last decade according to general secretary Barry Slasberg, who is also on the national executive'.
He said: "At one stage 10 years ago we had 2,600 or 2,700 members and now we still have about 2,000 members. Numbers are declining but we have to fight for our members by providing what they want."
But governmental decisions have made life tough for WMC’s, according to Barry. He said: "The Government seems hell-bent on impacting on our organization, under the Gambling Act, for example. Families used to play bingo in the WMC, kids would come along with parents who looked over their shoulders. Everyone had a laugh. Under the Gambling Act all of a sudden children weren't allowed to play bingo as it is gambling; but it is no such thing, it is just a fun activity."
He added: "The smoking ban is still having a huge effect on working men's clubs and pubs and businesses. There is a big movement called SOP AC (Save Our Pubs And Clubs). We don't want the smoking ban dissolved but we want the facility to have a smoking room where available.
"There is nothing illegal about smoking, it is a legal pastime which should be allowed."

Meanwhile at Monks Park Working Men's Club in Northampton, the social scene is still going well with 1,480 members, according to secretary Don Harris.
He believes some clubs need to put more effort into the management of their venues, treating them as businesses, despite the fact they are not-for-profit.
He said: "You are not allowed to make a profit but you have to take it in the right direction. People have it in their heads it is just a working men's club but it has to be managed like a business.
"I think we are one of the successful working men's clubs and the smoking ban has not affected us.
"If you have the wrong steward in, things can crumble. In the past it used to be family oriented, your dad would be the steward and mum the secretary and they might not have experience in that field. You need someone in place who knows what they are doing, whether that is pulling a pint or managing the staff and customers,"
He added: "I think the image of working men's clubs could do with a spruce up. It still carries the stigma of being an old person's club. That would help I'm sure."
Emergency Exits & Fire Doors.

Emergency exits must be kept clear at all times. It has been brought to the committees attention that children have been playing on the back stairs between the games room and the ladies toilets, not only have been drawing on the walls but been using stones from the garden to make holes in the walls. Children have been running all over the club including the concert room and games rooms playing hide and seek and tag. We welcome children in the club but only if their parents keep them under control and in their sight at all times.
Fire doors are clearly marked and must be kelp closed at all times. The back stairs between the games room and the ladies toilets are a fire escape and should be treated as such. Not as a short cut from the games room to the smoking area.
Members Christmas Draw 2011.

Tickets for this years raffle are now on sale priced at £1:00 for a book of five. You can purchase tickets at the welfare table, from the doorman or from behind the bar.
Draw takes place Tuesday 6th December at 8pm. Prizes to be claimed by Friday 24th December.
Charity Raffle of unclaimed prizes Monday December 26th December.

10% discount at County Florist.

Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs.

Special Offer For Members.

The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount.
To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering.

Zumba Keep Fit.

Wednesdays 7.15 - 8.15

In the concert room.

£5 per session.

Games Fixtures.

Tuesday 1st SnookerPoker A Team Barratts Stones A awayB Team Barratts Bears homeC Team Earls Barton away
Wednesday 2nd Air Gun Individuals
Thursday 3rd Fosters League NWMC League Horseshoes awayBritish Rail B home
Friday 4th Men’s Skittles St James home
Monday 7th Ladies Skittles
Tuesday 8th SnookerPoker A Team Barratts Jolly Potters awayB Team Ashby Barratts homeC Team Barratts all Blacks away
Wednesday 9th Air Gun A Team Cock Hotel homeWanderers Monks Park away
Thursday 10th Fosters League NWMC League Free WeekSpencer A home
Friday 11th Men’s Skittles 4-A Side
Monday 14th Ladies Skittles
Tuesday 15th SnookerPoker A Team ByeB Team Far Cotton A awayC Team Bye
Wednesday 16th Air Gun A Team v Wanderers
Thursday 17th Fosters League NWMC League Duke of York awayBritish Rail A away
Friday 18th Men’s Skittles 3-A-Side
Monday 21st Ladies Skittles
Tuesday 22nd SnookerPoker A Team Barratts Legends awayB Team Barratts Stones B homeC Team Queens Park B away
Wednesday 23rd Air Gun A Team RAFA Club homeWanderers Cock Hotel away
Thursday 24th Fosters League NWMC League 3-A-SideFree Week
Friday 25th Men’s Skittles Northampton A home
Monday 28th Ladies Skittles
Tuesday 29th SnookerPoker A Team, Team ChampionshipB Team Barratts B awayC Team, Team Championship
Wednesday 30th Air Gun A Team Vocal awayWanderers Cock Hotel away

November Entertainment.

Wednesday 2nd Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 4th Jamie Leigh Vocalist 70’s/Modern
Saturday 5th De Souza Trio 60’s/90’s
Sunday 6th Ricky Swann Male Vocalist
Friday 11th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Saturday 12th Boges Blooze Blues Brothers Tribute
Sunday 13th Kim Vocalist/Multi/Instrumentalist
Friday 18th Andy Stone Modern/ Vocalist
Saturday 19th The 2 Tones Madness/Ska
Sunday 20th Tom Healy Band Irish/60’s
Friday 25th Dave Dynamite Rock n Roll
Saturday 26th Mustang Blue 50’s/80’s Group
Sunday 27th Honeywell Modern/Group

Bingo every Friday and Sunday

BH Quiz night every Wednesday

Festive Opening Hours.

Saturday 24th 11.00 to 23.30 Thursday 29th 11.00 to 23.00
Sunday 25th 11.00 to 15.00 Friday 30th 11.00 to 23.30
Monday 26th 11.00 to 23.00 Saturday 31st 11.00 to 00.30
Tuesday 27th 11.00 to 23.00 Sunday 1st 11.00 to 23.00
Wednesday 28th 11.00 to 23.00 From Monday 2nd Normal Hours

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Newsletter October 2011.

<strong>Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter October 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800

Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Cabaret Night Cancelled.

Due to lack of ticket sales we have cancelled the Cabaret Night that was due to take place on Saturday 22nd of October there will be a full refund on returned tickets. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We have lined up a fabulous group The Classics in the bar and we are sure that anyone turning up will not be disappointed.

The Cask Marque and CAMRA groups are hosting the National Cask Ale Week between 1st & 9th October.

We have decided to take part in this event supplementing our permanent range of ale with up to 8 extra guest ales.

As with all Cask Marque accredited outlets there will be a chance to sample a small taster to tempt your taste buds into buying a few pints.
For further details please ask Mark or Nathan behind the bar or look at the blackboards.
Some of the ales that will be on offer:

Golden Sheep Ale 3.9%
Naked Gold Ale 4%
Bombardier Ale 4.1%
S A Bitter 4.2%
Hobgoblin 4.5%
Old Hooky 4.6%

Plus two Ales from local micro breweries.

Members Christmas Draw 2011.

Tickets for this years raffle are now on sale priced at £1:00 for a book of five. You can purchase tickets at the welfare table, from the doorman or from behind the bar.
Draw takes place Tuesday 6th December at 8pm. Prizes to be claimed by Friday 24th December.
Charity Raffle of unclaimed prizes Monday December 26th December.

Committee Vacancies.

There are currently three casual vacancies on the Committee. Volunteers are asked to put their names forward to help steer the club to a secure and bright future. This is a task for people with time to commit, especially at weekends (But not necessarily every weekend!). It is a task for people who believe in our great club and all it stands for. It is a task for the dedicated and not for the faint hearted.
If you are interested and have been a member since before the first of April 2011, please see the General Secretary for more details. All these vacancies are open to both men and women members.

Mini Tote.

Ticket sales have been slow the past few weeks so we are taking this opportunity to remind members they can win a fantastic £150 for a 50p stake. Tickets are on sale every lunchtime and on Friday and Sunday nights from the welfare table. At all other times they are on sale from behind the bar. The draw is made Sunday at 1pm and you can check the results on our Facebook page.

Children’s Pantomime.

This years pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk takes place in the concert room on Saturday 17th December 2010 from 2pm to 4:15pm.
Tickets are free for member’s children and grandchildren only and will be available in November as follows;

Friday 4th Saturday 5th Sunday 6th
Friday 11h Saturday 12th Sunday 13th
Friday 18th Saturday 19th Sunday 20th
Friday 25th Saturday 26th Sunday 27th

Between 7.30pm and 9pm each night from Paddy Mullally.

Race Night August 27th.

After all expenses were paid out we raised £60 for children in need. We thank the few people that supported us on the night. MG who has still to claim their prize won the race card, which we ran in conjunction with the night. If the prize remains unclaimed it will be added to the CIN fund

The Young Team.

Jay Cattell 21 Garry Matthews 20, Dan Byrne 17 and Connor Singleton 14 have got together and formed a team to play in the Northampton Town Snooker League. They are playing as Kingsley C come along on Tuesday nights and give them your support.
It is good to see the youngsters getting involved, as they are our future.
Our pool ladies darts and ladies skittle teams have also got a few youngsters representing them.

Games News

Kingsley’s darts team were well beaten in the final at Corby by Irthingbourgh. Although Kev Brown gave us a good start by winning the first two legs we just could not get going. Kev hit a couple of 140’s Dan Eaton had 5 scores over 120 and had the highest score on the night with 145. Steve Burgess had a couple of tons Don Ward had two 140’s and four more scores of 100 or over and Martin Gamble had six scores of 100 or more and all lost their games along with Jeff Billingham. Jim Fowell did not play his legs, as the match had already been lost.

It was a much closer match in the final of the Cribbage with Kingsley narrowly loosing their final.

Kenny Andrews was also unlucky in the regional finals of the poker. He tells us if he had not played his final hand and had hung on for 30 seconds he would have finished in the top 10 and would have qualified for the next phase. But 11th place out of the hundreds of players is a honourable achievement.

The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering. 10% discount at County Florist.Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs.

Games Fixtures.

Monday 3rd Ladies Skittles A Team Bat & Wickets awayB Team Monks Park A home
Tuesday 4th SnookerPokerTable Tennis Football A Team ByeB Team Far Cotton C homeC Team ByeUnassigned 5 19:00
Wednesday 5th Air-Gun A Team Monks Park homeWanderers Vocal away
Thursday 6th Friday 7th Fosters DartsMen’s Skittles St Georges awayNorthampton A away
Monday 10th Ladies Skittles Semilong A homeFoundry B away
Tuesday 11th SnookerPoker A Team Barretts St Giles awayB Team Barretts Stones homeC Team Barretts Hot Shots away
Wednesday 12th Air-Gun Individuals
Thursday 13thFriday 14th Fosters DartsMen’s Skittles PairsQueens Park away
Monday 17th Ladies Skittles St Georges awayRomany home
Tuesday 18th SnookerPokerTable Tennis A Team Queens Park A homeB Team Far Cotton C awayC Team Far Cotton B home
Wednesday 19th Air-Gun Individuals
Thursday 20thFriday 21st Fosters DartsMen’s Skittles ByeNorthampton B home
Monday 24th Ladies Skittles A Team v B Team
Tuesday 25th SnookerPoker A Team Cheyne Walk awayB Team ByeC Team Barretts Shoes away
Wednesday26th Air-Gun Individuals
Thursday 27th Friday 28th Fosters DartsMen’s Skittles PairsSt James away

October Entertainment.

Saturday 1st Panache Group 60’s to Modern
Sunday 2nd Natalie Nightingale Girl Vocalist
Wednesday 5th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 7th Lucas Adams Male Vocalist
Saturday 8th Lights Out Sons of the Jets
Sunday 9th Jacob Male Vocalist
Friday 14th Ricky Swann
Saturday 15th Jessie Garron Show 50’s 60’s 70’s
Sunday 16th Keith Dee Male Vocalist
Friday 21st Sue C Girl Vocalist
Saturday 22nd The Classics Group 50’s – 80’s
Sunday 23rd Faye Horne Girl Vocalist
Friday 28th Damion Male Vocalist
Saturday 29th Paul Neon & The Saints Group 50’s – 70’s
Sunday 30th Elvis meets Shaky Show The Rebel & Dean Ryan

Bingo every Friday and Sunday.

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Newsletter September 2011.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter September 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Welfare Payout.

The September 2011 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during September, commencing on Sunday 4th September 2011.

The next Welfare Payments will be made in December 2011.

Election Result.
The election for club President took place 19th to 21st August with the following result: - Jenny Anderson 19 votes, Bob Horner 66 votes. Lewis Sander 7 votes, Angie Wright 2 votes.

Bob Horner was duly elected. Our congratulations go to him and the other candidates who were willing to take on the onerous task of being Club President.
Out of a total membership of about 2000, less than 5% voted. Considering every member is a part owner of the club, this does seem a little on the low side considering the importance of the position to the good management of the club.

The Great Tetley Cask Comeback!
A few months ago the taste of Tetley Cask changed and the change was not welcomed by many of our members. The change of taste was due to a change of location for brewing using different water and nothing to do with our service or cellar maintenance.

We had the chief Carlsberg brewer visit us to look into our quality and presentation and he was delighted with what he saw at the club.

It has been encouraging to see recently that more of us are beginning to enjoy Tetley Cask once again. However Carlsberg are keen to see their top cask bitter back at the top of our cask drinkers' favourite list and are quite prepared to put their money where their mouth is.

From 1st to 30th September inclusive a prize draw ticket will be given for every pint of Tetley Cask purchased.

On 2nd October at 2.00pm there will be a prize draw. The first prize will be £350 Capital Bonds and the second prize will be £150 Capital Bonds all with the compliments of Carlsberg.

Carlsberg are convinced that those who stick with Tetley Cask for a month will stay with it for life.
Only time will tell, but we can only thank Carlsberg for their genuine act of wooing their faithful back into the Tetley Cask fold.

Don't listen to the rumour mill!
In recent years we have had some very difficult times and those difficult times are far from being over. It has been the policy of management to keep the membership informed through the newsletter of all the club news both good and bad.

I had the great pleasure of doing the weekly shop at Morrisons the other week with my beloved wife and I was stopped by two members who asked why we were in so much trouble that we had to call a special members' meeting to discuss the future of the club.

I cannot understand why people start these malicious rumours that I think most clubs in Northampton have been subject to over the decades I have been part of the club movement. Suffice to say no such meeting is warranted, nor has one been discussed by the Executive Committee at any time.
It is true that the club is having another difficult year that is only to be expected with the current financial position the whole country is facing, but this is being supported by the money we received from HMRC as previously reported.

With expenses being cut to the minimum, it is clear that the current problems arise because many of our members simply do not have the money to spend they had a year ago.

The EC still look to diversify and find other streams of income to support members without putting a further burden of bar price increases on those loyal to the club.
As previously reported, the CIU is constantly fighting for the benefit of every single club.
Finally, I would once again stress that every single one of our two thousand members are equal owners of this club. If just 10% of those members came up with a new and innovative idea on how to fully utilise our club, success would certainly be assured. The EC would discuss any idea put forward and, if it thought it would benefit the club, would be responsible for implementing the idea. So do not hold back from coming forward simply because you do not have time to work in the club or see the idea through yourself. The suggestion box; the letter box; emails and personal contact are all welcomed. Please do not be shy or anonymous.

Thank you

Urgent Notice 7th August 2011.
The Northampton Licensing Sergeant, Mark Worthington, issued a letter on 2nd August with a strong warning about supply of alcohol.

The relevant paragraphs are as follows: -

Please ensure that a strong message is sent out ..... To all to all your members that WMC’s must abide by their rules and that they are only open to members (including associates) and bona-fide guests.
We will give you a few weeks to ensure your members get their clubs in order and then we will start enforcement action and it may be that if this advice is not heeded then some CPC’s may be brought before the licensing committee for review.(this could close us!!)

(The above does not apply where Temporary Event Notices are in place or for private members parties where the temporary members’ rule applies.)

Also there can be no sale/supply of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18.

Under these circumstances we have no option but to instruct our staff that if they are in any doubt about a person’s membership they must ask for membership cards before serving alcohol.

We urge all members to carry their cards when they come to the club just in case they are not recognised by staff, as we cannot risk losing our Club Premises Certificate.

Barry Slasberg

We are so sorry to announce the untimely death of Donna Morgan.
Just coming up to her 23rd birthday and with a year old baby, she had her whole life ahead of her when she was involved in a fatal car accident.

Donna worked for the club behind the bar for almost three years. In recent months she had seemed to blossom into a very happy and always smiling young woman.

Fellow workers and members alike will miss her.

Our condolences and thoughts go to her family at this tragic time.

John Fitzgerald. John up to a few years ago played 25’s for the club, his wife Jean is a regular on bingo nights. Out thoughts are with his family and friends.

Danny Mullan Always had a laugh when he was in the club. Our condolences to his wife Barbara, children Alison, Charlotte, Stuart, Danielle and his other family and friends.

10% discount at County Florist.
84 Kingsley Park Terrace.
Show your membership cards and get a discount on all your floristry needs.

Games News.
Kingsley Park’s darts team progressed to the final of the CIU darts KO with a hard fought win over Daventry WMC in what turned out to be the very close game that everyone had anticipated. Kingsley this year gaining revenge by turning last years 11-10 defeat into an 11-10 victory.

The match was poised at 5 legs to 4 to Daventry before Kev Brown proved what an invaluable addition to the squad he is by following his 3-0 win in the previous round with another 3-0 win to put Kingsley into the lead 7-5 going into the 5th game.

Kingsley’s Steve Burgess extending the lead to 9 legs to 6 before Daventry came back putting the pressure on Kingsleys last 2 players. One leg apiece from Danny Eaton and Don Ward though was enough to clinch the game on the 20th leg.
Daventry had the last word and pulled the score back to 11-10 (a respectable defeat by a 1 leg margin)
Kingsley now progress to the final on Sept 10th to be held in Corby.

Mark Knight Memorial Trophy
Winner Phil Knight runner-up Kenny Andrews & third placed Patrick O’Connell go forward to the regional play-off

Games Fixtures.

Thursday 1st NWMC Darts Queens Park away
Tuesday 6th PokerFootball Hardley Ath FC 19:00
Wednesday 7th Air-Gun A Team Cock Hotel awayWanderers Monks Park home
Thursday 8th NWMC Darts Spencer A home
Friday 9th Skittles Northampton A away
Tuesday 13th PokerFootball Raggy Ass Rovers 19:00
Wednesday 14th Air-Gun A Team V Wanderers
Thursday 15th NWMC Darts British Rail B home
Friday 16th Skittles Queens Park home
Tuesday 20th PokerFootball Reem Machines 20:30
Wednesday 21st Air-Gun A Team RAFA Club awayWanderers Cock Hotel home
Thursday 22nd NWMC Darts Free Week
Friday 23rd Skittles League Cup Final
Tuesday 27th PokerFootball Insidious 19:45
Wednesday 28th Air-Gun A Team Vocal awayWanderers RAFA Club home
Thursday 29th NWMC Darts Charity Pairs
Friday 30th Skittles Colin Barron Final Kingsley

September Entertainment.

Friday 2nd Jenny Whittingham Vocalist
Saturday 3rd Cassidy Show Band Irish 60’s – Modern
Sunday 4th_____________Wednesday 7th Jason YoungBluegrass Jam Tom Jones Tribute__________________
Friday 9th Secret Party Duo 70’s – Modern
Saturday 10th Red Thunder Rock n Roll
Sunday 11th Martyn Russell Vocalist 50’s/60’s
Friday 16th Kustum Kings Rock n Roll
Saturday 17th Mustard Band Group 50’s - 80’s
Sunday 18th Mike Leigh Neil Diamond +60’s/70’s
Friday 23rd Krys Midlands top 60’s Band
Saturday 24th Mystic Crew N’ton Reggae Band
Sunday 25th Hollie Marie Vocalist Pop/Motown
Friday 30th T.B.A.

Bingo every Friday & Sunday.

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday

Friday, 22 July 2011

August Newsletter.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter August 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Committee Vacancies.

There are currently three casual vacancies on the Committee. Volunteers are asked to put their names forward to help steer the club to a secure and bright future. This is a task for people with time to commit, especially at weekends (But not necessarily every weekend!). It is a task for people who believe in our great club and all it stands for. It is a task for the dedicated and not for the faint hearted.
If you are interested and have been a member since before the first of January 2011, please see the General Secretary for more details. All these vacancies are open to both men and women members.

Our President stands down.On 7th July Graham Burgess tendered his resignation as President with immediate effect. Graham stated that he had enjoyed his tenure as President and was retiring for personal reasons.
Graham was elected as President in 2007. Since that time he has been a positive influence in leading the management through difficult times. His sense of duty and loyalty to the club has been an example to us all. He has never shied from difficult decisions, always putting the welfare of members and the survival of the club before going for the popularity vote.
We thank Graham for his four years of service and look forward to his company in the club for many years to come.
There will be an election to fill the casual vacancy that has arisen on 19th 20th and 21st August. Any men or women members who were members at the beginning of 2011 are eligible to stand for office. The nomination sheet will be posted in the main bar by Friday 29th July. It will be taken down noon 15th August. Every person standing must be proposed and seconded by two members, men or women, who were members on 1st January 2011.
Once a name is on the nomination sheet it can only be removed by the General Secretary on direct instruction from the person nominated.

Club Rules.
The Club Rules form the basis of a contract between each member and the club to which that member belongs.
In recent years, due to legislation and the wishes of members through special meeting those rules have been changed in some minor ways, but also to acknowledge the introduction of the Equality Act.
Because of the ongoing changes, we did not update the rules until we could see a period of reasonable stability. As a result , some new members will not have been issued with the rules on joining the club. We have now had the new rules printed. They are available to members on request from the Secretary.

These new rules do not affect in any great detail the actual day to day membership rules and therefore members with old rules need not apply for the new ones; however they are available if required.

An apology from the Secretary?
Certainly stranger things have happened! My article about the life members’ outing in the last newsletter certainly raised more than a few hackles. Those who challenged me in the bar all said how much they enjoyed the outing and that they never complained about anything. Not once in the article did I say anyone complained about the outing.The moans I addressed were those that are addressed to committee members year after year on the outing and I hope I gave a reasoned response to those moans. I also hope that those who got past the heading found the responses reasoned and informative.
To those of you who were affronted because you have never complained about anything on any outing, I do indeed offer my sincere apologies for the heading of the article, but I do hope you found the content worth reading.
Barry Slasberg

S E Midlands CIU Darts KO.
Kingsley park’s darts team followed up their recent 14-7 demolition of Newport Pagnell WMC in the earlier round with another emphatic win, this time a quarter final win over Towcester Sports and Social, coming out the eventual winners by 16 games to 5.

Four Kingsley Park player’s, Dan Eaton, Steve Burgess, Arthur Dunkley and Kev Brown all recording 3-0 win’s with new boy Kev Brown hitting two 180 maximums in consecutive legs. Captain Jeff Billingham’s decision to rest himself and rotate his squad proving the strength in depth within the team.
The team now progress to meet Daventry WMC in a semi final to be played at Kingsley Park WMC on either the Friday 29/7/11, Sat 30/7/11 or Fri 5/8/11, once Daventry have chosen the date they wish to play. (Home team has to offer the away team 3 dates to play)

The semi final looks to be a much tougher affair with Daventry having beaten Kingsley Park last year and with Kingsley Park being eager to avenge that narrow defeat.


Cabaret & Buffet EveningSaturday 22nd October.
Staring The Fabulous Birdman of Magic Paul Derek.
Compere , Comedian Nipper Thomas.
And The Rockettes Trio,
Motown Rock n Roll & 60’s
Please be in your seats
for a prompt start at 8:00.
Bar open till midnight.
Tickets £8.00 on sale soon from
Paddy Mullally or behind bar.
Members, associates
and friends only.

Kevin Donnelly Memorial.
Richard Shanahan and Ramesh presented Mrs Donnelly and her son with a cheque for £900 raised in the 25’s tournament in memory of her husband Kevin. The proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support

News In Brief.
Delos Pyramid sent us a letter of thanks for the use of the concert room for their charity disco where they made £410 in aid of the Air Ambulance.

Cynthia Spencer Hospice thanked us for the £34.08 that our members put in their charity box.

NTFC gave us a cheque for £50 to club funds for the use of the lounge.

Kingsley School received their annual donation of £50 from our children in need fund.

August Entertainment.
Wednesday 3rd Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 5th Louise Girl Vocalist
Saturday 6th Freeze Trio 60’s – 90’s
Sunday 7th Jolleanna Vocalist
Friday 12th Adam Austin Vocalist
Saturday 13th Ashley Group 60’s - Modern
Sunday 14th Paul Needs Vocalist
Friday 19th Georgie Vocalist
Saturday 20th Hot City Nights Queen Tribute Group+
Sunday 21st Tom Healy Band Irish Country + 60’s
Friday 26th Chelsea Walker Vocalist
Saturday 27th Andrea Brown & Groove Band Group
Sunday 28th Damion Vocalist 50’s-60’s

Saturday 27th Race Night.
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Mini Tote

14 & 18
Yellow Ticket

July Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter July 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Race Night.
On Saturday 27th August we are holding a night at the races in the Concert Room. If you would like to sponsor a race or name a horse please contact Carl White or Paddy Mullally.

It is the same every year. I come to my office on the Sunday morning after all the Life Members who have gone on a free outing to a place of their choice to be assailed by the same old complaints from the same life members. Life members, by the way, who have never voiced their complaints to the Secretary of the club but who choose to ambush Committee members who are there to enjoy the company of fellow members.

One old chestnut is " Why are we in the CIU? What has it done for us?"

I spoke at the Union's Annual General Meeting at Blackpool this year where I itemised some items that directly affected this club. The club journal report of the relevant section is quoted hereunder: -

"Had the CIU not challenged the Gambling Act as it was going through Parliament clubs would have lost their £250 jackpot machines. For his club, that would have meant losing at least £30,000. A year. Also. the Union fought to get the prize limit for bingo raised before having to be licensed to play. They had partial success in raising the limit from £1000 to £2000 a year, and that saved his club £1600 a year.
The CIU alerted clubs to the possibility of rate reductions.... due to losses directly attributable to the smoking ban. My clubs rates went down by about £1000 per year. Dransfields, with the wholehearted support of the CIU, has been the main mover in getting category B3A machines (The Volcano) listed as exempt from VAT. Based on his club's income from the machine, it was better off to the tune of about £6000 per year.."

The above list is not exhaustive, but we would be worse off to the tune of about £38,000 every year on those items alone if we were not in the CIU.

The other month I reported about the windfall of VAT that saw £34,000 land in our bank in March. This was a one off that we would not have had a chance of if we did not have the support of the CIU.

HMRC are trying to get that money back and I am sure the CIU will be pulling its weight to try to ensure that does not happen.

There are other ongoing matters where the CIU is using every endeavour to support all CIU clubs in these perilous and difficult times.

I hope the above gives a flavour of what good the CIU does for us, and for us I mean each and every one of us!

The other old chestnut is about bar prices.

We have always owned up to not being the cheapest Club but neither are we by any means the most expensive. To compare our prices with Weatherspoons and the like is ridiculous. How many free outings for Life Members do they give? How often do they arrange free Panto's for member's children? How many of them have free entertainment three nights a week? How many provide bingo where all tickets sales are paid out in prizes and the costs are borne by the pub?

Yes, we do charge more than these super chains but we also give much, much more value as a club working for its members.

Our prices are as low as we dare go whilst our members choose other venues to drink at. Variety is certainly the spice of life and it is good to go to other places for a change. It is a fact that if more of our members chose this club more often the pressure on bar prices could be relieved.

Oh for the Sunday I can come to the office after the Life Member's outing and be regaled with tales of how grateful everyone was for the day out!

Barry Slasberg

Dragon Boat Race.

The South East Midlands Branch of the CIU is looking for volunteers to crew a Dragon Boat in a day of races to raise money for charity at Lilford Lodge Lakes, Barnwell on 4th September 2011.

The day starts at 9.00am and goes on until 6.00pm.

It is anticipated that there will be live music, a children’s funfair, displays including the Territorial Army, Hot food and snacks, a beer tent and various stalls and events.

Each boat will take part in a series of races with a winner's trophy being presented at the end of the day. Heineken Brewery is paying the £350.00 entrance fee.

All monies raised will go to support the local charities nominated by The Rotary Clubs of Nene Valley.

If you fancy your chances as a crewmember, please give your name to Barry Slasberg by the end of July. As this invitation will go across the Branch there may have to be a selection process if there are too many volunteers.

If you fancy a fun day out with your family, again let Barry know by the end of July and if there is a big enough demand the club will arrange transport and charge only the cost of the seat on the coach to get you there and back.

Bridge St Re-opens to Traffic.
Just a warning to our members that head for the town centre after an evening at the club, the council has decided to end the Bridge Street closure experiment. So from Friday 8th July traffic will return.

Big Name Tribute Weekend.
Join us on Friday July 15th for Lady Gaga, Saturday 16th for The Hollies and Sunday 17th for Blondie.

We entered two teams for the knockout tournament. A Team, Mark Day, Jack Grant, Richard Dunkley, Kev Marson and Christain. B Team, Richard Dunkley Snr, Shane Mathews, Jordan, Steve Abrams, Paul Collins and Roddy Cook.
The A Team reached the final where they lost 3-2. The A Team will now go on to represent us in the league that starts on Tuesday 5th July. We would like to thank Carlsberg for donating the strip for next season.

CIU Darts.
Well done the lads that played, the next round also at home will be played on Friday 8th.

Cabaret night.
You are invited to a first class Cabaret Night on October 22nd. There will be a buffet and the bar will be open till midnight.
The show will star the fabulous Birdman; a comedian and a top class duo will support him.
Tickets £8.00 on sale soon.

Concert Room Decorations.
Following the recent decorating of the concert room we ask all room hirers and partygoers to refrain from pinning, blue tacking or cellotaping etc banners and pictures and the like to the wall as damage is often caused in the removal.

Theme Nights.
In the addition of the race night and the cabaret night we hope to bring you more theme nights in the near future. If you have an idea for a themed night please contact Carl White or post your ideas in the suggestion box in the bar.

Obituary.Sadly we have to announce the death of Dave Elderton. Our condolences to his family and friends.

July Entertainment.

Friday 1st Nelson Vocalist
Saturday 2nd Midnight Hour Group,
Sunday 3rd Honeywell Trio 60s-Modern
Wednesday 6th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 8th Carl Stevens Vocalist
Saturday 9th Paul Neon & The Saints Group
Sunday 10th Carly Jayne Vocalist
Friday 15th Sammy Lines Lady Gaga + 70-90s
Saturday 16th Uncle Tom Cobley Hollies Tribute + 60s
Sunday 17th Charlie Waterford Blondie Tribute + 70s
Friday 22nd DA Vocalist
Saturday 23rd Threepenny Bit Group 50s 60s 70s
Sunday 24th James T Vocalist
Friday 29th Stuart James Vocalist
Saturday 30th Hunsbury Central Group 60s-90s
Sunday 31st Mr Bip Vocalist

Bingo every Friday and Sunday
BH Quiz Night every Wednesday

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

May 2011 Newsletter

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

May Newsletter.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com
The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Life Members Outing.

On Saturday 25th June our annual outing to Stratford-Upon-Avon will take place. The program this year is;
9.00 depart Kingsley. 10.30 arrive Embassy SC.
17.00 leave Embassy SC. 19.00 arrive Kingsley.
Tickets at £5.00 (refundable on day of trip) are available from John or from behind the bar from April 1st. Most of the seats have been taken; book yours now to avoid disappointment.

Clubs support the CIU.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men's Club & Institute Union in Blackpool on 9th April, clubs showed massive support for the CIU to an extent not seen in decades.

There were two guest speakers. Firstly Simon Clark of Save our Pubs and Clubs spoke very persuasively on his belief that our clubs are an extension of our homes and should be free from Government interference. He did stress the need for support from clubs in challenging MP's and getting them to join the all-party parliamentary group for non-profit making clubs.

Then our own Northampton MP, Brian Binley spoke passionately of his involvement with and belief in our movement. Brian is a Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group and has been involved in our clubs since his childhood, his father also being a committed clubman.

The General Secretary Mick McGlasham gave a detailed report of the work of the CIU and the commitment of both himself and his staff to do everything in their power to support our clubs.

The Notices of motion discussed at the meeting were all based around raising funds for the movement to erase a deficit running at around £800k per year on our internal trading. It would not be overstating the point to say that the support shown by clubs was astounding. Out of four motions addressed only one delegate stood up to argue against just one of the motions.

The only motion that required a counting of the vote was the motion to put the Pass Card up to £3.50 including VAT from £2.55 plus VAT. With the different VAT treatment this is an increase to the CIU of only 36 pence. 439 voted in favour and 210 against. Well over the 2/3rds majority required.

The effect of this motion is that next year the subscriptions will increase by 50 pence, which is to reflect the Pass Card increase only.

The club will have to pay an extra £500 or £600 but this will be covered by the extra subscriptions that our women members have had to pay in compliance with the Equality Act.

It was sad to see only 640+ delegates at the meeting, much of which can be put down to club closures and the continuing hard times made so much harder by our Government.

The overwhelming support of the clubs that did attend will linger in the memories of all who attended for some time.

Bar Prices

You will all be aware that our beloved Chancellor has once again put the boot in to our clubs with his punitive increase in duty through the last budget.

We should be clear that this is not a party political statement as Chancellors of every political persuasion seem bent on killing the decent social life afforded through our clubs under the guise of fighting binge drinking. This excuse has put thousands of people out of work, stifled genuine Social activity outside the home and closed down literally thousands of decent meeting places throughout the country.

Your committee has put off the increase for one month, but must regretfully put 5 pence on every alcoholic drink with effect from 1st May.

Please let your local member of parliament know what you think of parliaments wanton destruction of the social fabric of your life.

If enough of you want to make your voice heard we could invite our local MP Michael Ellis to the club for a chat with you. Let the Secretary know if you are interested.

Good News and Bad

It has taken 5 years but, through the CIU who have supported all clubs in this matter, we have received a refund of VAT in the sum of £34681.34 including interest.

HMRC have fought hard but have been soundly beaten in two appeals and decided to pay up.

The sting in the tail is that they have said they are to fight on and if they win, in maybe another 5 years they will want repayment within 30 days or they will charge interest from the day they paid us. As a point of interest, I am told that most commentators do not think they have much of a chance of winning

So they have given us all this money and said we spend any of it at our peril.

This is typical of the big brother attitude they have. They smile and spend probably tens of thousands on TV ads. Behind the smiles lie threats and intimidation. This is the way they work.

Ten years ago they tried to get us to pay over £18000 they knew was not due. They played on our ignorance but did not count on the spirit of the Working Men's Club. Eighteen months of intimidation ended in an apology and a refund of our expenses. How many clubs pay over because
they are told they must, but are ignorant of the fact that the money is not due.

We are now faced with fines for almost any wrongdoing. Someone has to pay for the inefficiency and incompetence of HMRC. It should be their bosses and not us!

As a member of the National Executive, I will be fighting to put the "Service" back into civil service. Indeed a bit of the "civil" would not hurt either.

What do you think?

Barry Slasberg

Children’s Outing.

Following from the last newsletter, the Secretary had a response from one member who would be willing to pay for his four grandchildren to go on an outing.

Because of this almost universal lack of response, we regret that there will be no children's outing again this year.

If the improving trend of 2010 continues into 2011 we do hope to be able to reintroduce the outing in 2012. A vital part of this recovery is the continued support and patronage of our members using their club as their venue of first choice when thinking of a night or lunch time out.

So, let us know what you would like to see happening in the club that would make a visit a pleasure for you.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated. We still have a suggestion box in the main bar, or you can talk to any member of the Committee or the Secretary who will ensure every serious suggestion is considered.

Thank You Letter.

The club has received a letter of thanks for the £1,100 you raised in memory of John Collins in support of Macmillan Cancer for the Macmillan Haematology Suite at Northampton General Hospital.


It is with sadness that we have to announce the deaths of J D Wooliscroft, Charlie Wright, Derek Burditt and Kevin Donnelly. Our thoughts are with their families and friends.


As some of you may have noticed, we have had the ceilings painted. Over the next few weeks we will be wallpapering and painting the concert room and painting the long corridor.
We hope that the members appreciate our efforts and remember that it is their club and report any petty vandalism.

Welfare Payout.

The June 2011 Welfare Payout will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during June, commencing on Sunday 6th June 2011.

Thank You Louise and Paul.

It is with regret that we will be saying thank you and farewell to Louise
and Paul Pink as employees from 9th May. They have both done sterling work on our behalf since Sarah went on maternity leave but have decided that the commitment is just that bit too much to stay until the end of July. We are pleased to say they will still be a part of the club as members and look forward to their company for the rest of their natural as the saying goes.

Welcome Martin.

It is with pleasure that we announce that Martin Moss is taking over as
temporary Steward with effect from 9th May until the end of Sarah's
maternity leave. Martin is standing down from the Committee to fulfil this vital function. Perhaps a little selfishly, we wish Martin every success in this role.

Committee Vacancies.

We now have two casual vacancies on the Committee. Volunteers are sought from any of the membership, men or women, who have not joined the club this year. Please contact the Secretary for details.

Games News.

Congratulations to Les Page and Trina Birch for winning the NWMC ladies darts league pairs.

Kingsley Blitz Night.

On Saturday 21st May 7.30 t0 11.30. Nostalgic 1940’s sing along.
Bangers & Mash. 1940’s dress. In aid of The Royal British Legion.
Adults £6.50 Children £4.00 price includes a donation to the British Legion.

May Entertainment.

Sunday 1st Krys 50’s& 60’s Group
Monday 2nd The Two Sides of Gary Vocalist
Wednesday 4th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 6th Sarah Quinn Vocalist
Saturday 7th Caught in the Act Group
Sunday 8th Christal Duo
Friday 13th Jasmine Allen Group
Saturday 14th 2 Tones Group
Sunday 15th Rik King Vocalist
Friday 20th Jamie D Vocalist
Saturday 21st Physical Party Band
Sunday 22nd Jamie Lee Vocalist
Friday 27th Ricky Swann Vocalist
Saturday 28th Silhouettes 50’s – 70’s Group
Sunday 29th Lee Richards Vocalist

Bingo every Friday & Sunday plus Mondays 2nd & 30th.
BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

April News

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter April 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Life Members Outing.
On Saturday 26th June our annual outing will take place. The program this year is;
9.00 depart Kingsley. 10.30 arrive Embassy SC.
17.00 leave Embassy SC. 19.00 arrive Kingsley.
Tickets at £5.00 (refundable on day of trip) will be available from John or Pete or from behind the bar from April 1st.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM for the club was held in the concert room on Sunday 13th March 2011.

With the advent of the Equality Act our women members have now become full members with equal rights to men. The first task of the chairman, Graham Burgess, was to warmly welcome women members to the meeting for the first time in the club's history.

The meeting was presented with the annual accounts that showed a massive improvement on the last year with the loss reduced from £57,000 to £7,000. The reduction was due mainly to savings, finding extra sources of income and continuing to get increasing support from our main supplier Carlsberg. As promised, price increases at the bar were kept to a minimum and will continue so to be.

It is a shame to note that out of about 2000 members 41 including the Committee bothered to attend. That is just over 2% of the membership.

Children’s Outing.

Last year we could not afford a children's outing and we regret that we are still not in a position to subsidise such an outing this year. However, members approached us last year that said they were willing to pay for their children. We need to gauge if this idea would have any support and ask any family interested to let the Secretary know how many tickets they are prepared to pay for at £12 per seat for every person. Children up to four years old would go free. All adults and other children would be asked to pay the full fare.

Please contact the Secretary by 21st April so that we can make a decision on which you can be informed in the next newsletter.

Thank you.

Elections 2011.

There were only enough nominations this year to fill the vacancies available. They were: - President. Graham Burgess returned unopposed
Treasurer. Dave Birch CMD returned unopposed. Committee. Geoff Bassett, Pete Beaumont, John Carnegie-Brown, Carl White and Matt Wright. There will therefore be no elections this year. There will however be some casual vacancies to be filled by the new committee. Could we then see our first Woman Committee member?

Macmillan Donation.

On Sunday 20th March a cheque for £1100 in memory of John Collins was presented to the Macmillan Cancer Support who with Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust have joined forces to create a state of the art Macmillan Haematology Suite at Northampton General Hospital, providing chemotherapy for people with cancers of the blood such as leukaemia and lymphoma. Graham Burgess presented the cheque to the Macmillan representative. Watched by members of John’s family, also in the picture are main fundraisers Richard Shanahan & Martin Moss and secretary Barry Slasberg.

St Georges Day.

On St Georges Day Saturday April 23rd we will be having a full day of celebrations. Opening at 11.00. From midday until 4 pm you can enjoy a full English breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50. Gammon ham, egg and chips. - £3.00 Faggots, mash, and mushy peas. - £3.50The entertainment will start at 2.00.-4.30 with Walk Right Back. There will be a spirit raffle with profits going to the Help For Heroes fund and in the evening we have a great group The Gents.

Royal Wedding Day.

On Friday April 29th we will once again be open early. On the menu from midday until 4pm will be a breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50 Pie – (chicken and mushroom or minced beef and onion), chips and peas.Scampi, chips and peas. -£3.50 each.The entertainment starts at 2.00 with the popular Mystic Crew, in the evening back in the club by popular demand we will have the fabulous duo Hot Property this is one act you should not miss.


Sadly we have to report the deaths of Mrs Smith, Bob Marriot, John Croft and Alf Munns. Our thoughts are with their families and friends.
Geff Boswell. One of the founder members of the reformed Air-Gun team back in 1972, a long time member and general dogsbody of our outdoor bowls team and a long time member of the indoor bowls league at Kingsley Park will be sadly missed.

Redtooth Poker.
Congradulations to Phil Knight for his preformance in the area finals where he won £500 he now goes on to compete in the National Championships.

Special Offer For Members.

Golden China
Beijing Palace

The Golden China Resturant and The Beijing Palace Take Away are offering our members a 20% discount. To qualify simply show them your membership cards when ordering.

April Entertainment

Friday 1st Carl Merry Top Male Vocalist
Saturday 2nd Got The T Shirt Trio
Sunday 3rd Bonnie Girl Vocalist
Wednesday 6th Bluegrass Jam Session New players welcome
Friday 8th Damion Male Vocalist 50-60’s
Saturday 9th Just Push Play Trio
Sunday 10th Tom Healy Band Irish Country rock n Roll
Friday 15th Louise Clair Girl Vocalist
Saturday 16th Two & A Half Men Trio
Sunday 17th Nina Girl Vocalist
Friday 22nd Cris Igoe Male Vocalist
Saturday 23rd Day. Walk Right Back Duo 50’s – 60’s
Eve. The GentsGroup
Sunday 24th Paul Neon Duo
Monday 25th Scot David Male Vocalist
Friday 29th Day. Mystic Crew
Eve. Hot Property Top Girl Duo
Saturday 30th Jessie Garron Male Vocalist
Sunday 1st Krys Top 60’s Group
Monday 2nd The Many Sides of Gary Rock n Roll

Bingo every Friday, Sunday and Mondays 25th & 2nd.
B H Quiz every Wednesday.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Mini Tote

2 & 3 Pink Ticket.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

20% Discount.

Golden China
Beijing Palace

for Kingsley
Show your club cards when ordering and
receive a 20% Discount.

Mini - Tote

17 & 29 Brown Ticket

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Mini Tote

27th Feb
27 & 31 Black Ticket

March Newsletter.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.
Newsletter March 2011.
Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ

Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514 or 711002
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Notice Of Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club will be held in the concert room on Sunday 13th March 2011 at 11.15 a.m.

Annual General Meeting.


1. Minute of remembrance
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Minutes of Special Meeting held 21st November 2010.
4. Auditors report and statement of accounts.
5. Election of Auditors
6. Appointment of ballot box attendant and three scrutineers.
7. Any notice of motion.

Any notice of motion must be presented in writing to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting.

By Order of E.C.

Committee Elections.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 13th March.

President; Graham Burgess.

Treasurer; Dave Birch.

Committee; Geoff Bassett, Pete Beaumont,
John Carnegie-Brown and Matt Wright.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Those nominated should supply the Secretary with a photograph, so
voters can see for whom they are voting.

Voting will be on.
Friday 18th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 19th 11.30am to 1.00pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 20th 11.30am to 1.00pm.

It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

The March 2011 Welfare Payment will be made to qualifying members on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm during March, commencing on Sunday 6th March 2011.

For club members of KPWMC who do not currently qualify for Welfare Fund payouts the annual fee shall be £4.00 per annum payable in March. Those members who are qualified members of the Welfare Fund and in receipt of quarterly payments will have £3.00 deducted from their March payment.

John Carnegie-Brown (Welfare Secretary)
Pete Beaumont (Assistant Welfare Secretary)

Cask Marque.
Last month we were visited by the Cask Marque inspectors who awarded us a 100% for our beers.

Well-done Louise and her team for their excellent work.

St Patrick’s dance
Our annual St Patrick’s dance will be held on Saturday 12th March. Music will be by The Cassidy Show Band. There will also be a display of Irish dancing. Tickets for this event are on sale from committee members or from behind the bar. We will be raising funds for local children in need on the night.
Tickets are only £5.00 and the bar will be opened until midnight.

50 Year Member

Congratulations to Bob Scotney our latest member to complete 50 years of membership.
Coming in April.

On St Georges Day Saturday April 23rd we will be having a full day of celebrations. Opening at 11.00. From midday until 4 pm you can enjoy a full English breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50.
Gammon ham, egg and chips. - £3.00
Faggots, mash, and mushy peas. - £3.50
The entertainment will start at 2.00. There will be a spirit raffle with profits going to the Help For Heroes fund. There will also be the usual Saturday evening entertainment.

On Royal Wedding Day Friday April 29th we will once again be open early. On the menu from midday until 4pm will be a breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, black pudding and chips. - £3.50
Pie – (chicken and mushroom or minced beef and onion), chips and peas.
Scampi, chips and peas. -£3.50 each.
The entertainment starts at 2.00 with the popular Mystic Crew, in the evening back in the club by popular demand we will have the fabulous duo Hot Property this is one act you should not miss.
On Saturday we have Jessie Garron top rock n roll singer, on Sunday 1st we have Krys a group who many people say are the top band to appear at the Kingsley. We conclude what we hope will be an excellent weekend on Monday 2nd with The Many Sides of Garry.

Carlsberg Promotion.
In honour of the royal wedding Carlsberg are holding a special promotion where if you purchase either 2 pints of Carlsberg, Carlsberg Export. Tetley’s Bitter or Holsten on Friday 29th Plus 2 pints on Saturday 30th Plus 2 pints on Sunday 1st we will give you 2 free pints on Monday 2nd.
Buy 6 pints get 2 free. Strictly one offer per member.

No Smoking in the Toilets.
It has been brought to the committee’s attention that some of our lady members have been smoking in the toilets. Not only is this breaking the clubs rules it is also a criminal offence. Any member male or female caught smoking in the toilets can expect to be severely dealt with.

Super Fun Night Out.
The Ladies Skittles B Team is looking for new recruits to play skittles in the Monday night league.

Experience is always welcome but by no means essential. What is essential is to come determined to have a fun night out. Winning is the icing on the cake, losing you still have the cake and it is not so fattening without icing on it. So you win whichever way it goes.

Come into the Club on a Monday night and introduce yourself to our captain, Jackie Gibson, and the rest will be plain sailing.

Other Games News.

Congratulations to our Air-gun A team that won their League with a magnificent performance, Played 10 won 10.

Redtooth Poker.

Alan Saunders (centre) congratulates winner Johnny Consodine (right) and runner-up Patrick O’Connell

March Entertainment.

Wednesday 2nd Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 4th Taylor’d Country Country & 60’s
Saturday 5th Mustang Blue 60’s – 70’s Group
Sunday 6th Kim Girl Vocalist
Friday 11th Paula Girl Vocalist
Saturday 12th Concert Room Red ThunderThe Cassidy Show Band Rock n Roll GroupIrish Dance Tickets £5
Sunday 13th Sammy Lines Girl Vocalist
Friday 18th Pete Ware Male Vocalist
Saturday 19th Invicterts 59 Rock n Roll Group
Sunday 20th Secret Party 70’s to Modern
Friday 25th Mike Lee Male Vocalist
Saturday 26th The Mustard Band 50’s to 70’s
Sunday 27th Circus Duo 70’s to Modern

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday

Bingo every Friday and Sunday

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Mini Tote

40 & 48 Brown Ticket.


The Annual General Meeting of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club will be held in the concert room on Sunday 13th March 2011 at 11.15 a.m.

1. Minute of remembrance.
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Minutes of Special Meeting held 21st November 2010
4. Auditor’s report and statement of accounts
5. Election of Auditors
6. Appointment of ballot box attendant and three scrutineers
7. Any notice of motion

Any notice of motion must be presented in writing to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting.

By Order of E.C.
10th February 2011

Sunday, 6 February 2011


6th Feburary 39 & 47.

Friday, 28 January 2011

February Newsletter.

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter February 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514 or 711002
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

It’s A Boy.

The committee and staff would like to congratulate proud parents Sarah and Ben on the birth of their first child.
Subscription Renewal.

Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.

Sundays 6th 13th 20th 27th From 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 7th 14th 21st 28th From 19.30 to 21.00

Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.

Ladies must attend in person to receive and sign for their Associate cards.

Males may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or a fellow member may pay on their behalf. They just need to bring your red membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope.

If anyone is having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions

If anyone cannot make these times, please contact the Secretary by popping in, telephoning or writing and make alternative arrangements to pay before 28th February.


We have received a letter of thanks from the Blind Association thanking us for the £450 that our members raised through the bottle on the bar.

We have also received thanks From the Poppy Appeal for the £131.84 raised through the sale of poppies.

We have also raised over £1000 for the Macmillan Haematology Suite at Northampton General Hospital. A big thank you to the people that supported us on the night, to all the bingo players that threw their loose change into the buckets after the bingo sessions and everyone that contributed,

What Are the Benefits of CIU Membership?

1. The opportunity for its members to purchase Associate and Pass Cards, in order to be able to visit 2,200 affiliated clubs through Great Britain.
2. A monthly Journal giving news & views on other clubs and articles of club management and legal advice.
3. The opportunity to attend Branch and National Meetings thus meeting fellow club members and exchanging ideas with other club officials.
4. A chance to visit a luxury holiday centre for subsidised breaks by the sea in en-suite accommodation.
5. Regular information from local and national offices helping officials run their clubs efficiently.
6. Participating in local, area and national games, quizzes and all types of sports against fellow clubmen.
7. An Annual Report containing over a hundred pages of useful information.
8. Participation in local and national seminars and lectures concerning all aspects of club administration.
9. Subsidised trips to race meetings.
10. Beneficial arrangements with breweries, banks and other suppliers through deals registered on behalf of clubs.
11. Opportunities to stand for election at local level.
12. Up to date information and advice on matters of law affecting clubs.
13. Better relationships with police, local authorities, government bodies etc.
14. The rules department changes rules free of charge. Solicitors would charge several hundred pounds.
15. Arbitrations are organised by the CIU minimal cost. Outside professional fees would cosy £000’s.

If a club left the Union it would lose all these benefits and would face grave difficulties in its dealings with the Financial Services Authority.

The Annual General Meeting.

At the time of going to press the date of the 2011 Annual General Meeting is yet to be confirmed, but in all likelihood it will take place in the concert room on Sunday 27th February at 11.15 am.
This meeting will be historic in that it will be the first meeting of members that both men and women will be able to attend.
For those attending for the first time, briefly the format of the meeting is to confirm previous meeting minutes, adopt the financial accounts, appoint auditors for the coming year, set up elections for the following week and consider any notices of motion.
The only item needing further explanation is that of notices of motion. These are items put forward to the meeting by either the Committee or individual members concerning the running of the club. If a member wishes to put forward a notice, they must present that motion in writing to the General Secretary signed by themselves and seconded by another member. Both these members should attend the meeting and the proposer must stand up and put the arguments forward for the motion. The seconder may add to the argument or simply state s/he seconds the motion. Others may then contribute to the debate both for and against and
finally the proposer may answer any matters arising from the debate before voting by show of hands takes place.
Notices of motion should ideally start with such words as “I put forward the following notice of motion for consideration and, if thought fit, adoption by the annual general meeting to be held Sunday 27th February 2011”
If passed at the meeting by a simple majority this becomes a recommendation for the Committee to consider and either enact, or decline to enact, if it feels the motion passed is not in the best interests of the club.
Notices of motion cannot involve the changing of rules. There is a different procedure for these.
For consideration at the meeting any notice of motion must be presented to the General Secretary at least five days before the meeting so that it can be added to the displayed agenda for members to come prepared.
The Annual General Meeting is the one meeting where members can come and state their views, ask questions on any matter on the agenda criticise praise or thank the Committee on its endeavours over the past year and offer support for the coming year.
It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at the meeting so that your committee will be able to feel there is real support from the membership in guiding the club through the difficult times ahead.

Committee Elections

In early February, a nomination sheet will be posted in the main bar
and will remain in place until noon 28th February inviting nominations for positions on the management committee. Any person standing must have been a full financial member of the club for at least six months and must be proposed and seconded by two full financial members of at least six months standing also.
This means that this upcoming election is the last annual election where only men can be elected.
Although women cannot stand this time they are entitled to vote in the election.
Women may join the committee from 1st July 2011 and will therefore be eligible for co-option from that date should there be any casual vacancy arising.
Anyone interested in helping run the club on behalf of its two thousand members who want to know what is involved should pop in and see the General Secretary or speak to any member of the Committee.
The job is not easy, but as part of a good team it could be both fun and extremely rewarding when your efforts contribute towards filling the club with happy members and associates.

The following people retire by rotation from the Committee at the
Annual General Meeting on Sunday 27th February.

President; Graham Burgess.

Treasurer; Dave Birch.

Committee; Geoff Bassett, Pete Beaumont,
John Carnegie-Brown and Matt Wright.

All of the above are eligible for re-election.
Those nominated should supply the Secretary with a photograph, so
voters can see for whom they are voting.
Voting will be on.
Friday 5th 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Saturday 6th 11.30am to 1.00pm. & 8.00 to 10.00pm,
Sunday 7th 11.30am to 1.00pm.
It is permitted to canvass for votes, but not in the vicinity of the polling booth.

St Patrick’s Dance.

Our annual St Patrick’s dance will be held on Saturday 12th March. Music will be by The Cassidy Show Band. There will also be a display of Irish dancing. Tickets for this event are on sale from committee members or from behind the bar. We will be raising funds for local children in need on the night.
Tickets are only £5.00 and the bar will be opened until midnight.

50-Year Member.Congratulations to Rodger Nicoles for his 50-year membership.

February Entertainment.

Wednesday 2nd Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 4th Jessica Vocalist
Saturday 5th After The Break Trio
Sunday 6th Bobby Daniels Vocalist
Friday 11th Tony Beltz Vocalist
Saturday 12th Ego Trio
Sunday 13th Andy Hammersley Vocalist
Friday 18th Johnny Red Rock n Roll
Saturday 19th Switch Trio
Sunday 20th Keith Dee Vocalist
Friday 25th Ben Murphy Vocalist
Saturday 26th Open Road Trio
Sunday 27th Nina Vocalist

Bingo every Friday & Sunday.

BH Quiz Night every Wednesday.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Kingsley Park Working Men's Club.

Newsletter January 2011.

Editor Matt Wright.
Email m.wright@ntlworld.com

The Kingsley Blog

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and Institute
120 Kingsley Park Terrace, Kingsley, Northampton, NN2 7HJ
Club Phone No’s
Steward 715514 or 711002
Secretary 719800
Email Secretary barryslasberg@kingsleyparkwmc.co.uk

Happy New Year.

The Committee would like to wish all our members and friends A Happy and prosperous New Year. We thank you for your support and hope to see you all in the club soon.

Looking Ahead

The year 2011 looks as though it is going to be tough for everyone. Use your club and take a break from the strain. Most nights of the week there is something to come and enjoy. Use the time to relax and meet your friends and make new ones. We do not count our success by the number of pints you drink but the number of bums on seats and smiles we see. There is no embarrassment in just coming in for one pint and having a good few hours in the club. Enjoy the entertainment, enjoy the games and enjoy the company. Our charges for snooker have not changed for years and at £2.00 per hour represents phenomenal value. Pool at 50 pence a game also takes some beating
Why not get your friends to join? For just £15.00 you and they could all have a regular night out at the club (just like in the old days!)

With belt tightening all around you may feel that celebrating a special function is beyond your means with things as they are. For all special celebrations booked for 2011, the hire of the function room is being reduced from £150.00 to £75.00 for all bookings received by 31st March 2011. Other booking fees will be reduced by half also. This reduction will apply to all bookings already received for 2011. So think ahead and get your bookings in! We cannot reduce the cost of our catering as it is already second to none for both price and quality and we are not prepared to compromise on quality that would be the only means of reducing the price.

Please do not forget to always top up your phone at the club. It costs you nothing beyond the top up fee and generates a small commission to the club that helps us control our bar tariff.

The world is full of gloom and doom, but our world at Kingsley Park Working Men's Club could be a very real bubble of relief, happiness and optimism that comes from sharing both good and bad times with good friends and neighbours in good surroundings.
Think about it. You know it makes sense!.

Wi-Fi.The code to get into the system is "jlerwfan" all in lower case. Register once and it should do for good.

Subscriptions 2011
Membership subscriptions for 2011 have been affected by the Equality Act that forbids differentiating the treatment of people on the grounds of age or sex.
The subscription for all members for 2011 will therefore be that agreed at the last Annual General Meeting of £8.00 per member, be they male, female or over 65. Life members will only have to pay £3.00 for their pass card.
For one year only women members will have to pay an extra £3.00 to buy the Associate card that gives membership of all Working Men's clubs subject to the same restrictions men suffer.
Partners of members who have not themselves been members are not affected by this legislation and can still enter the club unhindered on the arm of their member partner; but they cannot come to the club on their own or buy alcoholic beverages from the bar.
Subscriptions shall be taken in January as follows:

Sundays 9th 16th 23rd 30th from 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 10th 17th 24th 31st from 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 11th 18th 25th from 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 12th 19th 26th from 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 14th 21st 28th from 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 15th 22nd 29th from 12.00 to 13.30

Members who have not paid by the end of January become members in arrears and cannot enter the club or use its facilities until they come in to pay their subs at the following times in February.

Sundays 6th 13th 20th 27th from 12.00 to 13.00
Mondays 7th 14th 21st 28th from 19.30 to 21.00

Those who have not paid by 28th February cease to be members in accordance with the rules.
You may pay in person at one of the above sessions or a friend or fellow member may pay on your behalf. They just need to bring your red or white membership card. You may pay by cheque through the post enclosing your membership card and a stamped self-addressed envelope. If you are having difficulty in arranging payment by the due date please contact the Secretary. Ladies must attend in person to receive and sign for their Associate cards, We do not want to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions

Mark Knight Race Night.
A total raised £820. Which was divided too: Cynthia Spencer £300 which was doubled to £600 by Carlsberg. £130 to Northants & Warwick’s Air Ambulance, £130 to British Heart Foundation, £140 to S.P.A. Football Club which Mark was involved with and we know that is what he would have wanted & £120 Remembrance Vase that his friends want to put on his grave. Club President Graham Burgess presented a cheque for £140 Jamie Clarke, manager of the S.P.A. Football team.

60 Year a Member.
Derek Chapman is congratulated by President Graham Burgess on achieving 60 years of membership.

Games News.
Congratulations to our Monday night pool team for finishing 3rd in their division.

January Entertainment.

Saturday 1st Hot Property Duo
Sunday 2nd Matt Roberts Duo
Wednesday 5th Bluegrass Jam Session
Friday 7th Paul Maverick Rock n Roll
Saturday 8th Movie Stars Group
Sunday 9th The Many Sides of Gary Male Vocalist
Friday 14th Allegedly Male Vocalist
Saturday 15th De Souza Trio
Sunday 16th Paul Robinson Elvis Tribute
Friday 21st Andy Stone Male Vocalist
Saturday 22nd Phyzical Party Band
Sunday 23rd Amy C Female Vocalist
Friday 28th Dave Dynamite Male Vocalist
Saturday 29th Flying Ants Group
Sunday 30th Nataya Vocalist

Every Wednesday is B H Quiz night.
Bingo every Friday and Sunday.