April 2002
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News April 2002
We make no apology for the fact that your newsletter is becoming larger by the month. There is a lot going on, and we hope you find the contents interesting and stimulating.
April entertainment
Monday 1st Girls R Us
Friday 5th Pedal Male Duo 60’s – 90’s
Saturday 6th Nightbird Group 80’s – 90’s
Sunday 7th Saucebox Group Modern
Friday 12th Silhouettes Duo 60’s & Irish
Saturday 13th Blue Group 60’s – 90’s
Sunday 14th Pacific Blue Duo Modern
Friday 19th Leeway Male Duo 60’s – 90’s
Saturday 20th Blind Alley Group 80’s – 90’s
Sunday 21st Tryx Trio 60’s – 90’s
Friday 26th Cassidy Show Band Band 60’s Irish
Saturday 27th Silhouettes Group 60’s
Sunday 28th How bizarre Duo 70’s & 90’s
Bingo will be played every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening except Saturday 27th. Don’t forget the extra bingo session on the evening of 1st. Bank Holiday Monday.
Ladies supper Saturday 27th April
Tickets are now available from the Entertainment Committee for only £6 each. (£2 less than last year!)
You will be treated to a fine three course meal, relax to the vocal talent of Myke B, cheer to the sensuous gyrations of Amani & Onyx and laugh at the humour of the comedy duo Kopicatz.
All in all an evening not to be missed. Numbers are limited so get in and get your tickets as soon as possible. They are available from 7.30 to 9.00 pm on 29th, 30th & 31st March. 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th; 19th 20th &21st April. Also from 11.30am to 1.30pm Sundays 7th, 14th, & 21st April
St George’s Day Celebrations Tuesday 23rd April
Start at 10.30 am with a good old-fashioned English breakfast. As a special on the day this will cost only £2.00. Buy a ticket from behind the bar before the day so that we can make sure nobody is disappointed.
From 12.30 to closing in the afternoon we will be entertained by Charlie Chaplin and friend. We are assured they are very good, very English and will certainly get us going with the old favourites.
At about 1.15pm we will be dishing up the good old English bangers & mash again as a special for only £2.00. As with breakfast buy a ticket from behind the bar before the day to ensure your helping.
The bar will close from 3.00pm to 5.00 pm
In the evening we will hold our St George’s Day quiz with all questions relating to things English. This will be joined with “Exhibition” a karaoke offering only traditional tunes suited to the day. So if you warmed up the tonsils in the afternoon, join us in the evening to give St George his due. We will start at the earlier time of 8.00pm
You will be welcome to the normal Quiz nibbles during the evening, but do not forget that the kitchen will be open through the day as usual for our full menu.
Dinner Cabaret Saturday 4th May
This is just beyond April, but you need to know now so you can put the date in your diary as one not to miss.
Your MC for the evening will be Marc Bolton who is no mean singer.
For your entertainment we are proud to present Paul Derek – Bird Man of Magic. If you haven’t seen him before, come prepared to be astounded. If you have, you will surely want to see him again.
The brilliant voice of Fay Jackson is a pleasure not to be missed.
And top that all off with a beautiful three course meal and an extension until 11.30pm.
We are sure you will agree £10 per ticket is well worth it. Tickets will be available from 6th April either from the Entertainment Committee or behind the bar.
Welfare Section
Many members will be aware that this Club has a welfare section that runs the Tote on a weekly basis through the year. We are pleased to announce that the weekly payout has just been increased to £150.
What many may not know is that this section has two other valuable functions looking after the welfare of members who are members of the section.
The first is the availability of 8 weeks’ sickness pay at £10 per week in any year. This is available after 12 months’ membership of the section.
The second is a retired members payout of £10 three times a year for members over 65 years of age.
The annual membership subscription of the Welfare Section is just £4.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the section and wish to know more about eligibility and the rules of the Section please see John Fagan at his table at normal Tote times.
New members
A warm welcome is extended to all those who have just taken up membership. There are still many names on the notice board of people who have not yet collected their cards. Please come soon because further names will not be put for election until most of this list is cleared.
The books will remain open until 30th June. People wishing to join should ensure completed application forms are in the hands of the Secretary by that date.
What a whopper!
Congratulations to Tony Gibson, one of our members who is a member of the Northampton Specimen Group, on a truly fantastic year’s fishing.
Last autumn he caught the British record barbel weighing in at about 19lbs.
Add to that he has been awarded the Fox National award by the Angler’s Mail as best all round angler of the year, and is a hot favourite for the prestigious Angling Times Drennan Cup. Well done Tony!!
Games News
This month the news is of our ladies teams.
The ladies darts A team came third in the Summer league 2001. They then went on to win the winter league 2001/2. L. Page and K. Birch won the charity pairs competition in 2001.
The ladies darts B team is also becoming a force to be reckoned with as they steadily improve their league position.
Last season the ladies skittles had what might be described as not the most successful of seasons. This year they have won their first three games. Winning on top of a good night out can be nothing but good news!
Well done everyone.
All games sections are on the lookout for new members. If you are interested in representing Kingsley Park in any of the following please see our games section secretary, Pete Kirby.
We have teams in the following games: -
Cribbage Airgun Snooker Cricket Pool
Outdoor bowls Men’s skittles Ladies skittles Ladies darts 25’s
Games are at the heart of the life of Working Men’s clubs. We hope our members will ensure they are kept there.
And finally
Our congratulations go to Ken Jones, Jimmy Finucane & John O’Brien on their re-election to the Committee.
Welcome to our two new members, Pete Kirby who is joining the finance section as well as representing the Games Section, and to Chris Billingham who is on entertainment assisting with raffles.
Best wishes go to the full Committee for their endeavours on behalf of all the members for the year ahead.
May 2002
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News May 2002
May entertainment
Friday 3rd Bob Brolly Band Band Irish & Modern
Saturday 4th Smack in the middle Group 60’s 70’s 80’s
Sunday 5th Brandy Snap Duo 70’s 80’s
Friday 10th Duvet Group 80’s & Modern
Saturday 11th Taylor Made Band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 12th Mixed Blessings Band 60’s to 90’s
Friday 17th Faintin Goats Band Everything
Saturday 18th Countdown Band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 19th Shy Tot Duo 80’s to 90’s
Friday 24th Tobacco Road Trio 60’s to 90’s
Saturday 25th Three Penny Bit Band 60’s & Modern
Sunday 26th David Duffy & his band Band Irish 60’s Modern
Friday 31st Roller coaster Group Modern
Dinner Cabaret Saturday 4th May
Full details of this event were given in last month’s newsletter and can be seen on posters in the Club.
First class food, first class entertainment (magic, music and mirth) first class surroundings and first class company!
Where on earth could you get more for just £10?
This is definitely a night not to be missed. Tickets are available from the Entertainment Committee or from behind the bar.
Go on; give yourselves and your loved ones a treat!
Bank Holiday Monday May 6th
We are proud to present in the bar in the afternoon “the Corsairs” a Rock n Roll and fifties band. If you’ve seen them before you will want to see them again!
In the evening in the bar we are privileged to be entertained by “Krys” a great 60’s band.
Also, in the evening, in the concert room you will be able to enjoy a game of Bingo.
We hope you will agree that there is something for everyone.
Bingo will be played every Friday, Saturday and Sunday except Saturdays 4th May and 25th May.
Senior Citizen’s Free and Easy Thursday 16th May
If you are a senior citizen and a member and like good company, good food and a good sing along, then you should book your place for this night out at the Club.
Brian Dolby has the tickets and you can get yours from him any time he is in the club, which is almost any time over the weekend in the evening and Sunday lunchtime.
We are asking for a £5 deposit, which is refundable only if you turn up for the evening.
Life Members’ and Senior Citizen’s outing Saturday 15th June
The itinerary for this year’s outing is: -
10.00am Meet in the Club for one of our now famous Kingsley breakfasts
10.30am set off in the coach. The first stop will be at picturesque Pitsford. Then we will go on to spend lunchtime at the Trades & Labour Club at Market Harborough. After this we will wend our way to Foxton Locks and then back to Kingsley for your meal.
5.00pm Arrive back at Kingsley to enjoy a meal with some musical accompaniment and finish in time to enjoy Bingo or the other entertainment offered by the Club, or just a quiet drink in the lounge.
Again we are asking for a £5 deposit, which is refundable if you turn up for the trip.
Tickets are available from John Fagan and John O’Brien at the Tote table during hours when Tote is being taken.
We are pushing into June again, but to leave this until the next newsletter will leave it too late to let you know you really want to be here on the day.
The Golden Jubilee Bank holiday is Monday 3rd June.
The bar will be open from 11.00 am to 11.30 pm
On that day we will have live entertainment in the bar in the afternoon and evening.
We will also have a Disco in the concert room in the afternoon and Bingo in the evening.
The kitchen will not be open for hot meals, but a free running cold buffet will be available for most of the day.
All draught beers and lagers and Kingsley house doubles will also be supplied at pleasingly reduced prices.
Just for this day the club will be open to members and their close family only.
Spring Bank holiday is Tuesday 4th June
The bar will be open from 11.00 am to 11.00 pm
There will be live entertainment in the bar in the afternoon.
Keep an eye on the notice boards for details of the entertainment for both days.
New Members
A further list of successful applicants has just been put on the notice board. The best time to pick up cards is Sunday before 1.00 pm. If this is not convenient please make arrangements with the Secretary who will be pleased to issue cards whenever on the premises if not tied up with other business.
The next list of new applicants will be put up just after 30th June for all forms received by that date.
Please remember that all the questions on the application forms must be answered or the risk is that the application will not be considered.
June 2002
We have no record of the June 2002 Newsletter.