Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Old Newsletters Jan/Feb/Mar 2003

January 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News January 2003

Happy New Year!

It is that time of year again. At the start of the new year, what does the media promise us? It promises and talks up the threat of war. It promises and talks up the threat of international terrorism. It promises and talks up the threat of looming recession and the crash of the housing market. Has anybody seen anything good and decent that the media is promising? Of course not – it doesn’t make good news!

The management of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club makes no predictions as to what is going to happen in the world at large. What it does is make a firm commitment to provide for members; their families and guests; and associate members a safe haven from whatever the world may throw at us. It is committed to continue serving the community through the Charity and Children in need funds. It is committed to continue providing refreshments; both food and drink; at the lowest possible price to be able to continue raising funds to plough back into the club for the benefit of all those who use it. It is committed to supporting the playing of games in the club.

In short, it is committed to fulfilling its first rule which is “ to afford to its members the means of social intercourse, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement, and rational recreation.”

It may not get it right every time, but it is committed to keep trying all the time.

Again, it must be stressed that success or failure depends to a large degree on those who use the club. We need parents to supervise their children at all times. Almost every week the ladies toilets are vandalised. Do parents need to be told that if their children spend hours each night in the toilet, they are not using it for its correct purpose? Many of the people who use the club have their evenings spoiled by children running free and causing a nuisance. A small minority still roam the club as if it were an adventure playground. It is inevitable that one day one of those children will be badly hurt. People are still grinding chewing gum into the new carpet in the bar and mishandling the furniture.

The commitment of management will not be realised if it is not backed by the commitment of those who use the club to use it with respect and to be considerate of others using the club.

May we all enjoy a happy, harmonious and healthy new year and see our club go from strength to strength!

January Entertainment

At the time of going to press the entertainment programme for January has not been finalised. Please see the posters in the club for full details.

As usual bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00 pm) and Sunday (eyes down 8.45 pm) and every Saturday except 11th (eyes down 9.00 pm)

Games News

After years of trying Kath MacLean has done it at last. This year she is the winner of the averages in the town darts league. Many congratulations!

Just to confirm last month’s prediction, our air-gun team did finish as runners up this year. Well done the shootists.

Welfare Section

The period from 10th January to 9th February inclusive is important to members of the welfare section. At normal Tote times in this period subscriptions are payable and also the senior citizens’ payout will be made.

The Welfare section is open to membership for all members of the club. Please make enquiries at the welfare section table when the tote is being taken.

Quiz Nights

The dates for the January Quiz nights are Tuesday 14th and Tuesday 28th starting at 8.30pm. Our new feature is beginning to cause a bit of excitement. Treat yourself and come and join in the fun.

Race Night

We have yet to firm up a date for the race night in January. As soon as we know the date will be posted on the notice board. Keep your eyes peeled as this generally proves to be a fun evening not to be missed.

Annual Subscriptions

You were reminded in the last newsletter and notices are posted in the club. Please do not forget to renew your membership during the month of January. It is hoped the Club is as valuable to you as you are to it!

11th February 2003

The Westone Singers will be entertaining the Six Counties Patients Association from 8.00pm. in the concert room. Club members are welcome and the cost is a voluntary donation to this local charity. This should be a good night out for music lovers.

And finally

This month’s newsletter is quite brief because of the holiday season. Don’t forget that if you wish to make a contribution you are more than welcome. Please see the General Secretary to discuss any ideas you may have.

Febuary 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News February 2003

Subscriptions 2003

If you have not renewed your subscriptions by the time you read this newsletter, you will have become a member in arrears. This means that you will not be able to use the Club until you have paid.

Payment times are: -

Fridays 31st January; 7th, 14th and 21st February from 8.00pm to 9.00 pm
Sundays 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd February from 11.30am to 12.30pm
Wednesday 26th February from 8.00pm to 9.00pm

If you have not paid by 26th February, you will cease to be a member of this Club. Your membership and patronage is valued and we want to lose not one member; but that is in your hands.

There will be a card check throughout February. The last thing your management wants is to deny anyone entry. It is hoped that all the notices and mention in previous newsletters will ensure no one is disappointed.

Entertainment February

Saturday 1st Smooth n Sweet Trio 60’s – 90’s
Sunday 2nd Ayey’s Comet 70’s – 90’s
Friday 7th Over-draft 60’s – 70’s
Saturday 8th Curious Potion Band 80’s – Modern
Sunday 9th Desire M/F Duo 60’s – 90’s
Friday 14th Faintin Goats Irish Trio 60’s – 70’s
Saturday 15th Blame the Parents 80’s – Modern
Sunday 16th Avante Garde Duo 70’s – 90’s
Friday 21st Rendezvous Duo
Saturday 22nd Full Circle Band
Sunday 23rd After Midnight Female Duo
Friday 28th Donnybrook Fair Irish Country & Western

Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) Sunday (eyes down 8.45pm) and Saturday except 22nd (eyes down 9.00pm)

Dates for the Diary

11th February The Westone Singers

The Westone Singers will be entertaining the Six Counties Kidney Patients Association from 8.00pm in the concert room. The format will be two sessions by the Westone singers followed by a sing along.

There is no entrance fee. There will be a raffle to raise funds for the association.

The association has kindly invited all Kingsley Park members and associates to this event, but regret that children will not be admitted.

11th & 25th February - Quiz Nights

All are welcome to our quiz nights for a little brain massage and the opportunity to spot the Quizmaster’s deliberate (?) mistakes. Will Ace’s High build up again or will some lucky person get the jackpot first time this time? We start at 8.30pm.

27th February - Race Night

It is a must for the adrenalin rush! Be there to experience all the suspense and excitement of a race meeting without getting cold or wet. First race 8.30pm.

15th March – St. Patrick’s Dance

Members and associates are welcome to our annual celebration of the patron saint of Ireland. We will be entertained by Seamus Moore and the J C B Band. An application has been made for a bar extension to midnight.

Tickets are £6 each available from the entertainment committee.

5th April – Dinner/Cabaret

Those of you who have already seen the Detroit Runners will know you are in for a special evening if you come to this event. Night and Day also a fine group to entertain us. Add to this a three course meal and we have a recipe for a really good night out.

Lessons were learnt from our last event. We will have a seating plan at the outset and you will be able to choose your table from those available when you book.

The doors will open at 7.00pm and the meal served at 7.30pm prompt.

Tickets are £10 each available only from the Entertainment Committee.

Treasure Chest 2002

Over 2002 the Treasure Chest has generated some very nice prize money and funds for the Club.

Your Management Committee has allocated the surplus over the year, and a summary of the distribution as it will appear in the 2002 accounts is as follows

St Patrick’s Dance £1447
December drink discount £3800
Entertainment subsidy £5000
Senior Citizen’s Meal £1000

Total £11247

The total prize payout in the year was £5150.

Thanks must go to the Entertainment Committee for introducing the very popular feature to our weekends’ entertainment.

Elections 2003

On 7th February, the notice for elections for the Management Committee will be posted on the notice board in the main bar.

All those retiring will be eligible for re-election. If you can spare the time and think you can make a positive contribution to the running of your club why not stand for election?

Any member who wishes to be nominated must have been a financial member for at least six months prior to nominations closing and must be proposed and seconded by two financial members.

Nominations close 24 hours after the Annual General Meeting.

If you want more information before deciding to go for election, please see the General Secretary.

Enjoy a game of cards?

It has come to the notice of the editor that some members who enjoy a sociable game of cards in the club are confused about any restrictions in playing times.

So there is no misunderstanding, the regulations are as follows: -

There is no restriction to playing cards in the card room as long as there are no club matches on. The same applies to the games room when it is open.

No card playing is allowed in the lounge.

In the bar, the only restrictions are: -

Fridays All card playing to stop by 8.00pm
Saturdays All card playing to stop by 8.00pm
Sundays No card playing allowed before 1.30pm or after 8.00pm

Should there be entertainment at any other time in the bar, card playing is not allowed.

All games must stop 20 minutes after the final bell in any session.

Members should be aware that, under our by law 6, no gambling is allowed in the club. It is appreciated that a small stake adds a bit of spice to a game and this is allowed. Gambling, where the purpose of the game is to win money rather than enjoy the game, is not allowed.

By law 7 states that there shall be no obscene language in the club. It has come to the attention of the Management Committee that members and associates who used to enjoy the club on a weekend evening go elsewhere because of the obscene language that is often freely and loudly used by some card players. Consideration of others in the Club would be appreciated. If not given voluntarily, it will be enforced by disciplinary action.

It is hoped this has clarified the situation.


It was with great regret that the Committee accepted the retirement of Mr John O’Brien due to ill health. A debt of gratitude is owed to John for his support over the years. Best wishes go to John in his retirement for improved health and the continued ability to use his drinking arm for many years to come.

The Committee recently welcomed Dave Yates as a co-opted member to serve until the elections of 2004. He can already be seen at the Welfare table as he is taking over the role of Welfare Secretary.

Thanks go to Mr G Bassett and Mr J Boyle who volunteered to fill the vacancy.


With Dave Yates coming on to the Committee we are left with a vacancy for a doorkeeper. If you available for a few shifts a week please see the General Secretary for details.

And finally

It is anticipated that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held on Sunday 23rd February. The formal notice will be posted in the bar the weekend before.

Last year approximately 1.7% of our members attended including the Management Committee.

It would be good if we could raise that to 17% and fill the room. Hope to see you there!

March 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News March 2003

Annual General Meeting

The date: Tuesday 11th March 2003

The time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm

The reason: They want to meet the folk from Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and challenge us to an evening of competition at our games of Snooker, Pool, Skittles, Darts, Cribbage and Dominoes.

The evening: The whole squad; about 42 in total; including the top notch internationals are planning to visit us. They are restricted to two hours only because of their arduous training for important matches that lie ahead. They will not only be playing us in competition but will be wandering around chatting; signing autographs; and possibly posing for souvenir photos with you if you ask them nicely and bring a camera. You may even find yourself having a pint pulled for you by one of our local heroes.

Who is playing for us?

Please give Pete Kirby or Barry Slasberg a note of your name, club number and which game you wish to play. Pete will try to arrange for as many who wish to play to get a game. No promises though because we will only have an hour and a half to fit in all games. If you turn up on the night hoping to play you may just be lucky.

Entry: Security on the door will be strict for this evening, as it must be stressed that this is not open to the public. Only Members, their bona fide guests and associates may join us. So please bring your club cards with you.


Thanks must go to Carlsberg Tetley who have arranged this visit for us.

Thanks also to the snooker section for re-arranging their league matches to accommodate the evening.

Annual General Meeting

We had a total of thirty-one members; including the Management Committee; out of a potential 2104 attended our A.G.M. on 23rd February.

There was an interesting question and answer session on the accounts for 2002, with some very relevant questions from the floor. Once answered the accounts were accepted by the meeting without dissent.

It was agreed that the subscriptions for 2004 be adjusted as follows: -
Men to £4.50
Life Members to £2.00
Senior Citizens to £4.00
Ladies to £1.50

Even with these increases this club has one of the lowest subscription rates in town.

It was also agreed that the purchase of a pass card would, in future, be compulsory for all male members. This was as a statement of support for the CIU on which all clubs depend if we are to maintain our special position in our communities.

Entertainment March

Saturday 1st Fat Chantz Band
Sunday 2nd Johnny Red Rock n Roll & 60’s
Friday 7th Total Feelings Girl Duo 60’s & 90’s
Saturday 8th Kool Breeze Band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 9th Streams of Whiskey Irish C/W & 60’s
Friday 14th Bob Brolly Band Great Band
Saturday 15th Physical Group 60’s to modern
Sunday 16th Backstreet Group 60’s to modern
Friday 21st Brothers in Soul 60’s to 90’s & Soul
Saturday 22nd Pleasure House Band 70’s to modern
Sunday 23rd Pure Dreams Female Trio
Friday 28th Tribute night – see below
Saturday 29th Silhouettes Great Band 60’s
Sunday 30th Hot Property Girl Duo 60’s to present

Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) Sunday (eyes down 8.45pm)
And Saturdays 8th,22nd, and 29th (eyes down 9.00pm)


St Patrick’s Dance

Saturday 15th March we are celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a dance in the concert room in the evening.

Music will be supplied by Seamus Moore and the J.C.B. Band and there will be a display of Irish dancing.

Tickets are £6.00 available from the Entertainment Committee or from the bar.

There will be an extension on the bar until midnight.

Shirley Bassey Tribute Night

Friday 28th March for one night only at Kinglsey Park Working Men’s Club, Joanne Copeman is Shirley Bassey.

If this lady is as good as we are told, then this is definitely a night not to be missed.

Joanne is backed by Trivis Logan, a top vocal entertainer.

Dates for the Diary

13th March Race night

We apologise for having to cancel the last race night at short notice and hope no one was inconvenienced. We have brought forward the next night just in case anyone is suffering from withdrawal symptoms! The first race will be at 8.30pm. Be there – be lucky.

25th March Quiz Night

Because of the Saint’s visit there will only be one quiz night this month. We start at approximately 8.30pm prompt. You miss it, you miss out!

5th April Dinner/Cabaret

Tickets are going very well for our first Dinner/Cabaret of the year, but there are still some left.

Having fed well on our three-course meal you will be able to sit back and enjoy the fabulous Detroit Runners with their captivating song and dance act, and the comedy act Night & Day.

Tickets at £10 each are available from the Entertainment Committee only.

17th April Charity Night in aid of The Weston Favell Ulcer Clinic

One of our members, Fred Knock, has recently been helped through an extremely bad period of severe ulceration on his legs. The staff at the clinic saved one leg from possible amputation. As with most NHS establishments this is under-funded. Fred has arranged an evening of entertainment (supplied free by the entertainers) with a prize draw to raise money for the clinic. A £2.00 donation will be collected at the door. This promises to be a good evening for an excellent cause.

23rd April St George’s Day

As is our custom, we will be celebrating St George’s day on the actual day itself

We will start the day at 11.00am with a good old-fashioned English breakfast for just £2.10.00d. in English money.

For lunch there will be a choice of Bangers & Mash with Gravy or Faggots & Mash with Gravy, at a cost of £3.00.00d in English money.

So that everyone gets the meal they want, tickets for the meals will be sold from behind the bar from 1st April until lunchtime 17th April.

The lunchtime entertainment will be the Girl Group Ttorria. They will do three spots, the middle one of which will be devoted to the traditional English songs. The other two spots will be from their standard repertoire – and they are very good!

The evening will carry on the theme, but for a change we would ask you what you want to do. Please see Graham, our Steward, or the Secretary if you have any ideas as soon as possible.

26th April Ladies Supper

Our annual feast of food and entertainment for our lady members is to be held on the last Saturday in April.

We start the evening at 7.30 prompt with a three-course meal followed by three acts that should make for a very enjoyable evening: -

Just Friends are a comedy Drag Act
Swordfish is a Male Duo
Double Impact is a Male Dancer (Probably not Waltz, Quickstep or Fox Trot.)

Tickets at £7.00 each will be available from the Entertainment Committee only from 21st March at the times displayed on the posters.

Games News

Pool Congratulations to our pool team for winning the C.I.U. league. We know we are the best; but it is great when the results reflect this!

Airgun Congratulations to S. Griffiths and M. Bodsworth who won the Town League pairs knockout competition. Quality shooting again!

Skittles We welcome a second ladies skittle team to our club for the beginning of this season. The team that used to play for the County Tavern has joined us. Definitely their loss and our gain. Welcome and good fortune for the coming season.

Snooker Last year, we reduced the age limits for playing snooker to 13 as long as the children were playing with parents. Once again a small number of parents are letting the side down by getting the snooker balls and leaving the children to play unsupervised. Some of these children are also not observing the rules as to playing times and are hogging the tables so that folk cannot get a game. The rules are displayed in the snooker room as to time allowed when people are waiting.

Please note that if anyone under 16 is playing snooker without at least one parent in attendance, they will be liable to being stopped playing without notice and the parent will be liable to disciplinary action. Also if tokens for more than the permitted time are put in the meter when someone books the table, the excess time will be forfeited and there will be no refund.

The management wish to encourage young players for the future. Part of the game is respect for other players, just as much as potting the balls!

And finally
Tariff Review

The Management Committee never consider entering popularity contests at this time of year. No matter how hard management tries to keep price increases to a minimum, and no matter what the level of increase some people will be unhappy.

This year, as in previous years, our suppliers have been bent over backwards to minimise their increases. The additional price for our own budget has been kept to a minimum in order to maintain the standards the members have a right to demand of the club.

There should be no further increases in beer this year, unless the Chancellor increases duty; and wine and spirit prices will only be increased if the prices to the Club are increased, and again if there is any duty increase.

A warning note must be sounded for the future. If you look around your newly refurbished bar, you will see increasing numbers of chairs damaged with cigarette burns; you will see tables with cigarette burns on the sides where folk rest their cigarettes on the tables and you will see carpet getting damaged by chewing gum.

Please use the ashtrays provided on every table. Please do not place ashtrays on chair seats where cigarettes can roll off and burn the fabric. Please wrap up your used chewing gum and put it in a waste bin. If these thoughtless abuses of your club continue there will be no option but that the cost of repair will have to be recovered through price increases over the bar.