January 2005
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News January 05
A very happy start to the New Year
Your Management Committee wishes to show the gratitude of the club to all those who have loyally used it over 2004 by reducing the price of all drinks by 10% from 8th to 23rd January inclusive.
Subscriptions will be taken at the following times in January: -
Sundays 9th 16th 23rd 30th 11.00am to 1.00pm
Mondays 10th 17th 24th 31st 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Tuesdays 11th 18th 25th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Wednesdays 12th 19th 26th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Fridays 14th 21st 28th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Saturdays 15th 22nd 29th Noon to 1.00pm
Please remember that all subscriptions are due by 28th January 05. This also applies to new members who joined in the course of 2004.
After this date, a member who has not paid his subscriptions becomes a member in arrears and is not allowed into the club until he/she comes to pay their subscriptions. This period lasts for a further 28 day after which membership lapses. The times for paying subscriptions in February will be published in the next newsletter.
Entertainment January 05
Saturday 1st Private Eye Chart Covers Group
Sunday 2nd Jels Modern Male Young Vocal Duo
Monday 3rd Suga Shak Top Class Party Trio
Friday 7th Crimson Dynamo Male Vocal Instrumental Duo
Saturday 8th Broken Toys 4 Piece Chart Covers Group
Sunday 9th Desire Boy/Girl Duo
Friday 14th Rhythm Express North East Boy/Girl Duo
Saturday 15th Frantik Excellent Three Piece Group
Sunday 16th Moonlight Top Boy/Girl Duo
Friday 21st Night To Remember Brilliant Trio
Saturday 22nd The Soundations Male Vocal Instrumental Trio
Sunday 23rd II True Male Vocal Instrumental Duo
Friday 28th 2ct Top Boy/Girl Duo
Saturday 29th Hot City Nights 80’s Rock & Pop Vocal/Inst. Trio
Sunday 30th Newyork Minute Male Vocal/Instrumental Duo
Enjoy a session of bingo at any of the following times
Every Friday Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 1st 15th & 29th Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes down 8.45 p.m.
Monday 3rd Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Welfare Section Update
Treasure Chest
Tickets are on sale at the Welfare table in the bar on Fridays 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm and Sundays Noon to 1.00pm and 7.00 pm to 9.15 pm when the draw takes place. Details of the amount won and the number of keys are displayed on the club’s notice boards, as are the rules. The minimum prize for opening the treasure chest is £500 with a consolation of £100 if the key won does not open the chest.
The Savings Club
This club is open to any member or associate member. Simply pick up a copy of the rules and an application form from the Welfare Committee on Sundays between Noon and 1.00 pm or Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm. Complete the application form and return it with the required proof of identity and address when you will be given a Savings Club Record Book and straight away you can start saving.
Savings may be withdrawn, either in whole or in part, at any time throughout the year subject to giving one week’s written notice on the prescribed form supplied by the Welfare Committee.
For withdrawals up to £100, payment can be made in cash. Those over £100 will be by CHEQUE ONLY made payable to the savings club member, and may either be paid direct into the member’s own bank account or cashed at Allied Irish Bank, 18 St Edmund’s Rd, Northampton. We regret that cheques cannot be cashed by the Club.
The Welfare Section
Any male member who has been a financial member of KPWMC for at least 12 months may join the Welfare Section.
The subscription for 2005 is £4.00. Payment is due by 31st March 2005.
The benefits Welfare Member get are: -
Sickness pay for time off work of £15.00 per week up to a maximum of 8 weeks in any 12 months subject to doctor’s certification and certain limitations for long term sickness. This benefit is not payable for the first twelve months of membership of the section.
Senior Citizen’s payout of £15.00 per quarter payable to all members of the section over 65 years old who have been members of the section for five years or more.
The Tote
The Tote is a game of chance played by Members and Associates who choose pairs of numbers between 1 and 30. If one of their pairs of numbers matches the two numbers that are drawn by the Welfare Secretary on Sundays at 1.00 pm, the member wins £150 or a proportion if there is more than one winner. Most members pay £1.00 per week and choose 20 pairs of numbers to get 2 extra free pairs.
Any surplus funds derived from the Tote are used to finance the benefits of the Welfare Section.
Dave Yates, the Welfare Secretary, and John Carnegie-Brown, the Assistant Welfare Secretary, are available at the Welfare table in the bar on Fridays between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm and on Sundays between noon and 1.00pm to receive Tote and Welfare payments and to answer any questions.
Children in Need
A big thank you must be given to our Entertainment Secretary for the excellent Wednesday evening functions he arranged in aid of local children in need.
An equally big thank you to all those who attended and raised in total £454.00.
On Saturday, 22nd January 2005, we are having our final fund –raising extravaganza of the season. Guy Surtees , a great vocalist who does a lot of soul and motown numbers along with other classics will be here to woo us. The Showgirls, a brilliant drag duo, is sure to get us rolling in the aisles.
We hope to have a raffle and possibly a short session of Aces High.
As usual this is an adults only evening with children in need much in mind.
Carlsberg are sponsoring the evening with a contribution towards the entertainment and a donation of 20 pence toward the fund for every pint of Tetley bitter sold.
Tickets are only £4. They can be bought from behind the bar. The Saturday evening is the one you have been asking for. Let us make it an evening to remember for all the right reasons.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 11th & 25th January Quiz Nights
You may be fed up with food, but we will continue to feed you lightly in order to maintain the high degree of concentration and intelligence which is always seen on these highly charged and stimulating evenings. We start at 8.30pm and look forward with eager anticipation to our evenings together.
Thursday 20th January Race Night
Just one this month, so all the more exciting for its rarity! Maybe double the stakes tonight and double your winnings. We start almost exactly at 8.30pm or close and a good evening is a guarantee.
Saturday 22nd January Children in Need Extravagansa
Details are given elsewhere in this newsletter. This is an evening out not to be missed. Make sure of your tickets as early as possible.
And Finally
There will be notices in evidence in the Club with dire warnings about what happens if subs are not paid in time. This is because your Management Committee does not want to lose one member through non-payment.
You do not have to attend personally to pay subs. A friend can do it for you. You can send a cheque in the post with a stamped and self-addressed envelope. If you cannot make any of the formal times, a phone call to the Secretary or a visit to his office with a polite request to pay at another time will be greeted positively.
The Club is not a club without its members. Each and every one of you is a welcome friend of the club, and every lost member is a sad loss to the club.
So, get those subs paid on time and we’ll all be happy!!
Febuary 2005
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News February 2005
Bar Tariff Review 2005
Our suppliers have advised the main increases, and on the basic increase the cost of draught beers and lagers would have to be increased by upwards of 10 pence per pint from the middle of February. We are in the process of negotiating these figures and they should be substantially reduced.
The Committee is aware that the club operates in a declining market. It is felt that the correct course of action is to encourage more folk into the club more of the time whilst maintaining a strict control on costs.
One of the many factors that persuade people to use a club is, naturally, the prices at the bar. The Committee has made the radical decision to freeze bar prices until the results of the six months accounts are available at the end of July. The only way this freeze can be maintained through the year will be if more members and associates make more use of the Club.
The only increases that will have to be passed on before the review in July are those imposed, if any, by the Chancellor in his budget.
The Committee is constantly considering different initiatives. Please let them know, or pop in and tell the Secretary what you would like to see happening in the Club that would encourage you to use it more.
The ball is truly in the court of the members and associates who use the club to make this work.
Subscriptions 2005
Members who have not renewed their subscriptions by 28th January 05 are now classed as members in arrears. They may come to the club to pay their subscriptions, but may not use the club until the subscriptions have been paid.
The times for payment of subscriptions in February are: -
Sundays 6th 13th 20th 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
Monday 7th 14th and 21st & 28th 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Please be aware that if subscriptions are not paid by 27th February, membership of the club will terminate. Unless the circumstance for non-payment are beyond the control of the person who has not paid, application for reinstatement will not be considered until next year when a fresh application will have to be submitted in accordance with the rules.
There will be a card show throughout February. Bona fide guests are welcome, but all members and associates must have their cards with them every time they visit the club. This, of course, should be the habit of every member and associate anyway and will hopefully cause no inconvenience.
Club Annual General Meeting
It is hoped to hold the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 27th February. We have over 2000 male members and generally about 30 attend the meeting including the Committee.
This is members’ club and it is important that the Committee be supported by the members who vote them into office.
Please do your best to attend. The formal notices will be posted in the club in due course.
Union Annual General Meeting
In the October newsletter, it was reported that this club is to put a notice of motion at Blackpool which, if successful, will reduce men’s subscriptions in 2006 by £1.00. The motion was given overwhelming support by our Branch and we are now embarking on a campaign to get the motion passed.
We are having an article published in the February Club Journal and a copy has been sent to the President of every Branch in the UK seeking support. For your information, the article is reproduced at the end of the newsletter under the heading “All for One and One for All.”
We are told that this is the first time in a very long time that an individual club has put forward a motion proposing a change of Union rules. The Committee feels very strongly that this motion is worth fighting for on the members’ behalf and will use every endeavour to ensure success- but it won’t be easy!
Two Branches have already responded saying the will be supporting the motion.
Tsunami Appeal
The Shoe Box appeal arranged by Terry Olsen raised £750 towards the appeal and a further £250 has been authorised for payment out of our charity fund by the Committee.
Thank you Terry and everyone who contributed so generously.
Entertainment February 05
Friday 4th Free Beer Male Duo
Saturday 5th Sultans of Swing Tribute
Sunday 6th Aces and Kings Male Duo
Friday 11th Twinz Male Duo
Saturday 12th Breeze Band
Sunday 13th Honeywell Trio
Friday 18th Karin Bello Female Vocalist
Saturday 19th N V Female Duo
Sunday 20th Charlie Chaplin Keyboard/ Vocalist
Friday 25th The Two Tops Motown Tribute
Saturday 26th Tony Gee Motown disco in the function room Tickets £4.00
Saturday 26th Matrix in the bar Band
Sunday 27th Dun and Dusted Band
Bingo sessions for February are as follows: -
Every Friday Eyes Down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 5th & 19th Eyes Down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes Down 8.45 p.m.
Something to Celebrate?
As you will know, our function room is let out to members on either two or three Saturdays a month to members for celebratory functions. We have catered for Anniversaries, Birthdays, Weddings, and Christening and Retirement parties.
The feedback is always excellent. Whether it is just the room being hired, entertainment arranged, a buffet or a full-blown sit-down meal, we have never had a dissatisfied party.
The room is hired on a Saturday for only £100. With other venues charging this for an hour, you can see the value for money. The bad news is that as we go to press there is only one Saturday available in 2005 and that is for March.
The good news is that if you can hold your party during the week; Mondays to Thursdays inclusive; the charge for the room is only £50.00 and most of these days can be accommodated.
It is a pain to have to go to work after a night out, but for that special occasion just maybe it is worth it!
For further information do not hesitate to contact the Secretary or Steward.
Mothering Sunday March 6th
Go on, give Mum a day out of the kitchen and buy her a lovely meal at the Club.
For this, the busiest day in the year, booking is essential. Phone or come in to see Steve or Elaine to avoid disappointment.
Children in Need Evening 22nd January
The finale to our fund raising season was an unqualified success. The total raised for the fund was in the region of £1000.
Our thanks go to Carlsberg and Kappa Packaging who sponsored the evening, and TLX who donated a raffle prize. Last, but not least, a debt of gratitude is owed to the ever popular Big Kev Fardon for his usual tireless efforts in helping arrange the evening.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 8th & 22nd February Quiz Nights
Our new meeting place seems to be quite popular with quiz goers and sports fans alike. Join us in the concert room for our 8.30 start. Enjoy the Quiz, Aces High and a bite to eat. February is be nice to Bamber month. See what you can come up with to show him what you really think of his selfless devotion to your enjoyment.
Thursdays 3rd & 17th February Race Nights
It’s the sport of Kings; with their Queens and progeny very welcome. Join us for the 8.30 start and enjoy the racing and a snack during the evening. Our pleasure is your smile as you collect your winnings!
Wednesday March 2nd Keith Deller Darts Night
Come along for a good night’s entertainment with Keith Deller taking on Kingsley folk at darts. Some of our own league players will have first shot at this champion player, but there will be a chance for others who want a go, with names being taken from a hat if there are too many up for it.
The evening is being sponsored by Carlsberg.
Wednesday 16th March St Patrick’s Day Celebration
This year Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club has a real coup. The Irish band of the moment is over in England for just a few appearances, and we have been lucky enough to secure them here. Come and enjoy the one and only “Jimmy Buckley Band” for one evening only. Tickets are only £10 and are now available from the Entertainment Committee. With a band of this reputation, we must stress that only Members, their bona fide guests and Associates may be granted entry. An extension has been requested until midnight.
Saturday 19th March Dinner/Cabaret
It has been a long time since our last event. A beautiful 3-course meal is on offer with entertainment supplied by a George Benson tribute with a female support artiste. All this for the unbelievably low cost of £12.00. Tickets will be on sale shortly, so keep an eye on the notice boards as, in the past, tickets have sold very quickly!
Monday 28th March Children’s Easter Fancy Dress Party
Bring your children to enjoy a fancy dress party with face painting and entertainment to keep them occupied from 12.30pm until 4.00p.m. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the bar while they are enjoying themselves in the concert room.
Thursday 21st April Ladies Supper
Last year there were some who felt the meal went on for too long, cutting short the entertainment. So this year we are having a two –course meal. Three lithe gentlemen lead by Johnathon will do for your sweet. There is also comedy supplied by the one and only Mr Muscle of TV fame and music in the form of a disco through the evening.
The price of the tickets is being held to 2004 prices at only £7.00. Again keep an eye on the notice boards for when tickets are available.
Saturday 23rd April St George’s Day Celebration
Once again we are proud to devote the day to celebrate the Patron Saint of England. Come and have a good English breakfast at 10.00am for £2.50 and /or an English lunch of Bangers and Mash at about 2.00 p.m. for £2.99. Tickets will be on sale before the day so we can organise the catering.
Enjoy Lunchtime entertainment with Steve Perry with his world war two tribute and evening entertainment with Das & Chave. Both will give us the opportunity to air our vocal chords All this will be in the bar. The atmosphere at Kingsley is unashamedly patriotic and welcoming. This is one of those days when Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club shines. Come along and be part of it. You will not regret one minute. Regretfully we must again state that this is only open to Members and their bona fide guests and Associates.
An extension has been requested for the bar to open from 10.00 a.m. until midnight.
And Finally
There has been a lot of meat in this letter. If you have a view or comment you either want published in the newsletter or just wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to come and see me.
Thank you
Barry Slasberg
March 2005
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News March 2005
Good Luck Dave!
It is with regret that we announce that our Assistant Steward, Dave Trowell, is to leave us. Dave is to take on the roll of Steward at Wootton Working Men’s Club. This is another Club in our area with an excellent reputation for its cellar.
Dave is not one to run away from a challenge. We are sure you will be up to this one Dave. On behalf of the Committee and Members you have served so loyally, we wish you the best of luck.
Just in case you have not seen the occasional poster around the club, there is to be a farewell party for Dave in the concert room on Thursday 3rd March. There will be a disco. Everyone who wishes to say their farewells to Dave is welcome. The fun starts at 8.00 p.m.
We welcome Greene King into the Kingsley fold. We are pleased to introduce the award winning Greene King IPA on the hand pump and Ruddles Smooth, together with favourites like Old Speckled Hen and Abbot Ale as well as their seasonal beers on rotation.
To mark their arrival, Greene King is providing us with an inaugural party on 23rd March. They are providing a group, prizes for raffles, including a golf day for four as the star prize, and, most important of all, they will be financing a reduction in the prices of Greene King IPA and Ruddles Smooth.
Last year we announced that, in memory of our late President, Ken Taylor, we are to name our lounge “The Ken Taylor Lounge”.
We are hoping to have a formal dedication of the lounge Wednesday 27th April. A special guest is being arranged to open the room. There will be entertainment and a finger buffet. The food will be free, but so that we can judge the catering, tickets will be available from behind the bar from the beginning of April. Please only ask for a ticket if you intend to come. This is open to members, associates and bona fide guests. It is hoped the club will be full for this most important event.
Committee Elections
Nominations for the Treasurer and five members of the Committee close at noon on Monday 28th February. If you wish to contribute to the running of the club and can spare the time and energy, then if you are properly proposed and seconded in accordance with the rules, please put your name forward.
If you want to know what is entailed, please speak to any member of the Committee or the Secretary.
It is both a privilege and heavy responsibility to run this Club for its 2800 members. The Committee is at the heart of the club and its success is largely dependent upon that body of people. It is therefore saddening when people who know they are not eligible put their name up and are proposed and seconded by people who are not eligible so to do. It is an insult that strikes at the heart of our organisation. Is it any wonder that some of our children show so little respect for the Club when some of our parents behave equally badly?
New Membership Applications
Application forms will be available from the Committee or Secretary as from Sunday 6th March. New member lists will be considered at the end of March, April, May & June. Successful applicants will receive personal letters inviting them to collect their cards.
Accounts for 2004
You will all have had the opportunity to read and digest the results for 2004. We are disappointed to have made a small deficit, which has mainly come about by a dramatic and unforeseeable drop in fruit machine takings. Our trading position has held up quite well in a market place we are told is going down by upwards of 8% per year. Our expenses have been held and, for the first time in recent history, have reduced this year.
As we look to 2005, there are many omens in our favour both in reducing expenses and increasing income. The one big unknown is what the Licensing Act 2003 will cost to implement. This will possibly run into thousands rather than hundreds of pounds. Currently the CIU is doing a lot of work on our behalf to ensure our costs are minimised.
At the end of the day, the only sure way for this club to continue to prosper is for members and associates to continue to use the many facilities open to them. For good food, good drink, good entertainment, a wide variety of games facilities and a place to just come and sit in a friendly atmosphere, make Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club your number one choice for a lunch-time, afternoon or evening out.
We will never sell the cheapest pint in town; but we will be as cheap as we possibly can whilst maintaining the standards and services which go to making this the premier Working Men’s Club in Northampton.
Entertainment for March 2005
Friday 4th Jonnie Hawkins Solo vocalist of X Factor fame
Saturday 5th Blondz Female Trio 60’s to 00’s
Sunday 6th Paul Briggs Male Vocalist, Soul & Reggae
Friday 11th Monarchy Top Queen Tribute
Saturday 12th Mat Roberts Versatile Male Duo
Sunday 13th Two Rare Male Duo 60’s to 90’s
Friday 18th Bond Male Duo of TV fame
Saturday 19th Cover Up Popular Covers Band
Sunday 20th September Versatile Male/Female Duo
Friday 25th Irie White Solo Vocalist Reggae/Pop/Soul + +
Saturday 26th Fat Chanz Brilliant Band
Sunday 27th Good 4 Tunes Exceptional Male Duo
Monday 28th Billy De Laine Solo Vocalist
Bingo session for March: -
Every Friday Eyes Down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 5th 12th & 19th Eyes Down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes Down 8.45 p.m.
Monday 28th Eyes Down 8.00 p.m.
Dates for the Diary
Wednesday 2nd March Keith Deller Darts Night
Get here nice and early to see a master of his craft at work. Keith will be taking on some of our team players and others present who want a go will have a chance to have their names drawn to play him. This is bound to be a good night for anyone interested in darts.
Wednesday 16th March St Patrick’s Day Celebration
It is all confirmed. The Jimmy Buckley Band will be here and we do have a bar extension until midnight. There are still some tickets available at only £10.00; a snip with this entertainment. See the Entertainment Committee quickly, before they run out!
Saturday 19th March Dinner/Cabaret
We regret that due to lack of demand, this splendid evening has been cancelled. A refund for your tickets can be claimed from the Entertainment Secretary, Chris Billingham.
Thursdays 17th & 31st March Race Nights
Two nights of heart-stopping excitement as your horse storms past the finishing line; hopefully in first place. Come along for our 8.30 start. With any luck you may win a very small fortune.
In recent months this event has not been very well supported. Steve and the team work very hard to make this a good night out, but we do need you to make it work. Come and join us- you know you wont be disappointed!
Tuesdays 8th & 22nd March Quiz nights
Come to the concert room for our 8.30 start. There just might be a little variety from the norm this month. It could be very interesting.
Monday 28th March Children’s Easter Fancy Dress Party
See the posters in the club for details of this party for children from 12.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Parents can just relax in the bar for the afternoon while your children enjoy themselves in the concert room. Parents should remain on the premises while their children are in the club please. Thank you.
Thursday 21st April Ladies Supper
In the first week, half the tickets have been sold for this great fun night out. Don’t hang about and be disappointed. Tickets are only £7.00 available from the Entertainment Committee.
Saturday 23rd April St George’s Day Celebration
It is confirmed. We have an extension in the bar from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 midnight. We have entertainment through the afternoon and evening in the spirit we all enjoy with Steve Perry and his world war two tribute and Das & Chave.
Get your breakfast tickets for £2.50 and lunch tickets for £2.99 from behind the bar from the beginning of April.
This is the first time we have made the whole day and evening a celebration of our English Patron Saint. Let’s make it one to enjoy and remember.
And finally
As reported in the last newsletter, at the end of March three delegates will be on their way to Blackpool to fight for a fair deal for all in supporting the CIU. If won this will mean a reduction in men’s subscriptions in 2006. A report will appear in the May Newsletter. Wish them well!