Thursday, 16 July 2009

Old Newsletters Jul/Aug/Sept 2004

July 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News July 04


The Management Committee is delighted to welcome Stephan Barker as the club’s new Steward. He has had a long association with the club spreading back over more than twenty years. He first worked for the club as a barman in his mid-twenties. Even in these halcyon days of his relative youth he was known as a young man of strong character; never afraid of hard work or hard play. For the last ten years he has been assistant steward. In this position, his main claim to fame has been as head cellarman. The quality of beer and its presentation have been second to none in that period as evidenced by the consistently high scores given by Cask Marque with whom we are registered. In recent years he also gained invaluable experience as a steward when the steward had two extended periods of leave due to ill health.

Stephan has earned his position by virtue of his proven loyalty and experience, but he also won the job against strong competition arising through the job being advertised.

On behalf of the Committee, members and friends of Kingsley we congratulate Stephan wish him the best of good fortune as he embarks on his adventure in the club’s employ.

Co-opted Committee Member

We are pleased to announce that Geoff Bassett has volunteered his services and the Executive Committee has gratefully accepted. Geoff will be serving on the Entertainment Section. The experience will not be totally new to Geoff, as he has already served on the Finance Committee previously. We wish him a happy and successful time on the Committee.

Entertainment for July

Friday 2nd Over the Edge
Saturday 3rd Classix 4 piece band 60’s-70’s
Sunday 4th Hot Property Female Duo / Vocal / Comedy
Friday 9th Jaqui & Co Female Vocalist & Guest
Saturday 10th Top Notch Band
Sunday 11th Aces & Kings Male Duo 60’s – Modern
Friday 16th Expressive Harmony Soul/Mowtown
Saturday 17th Rusty Ford & The Classics Rock N Roll
Sunday 18th Hot Stuff M/F Duo 60’s- Modern
Friday 23rd Taylor Made Band 60’s- 90’s
Saturday 24th Breeze 5 piece Showband
Sunday 25th Ttorria Stunning Girl Group
Friday 30th Two Gems Abba/Shania/Britney Tribute
Saturday 31st Physical Comedy/Vocal Showband

Bingo sessions are as follows

Every Friday eyes down 9.00pm
Every Saturday except 24th eyes down 9.00pm
Every Sunday eyes down 8.45pm

We are sorry to note that there is still some uncertainty about reserving tables for bingo sessions. We would once again draw your attention to the notices posted in the concert room. The only way to reserve a table is with bingo tickets purchased on the night.

The Committee will remove marker pens from tables that do not have bingo tickets on them.

Bar hours on Sundays

The Management Committee is constantly striving to maintain high standards in the club for the comfort of all those who use it. Over recent months many of our regulars have started to stay away on Sunday nights because the staff have been unable to clear up and set the bar out for the evening session.

With effect from Sunday 4th July our new bar opening times will be as follows

Noon to 5.00pm and 7.00pm to 10.30pm

The restaurant will take orders from Noon to 4.30pm

The club will be open from 11.00am to 6.00pm and 7.00pm to 10.30pm

It is hoped that this change will result in a greater level of enjoyment for all.

Games News

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club Football Team

Our new team is kicking off in the Northampton six-a-side competition that will be staged at the
B B Old Boys Ground in St Andrew’s Rd Saturday 10th July starting at 2.00pm.

Why not pop down and support them as they support the club? It should be a good afternoon out.

Men’s Skittles

After a rather disappointing season in the league, it warms the heart to see the team in the Quarter Finals of the CIU knockout competition. Keep it up lads. We look forward to reporting further success in the next letter.

Men’s darts

The team is still looking for players. If you are a reasonable player and enjoy the edge of competition, please come and have a chat with Jeff Billingham on a Tuesday night when the team is at home.

CIU Angling Competition

It is some years since we entered this competition. The entry form is on the games notice board. If you want to set up a team or be part of one, please see Pete Kirby who will sort things out for you. This club has some top class fishermen in its number. Why not have our skill recognised by competing in this prestigious event?

Welfare Update

Senior Citizen’s and Life Member’s Outing

Our thanks go to Dave Yates and John Carnegie-Brown for organising one of the best outings for many years. We do learn from our mistakes of previous years, don’t we?

Savings Club

Keep an eye on the notice board for the launch date. We are anticipating it will be some time in July.

Dates for the Diary

Race Nights

We are back on track with two race nights for July. Thursdays 8th & 22nd are the nights to come and enjoy the sport of kings. The first race is at about 8.30 and there will be the usual snack half way through the evening. Bring a little excitement to your mid-week by joining us for these fun nights out!

Quiz Nights

Tuesdays 13th and 27th July are the Quiz nights. We are pleased to be seeing some new faces and are always delighted to see our regulars; even though they do sometimes give Bamber a hard time of it!

The quizzes start at 8.30pm with a break for a bite to eat and Aces High. As all our regulars will agree, it is the fun of taking part that makes this such an enjoyable evening. Winning is just an extra little bonus!

Children’s Outing

Tickets for the Children’s Outing to Skegness on Saturday 14th August will be available shortly. Look out for the notice board announcements of times for collection.

We would once again point out that only the children or grandchildren of members up to the age of 14 go free. For all other children and adults the cost is £8.

It is recommended that you book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.


We have received an e-mail from the other side of the pond, which is printed in full as follows: -

A big thanks to K.P.W.M.C members and associates for the farewell party and best wishes I received. The party was amazing as was the turn out to make sure I was definitely going. The many friends and business associates from the years past, it was good to see them all. Thank you to all those who got me dollars to send me on my way. When I arrived in New York I had a beer and toasted you all. To the saintsmen that I had many good drinking sessions with, thank you. The gift from the club (and no it wasn’t a pizza) as a shout from the crowd suggested, a big thanks. Something I will look at with fond memories over the years. Most of all to Steve and the staff who made me the success you saw me to be, you are a great team and I will miss you all. Thank you all for the great gifts and the great send off. They don’t come any more emotional than that. My one request is from time to time someone will buy my old drinking partner Kev a beer, as he will be standing at the long bar talking to himself. You haven’t seen the last of me. I will be back to see you all sometime. Once again a big thank you to one and all.

Graham Faulkner
(Steward 1994-2004)

And finally
Get well soon Ken

Our Secretary of twenty years, Ken Williams, recently underwent heart bypass surgery at Oxford. Unfortunately, when coming out of the operation, Ken suffered a severe stroke.

The many friends and Management Committee wish Ken a full and speedy recovery, and look forward to the time he will be able to come into the club again to enjoy the odd libation with his old drinking pals.

August 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News August 04


Last month we welcomed Stephan Barker to the position of Steward. We are now delighted to announce the appointment of his two right hand assistants.

David Trowell is the new Assistant Steward. He has had a long association with the club and has been groomed for the position over the last two years. Under Stephan’s tutelage he has acquired the skills and dedication required to run our busy cellar and produce the quality of beer for which this club is renowned. He will be the man to turn to when Stephan is off the premises.

Elaine O’Brien has been given the responsibility of overseeing our catering operation. She has been with the club since 1998 and was one of the original team involved in setting up this side of the club. With her wide experience in club life, Elaine has brought a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the job. Her dedication and ability have been proven as second to none.

We all look forward with eager anticipation to see our club grow with these three worthy folk running the front line.
Entertainment August

Sunday 1st Limosine Male/Female Duo
Friday 6th Two Up Front 5 piece band 70’s to 90’s
Saturday 7th Matrix 5 piece band 60’s to 70’s
Sunday 8th Twinz Male duo Rock n Roll
Friday 13th Mixed Blessings Band 60’s to Modern
Saturday 14th Stax Band Modern
Sunday 15th Bangkok Beaver Patrol Male duo
Friday 20th Tobacco Road 4 piece band 60’s to Modern
Saturday 21st Velvet Touch 5 piece band 60’s to Modern
Sunday 22nd Avant Garde Duo
Friday 27th The Two Tops Soul/Mowtown
Saturday 28th Tashma Trio Modern
Sunday 29th Phaze Male/Female duo Modern
Monday 30th Stepping Out Male Duo Modern

Bingo will be played: -

Every Friday: Eyes down 9.00pm
Every Saturday except 14th: Eyes down 9.00pm
Every Sunday: Eyes down 8.45pm
Monday 30th: Eyes down 9.00pm

What price cheap beer?

One thing you could always count on not so long ago was that you paid a lot less for a pint in a Working Men’s Club than you did in a pub. Then along came groups like Weatherspoon, which cut their beer prices much lower than you ever saw in a pub before. Then the other pubs had to join in the cut price war. All of a sudden the price of a pint is not much different in a pub from a Working Men’s Club; indeed in some cases pubs are a sight cheaper.

The big question is “How should we respond to this situation?”

The first thing that naturally comes to mind is to fight the pubs at their own game and slash prices. I believe this would be foolhardy in the extreme. Speaking to some folk in the trade, the feeling is that the cheap beer option is going to drive a good number of pubs out of business before too long.

The only sensible way to cut prices or our profit margin would be if we could be sure that more of our members and associates would spend more time and money in the Club. Through the winter we introduced a six-hour long “happy hour.” There was no increase in our trade as a result. The same loyal members remained loyal and the end result was a drain on the Club funds.

A further question is “What do you get for the price of a pint in a pub?” The answer is that you just get a pint! Then ask the question “What do you get for the price of a pint in this club?” The answer is free entertainment, free or subsidised children’s and senior citizen’s outings, at least one free senior citizen’s Free & Easy, a free Christmas pantomime, bingo where nearly all the ticket money is paid out in prizes, a Welfare Section available to all members and so you could go on.

A totally insensible way to cut prices would be to compensate by charging a commercial price for all the things listed above or cut them out. In other words; become a pub! This way many of our not so well off members and their children would be deprived of, what to some of them would be, their only trip to the seaside, other outing or show. The caring and sharing which is so fundamental to club life would disappear.

Your Executive Committee is dedicated to keeping prices as low as possible, but equally dedicated to providing a place where families; regardless of financial well being; can afford to be members and benefit as families from their membership.

If the price to pay is that we cannot provide the cheapest pint in town; so be it.

That same Committee is not embarrassed to thank the many members and associates who regularly use the Club for their continued loyalty. Neither is it embarrassed to ask those few who do go elsewhere, simply because of the price of a pint, to reconsider their actions for the long-term benefit of all members including themselves.

A final comment. As stated earlier on; if it can be seen that more members and associates are using the club more; this will mean that there will be more leeway to reduce margins whilst still maintaining all of our services when it comes to the next round of price increases early next year.

Children will be children!

It is only natural for children to want to run around and play. Whilst under the close supervision of their parents, children are always welcome in the club. As long as they do not upset other people in or around the club or cause a safety hazard they will always be welcome.

Children shouting obscenities in the beer garden; throwing stones and empty bottles into next door’s garden and killing their fish; vandalising toilets; stripping wallpaper off walls and going into prohibited areas of the club and abusing equipment is not acceptable.

To the small but significant number of parents of these children we would say “whilst we accept children will be children, we must insist that those parents be parents!”

Warnings have been issued about what will happen to parents if their children misbehave since goodness knows when.

The policy from now on is that the in the case of any children found seriously misbehaving the following action will be taken.

1. If the parents are club members, they will be asked to leave the club with their children and not allowed to enter the club again until summoned before the Committee. If the case is proven that they were not supervising their children they will be asked to show good cause why they should not be expelled and they will be sentenced accordingly.
2. If the parents are associates their club details will be taken and they will be permanently excluded from the club. Their club will be informed of this action.
3. If the parents are guests, the member who signed them in will be charged as being responsible for his guests and their children’s behaviour.
4. If children have tricked their way past the doormen and come in without authorisation, the parents will still be held responsible. It is up to the parents to make sure their children are aware of the consequences of their behaviour.

After several years of requests falling on deaf ears, we are now faced with the Local Authority being involved due to totally justified complaints being received. The aim is to have everybody enjoy themselves in the club; not to kick anyone out. Let us hope this aim will be realised.

New Members

At the time of going to print, 42 men and 22 women who have been invited to take up membership of the club have not been to collect their cards.

Everyone has been invited to collect his or her cards by personal letter. It would be appreciated if collection could be arranged over the next two weeks. They may be collected any time the Secretary is in the club as long as he is not in a meeting. A quick phone call to 01604 719800 should ensure he will be available and save wasted journeys.

The invitations will lapse at the end of August.

Tombola Success

I would like to thank the Management Committee for allowing me to hold two tombolas on the club forecourt again this summer. I would also like to thank the many members who supported the events by buying tickets and making donations.

Together the two days raised £140.00 that has been given to the Oxford Group of the Haemophilia society. The receipt is posted on our notice board.

Judi Slasberg (S8)

Sky TV

Many of you will have seen on the notice board the monstrous increases in the Sky charges for the coming year. The normal season ticket has gone up by 18%. The increase was 22% last year. In money terms we were paying £5400 in 1992/3 and will be paying £7800 in 1994/5. Amazing what you can do if you are Rupert Murdoch isn’t it? The pay to view has gone up from £350 to £1600. But guess what: we can get a £50 voucher for Sky products if we pay up front. Now isn’t that generous?

If Sky did not have an absolute monopoly in this market place; which our Government is supposed to protect us from; they would most certainly be out on their ears. However, your Committee has considered the fact that we have a very sports-minded membership and have decided to keep the normal season ticket only even though it will cost £150 per week. All we ask of our members is to come and join us for your Sky sports entertainment to ensure that this continues to be money well spent

Dates for the Diary

Tuesdays 10th & 24th August Quiz Nights

Come and join in the fun from 8.30pm. Enjoy the quiz, food and maybe get a few pounds in you pocket from a place in the quiz or a few more from Aces High. Bamber will be on holiday on 24th August. Come and give a willing volunteer the same kind and courteous treatment you give Bamber.

Thursdays 5th & 19th August Race Nights

It’s the sport of Kings, but as a special concession our members, their guests and associates are most welcome to enjoy two evenings of unrivalled excitement at the races in the comfort of our bar.

The first race is about 8.30pm with a break for a bite to eat during the evening. If you enjoy a real adrenaline rush come along and join us.

Saturday 14th August Children’s Outing to Skegness

Tickets are still available for our annual outing and may be collected from the Entertainment Committee on Friday evenings and Sunday lunchtime and evening.

Children and grandchildren of members up to the age of 14 go free and the charge for everyone else is £8; less than the cost of the coach seat.

Saturday 4th September Back to School Theme Night

As the time comes for our little darlings to return to school after the all too short Summer break, our thoughts go back to our school days. The best years of our life so we always tell them. Do we remember how we looked or how we wish we could have looked in those halcyon days of yore? For that night use your imagination and come dressed ready for school.

There will be four prizes for the best fancy dress that is not hired in: one for each of the best male and female staff and one for the best of male and female non-staff.

So, whether you are playing bingo, snooker, pool or enjoying the entertainment in the bar please get in the spirit and make the evening a laugh to remember.

Wed 22nd September An evening with the Limelight Theatre School

This school, which has a very good reputation across the land, is coming to Kingsley Park to entertain us with an evening of songs and dances from the musicals. The age of the students range from very young to adult. The youngest will not be joining us because it is an evening show, but the rest of the school will be presenting a great variety of easy to listen to and watch numbers.

They will do two sets and in the break we will have Aces High, a raffle and a light bite to eat.

Entrance, including the food, will be by ticket costing only £2.50. The Limelight School will be performing without charging a fee and any surplus money raised will go to our Local Children in Need fund.

Ticket will be available from the middle of August. Look out for the notice on the notice boards.

This is 100% an evening not to miss!!

Games News

Football team

In our last newsletter you were informed that our team was competing in the Northampton six-a-side competition. With an entry of about sixty teams we were runners-up; and even the winners said the best team didn’t win!

If that is how we have started, it is obvious that anyone who enjoys the game will enjoy supporting the team through the coming season. A fixture list will be posted and all support greatly welcomed.

And finally

This has been a bit of a bumper newsletter, and some of it has not been very easy to write. As editor and Secretary I want to stress that any items that look like big brother wielding the whip are not intended to get at anyone. The sole aim is to ensure that everyone coming into the club can have a good time free of stress and away from the cares of the world. The hope is that everyone will show everyone else and the premises due respect and that no one will be barred from the club. The promise is that positive action will be taken to ensure this goal.

Once again, I welcome any comments any readers or members may have for inclusion in the newsletter on anything in the letter or anything else relating to the club and its activities.

Barry Slasberg

September 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News September 04

Entertainment September

Friday 3rd The Flying Ants 5 piece band 70’s to date
Saturday 4th Silhouettes 5 piece show band 60’s
Sunday 5th 3’s Company Trio 60’s to 90’s
Friday 10th Second Look Male/Female Duo Modern
Saturday 11th U.B.4T Tribute Band
Sunday 12th Free Beer Male Duo
Friday 17th Tacky Tigerz Male Duo Comedy/Vocal
Saturday 18th Fat Chance 6 piece show band
Sunday 19th Backstreet Male/Female Duo Soul/Motown
Friday 24th Voodoo/ Diamond Nights Neil Diamond Tribute
Saturday 25th A to Z Male |Duo 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 26th Surreal Female Duo Modern

Bingo will be played: -

Every Friday Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 4th & 25th Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes down 8.45 p.m.

Bank Holiday Monday 30th August

Why not treat yourselves to a trip to the club on this bank holiday Monday?

The restaurant will be open from noon until 9.00 p.m. There can surely be no better way to celebrate a national holiday than with a good and cheap meal out with the family.

Then it’s eyes down for Bingo at 9.00 p.m.

Or if you prefer, Stepping Out, a male Duo will be performing for your delight in the bar in the evening.

And finally, there is our usual wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to make the day complete

Local Children in Need Fund

It is that time of year again when we do our main fund raising for local children in need.

In 2002 we donated £3274.50 to local schools, individuals and associations caring for the sick, needy and disadvantaged young folk mainly in and around Northampton. In 2003 we donated £2399.00 and so far this year we have donated £1600.

All of these donations have been made out of funds raised through the generosity of our members and others who use the club either in supporting special events or sponsoring members who make special efforts to raise funds through sponsorship.

This year is no different. What we have in store so far is: -

An evening with the Limelight Theatre School

Wednesday 22nd September about 70 students will be singing and dancing for our enjoyment. The students range from children to adult and they truly give their all for the audience.

The school is providing its services free of charge.

We will also run a raffle, and some very nice prizes have been donated by local traders.

Carlsberg are donating 10 pence to the fund for every pint of Carlsberg Lager and Tetley Bitter sold on the night.

We will also have a game of Aces High, offering a chance to win some money whilst putting a good sum into the fund as well.

There will be a lite bite during the evening without charge.

Tickets at £2.50 are available from the Bar Staff. Numbers are limited so get in quick. Time is short!

Sponsored Games

The dates are yet to be agreed but we have it on good authority that there will be a Skittle Marathon, possibly a Darts Marathon and a Pool marathon sometime in October. Please give those brave enough to commit themselves to 12 hours non-stop playing your full support. Dig deep and make their efforts worthwhile!

Motown Night

On a date soon to be announced there will be a Motown Night in the concert room. This will be a live entertainment. Tickets will be £4.00 and all surplus funds raised will go to the fund.

Dates for the diary

Thursdays 2nd 16th 30th September Race Nights

What a month!! Three race nights. Three opportunities to win a small fortune. Three opportunities for a free bite to eat. Three opportunities to enjoy excellent company and share the joys of triumph and the sadness of defeat. The calendar is kind to those who enjoy this great evening out. The first race is about 8.30 p.m.

Tuesdays 7th 21st September Quiz Nights

After the thrill of Liz Sue and Pat, please don’t let the return of Bamber put you off of coming to our fortnightly Quiz Nights. We start at 8.30 p.m., have a bite to eat half way through and a go at Aces High. Come along and enjoy the fun.

Saturday 4th September Back to School Night

School days are the best days of your life, so the saying goes. Come tonight in fancy dress either as you used to dress at school; how you would have liked to dress or in any costume related to school life.

Remember there will be a prize for the best male and female of both staff and non-staff costumes that have not been hired in.

So, whether you are playing bingo, snooker, pool or enjoying the entertainment in the bar please get in the spirit and make the evening a laugh to remember. The judges will visit every part of the club.

Friday 5th to Sunday 7th November Beer Festival

As we go to print, our steward Stephan is scouring the country to seek out memorable beers for this year’s festival. For the serious connoisseurs or those who just know what they like, this is the place and these are the dates to reserve now.

And finally

Congratulations to Mick Howard. This year he has won the Individual Cribbage competition in the Northampton Division of the South East Midlands Branch of the Working Men’s Club & Institute Union Ltd for the third time. This is a terrific achievement Mick. You’ve done the club proud!