July 2003
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News July 2003
Entertainment July
Friday 4th Tom Healy Show Band Irish & 60’s
Saturday 5th Jaded Band 60’s 90’s
Sunday 7th Unlikely Lads 60’s to 80’s
Friday 11th Lonnies Few Great Band
Saturday 12th Nightbird 70’s to 80’s
Sunday 13th X-Men Great Band for All
Friday 18th Wellington Boots 60’s Modern Saturday 19th Breeze Band 60’s Modern
Sunday 20th Phaze 70’ to 90’s
Friday 25th Simon King. Freddie Star Tribute and Dale Johnson (vocalist)
Saturday 26th Phoenix Flyers 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 27th Ross & Riddle Duo
The Entertainment Committee would like to apologise for the non-appearance of The Detroit Runners in June due to circumstances beyond their control. The good news is that they will be appearing in the bar on Sunday 31st August.
Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) every Sunday (eyes down 8.45pm) and Saturdays 5th, 19th, and 26th (eyes down 9.00pm)
New member invitations
The final list of successful applicants for membership has now been published. Successful applicants will have been informed in writing. It would be appreciated if proposers or seconders could ensure the new members pick up their cards as soon as possible, the sooner they can enjoy the privileges of membership. Thank you!
A big thank you is extended to all those of you who participated in filling in our Catering Quality Questionnaire. With the exception of one day, Sunday 8th June, when the concert room was literally swamped with folk keen to eat, and the wheels did fall off the trolley, we are pleased to report that well over 90% of those who completed the Questionnaire were delighted with the quality of the service, the quality of the food and the price.
The catering staff was very upset that on the one day mentioned they were unable to maintain the high standards they have set themselves. They wish their apologies to be conveyed to any who were inconvenienced on this day and thank the vast majority of customers who understood the situation and suffered with good grace.
As we can be so busy on Sundays we would advise you to book if you have a party of more than four in order to avoid disappointment. Please ring Graham or Elaine on 01604 715514.
Mini-bus driver vacancy
Following last month’s newsletter, we still have a vacancy for a driver. The applicant does not have to be a member of the club and we have no problem with job sharing.
We must thank our Steward, Graham and his assistant Steve, who have struggled to ensure no one who has booked the bus has been disappointed, but it would be unfair to expect them to carry on for any length of time doing this on top of their normal duties.
We must find at least one driver to take on the job soon to ensure we do not have to cut down on bus availability.
For further information and to apply for the position please see the General Secretary.
Summer is here- at last
At the time of going to press, summer is with us. It is hoped that by the time you read this it will still be with us!
Towards the end of last year we installed a new air conditioning system in the bar. This system is most effective when the windows are kept shut. To get that lovely cool feeling when it is too hot outside for comfort, please refrain from opening the windows. Thank you.
Don’t forget we still have our patio at the back of the club if you wish to sit in the open air, either taking in the sun or sitting in the shade. You might enjoy taking a meal (except on Sundays) as well as a drink out there.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 1st 15th and 29th Quiz Nights
It’s a bonanza month. Come along and join in the fun. We start at 8.30 pm and look forward to a totally stress free evening for all with absolutely no controversy whatever. Some hope!!!
A Thursday to be arranged in July Race night
Test your skill in betting on the Gee Gees. This is becoming ever more popular as a really fun night out. Keep your eyes peeled for the date on the notice board.
Saturday 16th August Children’s outing to Skegness
Tickets will shortly be available for this annual treat. Look out for the dates and times on the notice board and get in quick to avoid disappointment.
Snooker room redecoration
The snooker room is to be redecorated in the first week of July. We regret that the room will be out of use for periods in that week. We apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused, but hope the bother will be considered worthwhile.
Not many of the cues stored in the room were removed as requested. They will all be taken down for the decoration. We will take the opportunity to replace only those that are claimed.
And finally
The holiday season is once again upon us. Your Management Committee would like to pass on their good wishes for all who are fortunate enough to go away to have an excellent holiday. For those not so fortunate we hope Kingsley Park WMC is a place where all members, associates and their families will be happy to come to relax, enjoy good company, drink, food, games and entertainment
August 2003
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News August 2003
Management requests cooperation on two matters which seriously affect the reputation of the Club and the enjoyment of its facilities.
Firstly, people are starting to stay away from the club because of the loud use of obscene language by a small but vocal group of people in the club. This is not acceptable, especially when ladies and children are present. Please observe By Law 7 and refrain from using obscene language at all times in the Club.
Secondly, would people please stop using chairs and tables as foot rests and ashtrays? We have loads of floor for feet to be kept on and loads of ashtrays for cigarettes to be rested on and stubbed out in. If this abuse continues, it can only give rise to extra costs that will have to be borne by everyone who uses the Club through bar prices.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Entertainment August
Friday 1st JELS Duo Modern
Saturday 2nd De Ja Vu Group 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 3rd No Angels Group 70’s to 90’s
Friday 8th 2 C T Duo Vocal harmony
Saturday 9th Blind Alley Trio 60’s Pop Reggae
Sunday 10th Purple Marlin Duo 60’s to Y2K
Friday 15th Ayley’s Comet Great Band
Saturday 16th Groovy Nights Band 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 17th Bangkok Beaver Patrol 60’s to 90’s
Friday 22nd Birmingham Blues Brothers Soul Motown
Saturday 23rd Morpheus Band Pop & Rock covers
Sunday 24th Cover Up Band 60’s to Modern
Friday 29th Joanne Steel Kylie Minogue Tribute
Plus Kenny Cortez Vocal Entertainer
Saturday 30th Physical Band
Sunday 31st Detroit Runners Great Band
Bingo every Friday night (eyes down 9.00 pm) every Sunday night (eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th (eyes down 9.00 pm)
On Bank Holiday Monday 25th August, there will be entertainment in the bar in the evening and Bingo in the concert room.
At the Bar
Carlsberg Export
There is currently a promotion for a limited period only. Buy three pints of Carlsberg Export and you get one free. This makes a great premium pint a great premium deal. Don’t miss out!
This Belgian lager is the Marmite of the lager world. You either love it or you hate it!
There is currently a scratch card promotion in progress with one very different prize up for grabs. Give it a try and you may be pleasantly surprised, equally you may not – but if you never try you will never know. That applies to Grolsch and the prize!
Guest Beers
We are getting some rather good guest beers lined up for your enjoyment through August. The list is not complete yet but those lined up so far are: -
Draught Bass still brewed to an original recipe using only the finest ingredients and the experience of generations; this ale is nutty and malty with subtle hop undertones. ABV 4.4%
Timothy Taylor Landlords is a classic strong pale ale from Yorkshire that has won more awards nationally than any other beer, full-drinking with a complex happy aroma ABV 4.3%
Robinson’s Best Bitter has a full bitterness derived mainly from choice aroma hops. With its pale, bright colour and good head, this pint is also just good to look at. ABV 4.2%
Shepherd Neame Goldings has a powerful floral, scented aroma and biscuity taste from the particular growth of Goldings hop taken from fields 5 miles from the brewery. ABV 4.7%
Elgoods Mad Dog is a pale fruity thirst quenching beer brewed using wheat malt and a delicate blend of finest hops. ABV 4.4%
Kitchen News
The good news is that we will soon be having our blackboards back showing our specials. August looks to be our burger heaven month with Minted Lamb Burgers, Chicken Burgers, Fish Burgers, Veggie Burgers and the old faithful Beef Burgers.
A new range of excellent desserts will be shortly available.
The Sunday roasts for August will be Beef every Sunday together with Turkey on 3rd , Pork on 10th, Lamb on 17th, Turkey on 24th and Pork on 31st .
Life member’s and Senior Citizen’s Outing
As announced in an earlier newsletter this outing to Matlock took place on 28th June. Apart from the breakfast provided without charge by the Club, the coach ride through some of the most beautiful countryside in England provided without charge by the Club, free alcoholic beverages supplied by the Club and the £5 spending money provided out of Club funds for each member on the outing, many were inconsolable in their grief over the accommodation and the venue.
Unfortunately, when new venues are tried the Club is not able send folk out to inspect them. We are compelled to take potluck and hope that Working Men’s Clubs chosen are appropriate for our needs. Your management apologises that the club chosen in this instance did not live up to expectations.
An open invitation was given for suggestions of where to go, and Matlock was suggested by one of our Senior Citizens, backed up as a choice of some years by Monks Park W.M.C.
Perhaps next year when asked for suggestions of venue, some more folk will come up with ideas and just maybe more folk will be satisfied than this year.
D B Yates (Welfare Secretary)
What’s in a name?
We are Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and proud of it!
There is a move afoot in the Country as a whole to get rid of the “Working Men’s” part of the name.
Women activists say it is sexist. The lottery commission, we are given to understand, will not look at grants to clubs so named regardless of how even handed they are between genders. Others say it is plain old fashioned and not applicable to today’s society.
The majority of these comments come from people who have not set foot inside a Working Men’s Club and are unaware of what actually goes on in them.
The reason we must stand by our name is that the name will always take us back to our roots and the foundation on which our great movement is built. The movement was formed to provide social intercourse, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement and rational recreation. These aims are timeless and genderless and have stood clubs in good stead for almost 150 years.
From its very start the movement has changed with the needs of society. It was set up as a temperance movement to get working men out of pubs where they squandered all their money and let their families starve. It was soon realised that very few people were tempted away from the pubs with the promise of the improvement of their souls by total abstinence. So drink in moderation was introduced and the movement flourished.
In more modern times, when fruit machines were introduced, the National Executive was appalled at the prospect of such gambling in clubs. They came around after a little prodding from clubs and this innovation transformed the fortunes of all clubs. Until relatively recently, Working Men’s clubs were run almost entirely by men. Today 53% of clubs offer women full membership including voting rights and the right to stand on Club Management Committees. A large number of these clubs would have closed had it not been for the support of women. The inevitable conclusion is that within a few years women will be given their deserved status as equals within our movement.
If we look at our club, we can see how it has changed in recent years to reflect society as it is today. The concert room used to be set out as a canteen until the refurbishment when it became a function room in the best of modern taste. Women are becoming more involved in games. In fact darts would be dead in this club but for our women. Food is now an integral part of club life; unimaginable just a few short years ago. And so we can go on.
Getting back to the name. A movement that is not built on the firm foundation of its roots loses its stability and ability to face the future with confidence. The Working Men’s Club and Institute Union Ltd was set up by both men and women in the mid 1800’s. It has always been meant for the benefit of the whole family.
As stated at the beginning, the principles on which it was set have not changed. What happens to fulfil those principles has changed and will continue to evolve if the movement is to survive.
So what is in a name? Our roots, our history, our heritage and our future! Long may we remain the “ Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club.”
But do you agree???
Unions Finances – Have your say!
You may recall that in the May newsletter there was an article about the AGM at Blackpool and the potentially disastrous effects the voting could have on the Working Men’s Club movement.
A special meeting of Clubs has been called for 1st November to consider the way forward.
This is only the second time in 15 years that the Union has called a special meeting. This emphasises the gravity of the situation should the Union not be allowed to put its house in order by its member clubs.
The following is an extract from the August Club Journal: -
For the last two years expenditure has been greater than income by substantial sums and this cannot continue. The need to cut costs or increase income dramatically is paramount. By bringing the situation to the attention of clubs it is hoped they and their members will respond in a positive way. Any suggestions will be appreciated and discussed in depth by the Executive.
If any reader has any suggestion to put forward, please put it in writing and give it to the Secretary for inclusion in any list of proposals put forward by the Management Committee.
The next newsletter will include any suggestions put forward from Kingsley Park to the Executive.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 12th & 26th August Quiz Nights
We are keeping going through August. Even though number levels may be down because of holidays, we hope to keep the fun levels high. We start at 8.30 and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Saturday 16th August Children’s outing to Skegness
Tickets are almost sold out now. We set off at 8.00am and start back for home at 6.00pm. Let us hope the weather is kind to us at this tried and trusted venue of so many years.
Saturday 4th October Dinner Cabaret
A chance for adults to enjoy another superb evening of dining and entertainment. Posters will be put up shortly. Tickets will again be just £10.00, an absolute bargain.
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October inclusive
Beer Festival
This weekend we will be celebrating our third annual beer festival with beers from breweries around the country. They say variety is the spice of life, so join us and have your life spiced up with the variety we will have on offer.
Thursday 20th November Men’s Sports Section Supper
We are again in the process of lining up an after dinner speaker, comedian and musical entertainment. Tickets will again be held to £10.00. Book the date to celebrate a year’s efforts by many of our members who have loyally supported this Club in the various sections.
And finally
It is hoped there are some thought provoking items in this newsletter. If you have a view, either in agreement or against, please let us know by dropping a line to the Club Secretary or having a chat with him. Thank you.
September 2003
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News September 2003
Local Children in need
It is coming to the time of year when we concentrate on raising funds for local children in need.
Money raised goes to local schools, local charities and local individuals who have special needs who come to the attention of the Management Committee.
This year we have three special projects in store: -
1. From the beginning of September we are doing lucky square cards. There will be 200 squares per card. The charge is £1.00 per square and there will be one prize well worth winning for each card. The draw will take place on the Sunday lunch-time after each card is sold out.
The more squares sold, the more prizes won, the more to the fund.
2. Saturday 18th October we will be holding a twelve-hour skittle marathon. This will start at 9.00am. Sponsor sheets will be available from Kev Fardon or from behind the bar from 21st September. This event will be nicely complemented by our beer festival running on the same weekend. All welcome who have the stamina and enough in their pockets to pay the penalties that will be invented through the day by the ever-popular Big Kev.
Any other section wishing to do a marathon on the day, please see the Secretary. The more the merrier!!
3. Saturday 29th November will be the night of our grand fund raising gala. Look out for the poster saying when tickets will be available. There will be live entertainment, a raffle, games and of course, Father Christmas. The entrance ticket will cost £6 and numbers will be strictly limited, so be alert for when they become available. As usual this will be an adults only evening with children in need very much in mind.
Entertainment September
Friday 5th Express Duo 60’s to 90’s
Saturday 6th Quest Band 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 7th Swordfish Duo 60’s to 90’s
Friday 12th Free Beer Duo 80’s to 90’s
Saturday 13th Titanic Great Band
Sunday 14th T R Dallas and Dessie Hynes Show featuring Frank Scorr
Friday 19th Bad Boys Band 60’s Rock n Roll
Saturday 20th Hollywood Nights Fantastic Group
Sunday 21st Backstreet Duo 80’s to modern
Friday 26th Joseph. George Michael tribute and Suzi, great support act.
Saturday 27th Fatchantz Group 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 28th Neo Duo 70’s to 90’s
Bingo every Friday night (eyes down 9.00pm) every Sunday night (eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 13th, 20th and 27th (eyes down 9.00 pm)
The Club Card and Gift Shop
If you have not yet had a chance to look around the shop that is situated just inside the club, please feel free to pop in with absolutely no obligation to buy.
You can get top brand name greeting cards, many of which are less than half the price you would pay in shops. If you do not see the card you like Jan will be only too pleased to design and make a card for you.
You can also get a range of books and toys to keep your children amused and occupied while you enjoy your drink in peace. Most of these can be purchased for less than the price of a pint.
We also can provide a comprehensive party service from our catalogue supplying all you need for your special celebration from Birthday, Hen, Stag or themed parties, again at very competitive prices
So make the most of your shop. It is here for your convenience and open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Do drop in!!
Steve and Jan
Sky TV
Back in late summer of 2000 we were paying £255 per month for the sports coverage by Ntl. They then came out of the of the commercial market and left us with no option but to return to Sky who we had previously disposed of because of their excessive fees. Our initial rental with them was £400 per month only two years ago.
This month the rental has just gone up to £550, an amazing 37.5% in just two years.
The season ticket for pay to view matches has gone up by £250, an unbelievable 250% in the same period.
They justify this by stating that this is because of all the extra games they are showing which they insist must be part of the standard package.
We understand that many places in town that used to show Sky now no longer do so; and the commercial common sense thing for us to do would be to throw them out. However the Management Committee believes that, in spite of Sky’s abuse of its monopoly situation, many members would be bitterly disappointed to lose this service and have decided to continue the subscription for your enjoyment.
Reader’s Letters
What’s in a name?
With reference to the article in the August newsletter, I agree with the Editor that we are Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club and proud of it. But some things must change with time and if it is to the benefit of Kingsley as well as other clubs then I ask what is in a name? We will still be Kingsley Club and proud of it!
On the point of lottery grants; if you look at Working Men’s Clubs today, many could certainly benefit from this source of funding. This is one very good reason for losing “Working Men’s” from our name.
Our founders did set the foundation stones that have held the movement in good stead for almost 150 years, but we have been told that the C.I.U. itself is in danger of crumbling, and why? Because there are people within it that are refusing to move with the times.
So, if we change our name above the door, which I believe we should for the good of all Working Men’s Clubs, we still have our history behind those doors to be proud of and display to future members of “Kingsley Club.”
G Faulkner (F70)
Better late than never!
People have been asked by our Secretary to contribute to the Newsletter. Well, I promised him I would about a year ago and have at last managed to put pen to paper.
I have been on the Committee for about nine years and I am a life member. There is no doubt that Kinglsey Park is the finest Working Men’s club in the town, if not the whole of the Midlands. I am always aware that no matter how fine the fabric of the club or the quality of the staff and committee, the club would be nowhere if Members and Associates did not use it!
Being on the Committee gets into your blood. What I would like to see is some younger men/women on the Committee because it concerns me that there does not seem to be the enthusiasm from the younger generation to be involved in club management.
I am 50 years old and am one of the youngest on the Committee. I often get asked about decisions the Committee has made and sometimes say I do not agree but that I am only one of sixteen and so democratically back the decision. We do put our hands up sometimes and admit to getting things wrong.
Here are a couple of tips that can get you out of a sticky situation when being confronted by two or three irate members: -
1. just say “I am only one of sixteen”
2. just say “I am only a junior member of the Committee” However after nine years on the Committee and being Finance Secretary this is wearing a bit thin for me.
S Bee (B 57)
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 16th & 30th September Quiz Nights
Bamber will be on holiday (again!) on the 16th. We are delighted to announce that we have a volunteer quiz mistress in dolly dealer Louise who will be ably assisted by a dolly dealer of old, Shirley. Bamber only hopes he will be welcome back on 30th.
We are delighted that these nights are becoming so popular and hope they will continue to be so. New faces are always welcome. Please be aware that, as a Working Men’s Club, entry to the premises by law is only open to Members, their bona fide guests and Associates.
Saturday 4th October Dinner Cabaret
Tickets are now on sale and available from the entertainment committee. Get your tickets as soon as possible as numbers are strictly limited for everyone’s comfort and enjoyment. You will not get a better evening for just £10.00 per ticket. This is an evening for adults only.
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October inclusive
Beer Festival
We are given to understand that Britain is the only place in the world where bitter is drunk as the staple alcoholic beverage. We are doing our best to provide the best that small English breweries can offer. We hope to be able to offer a range of beers to suit most tastes. Come along and give your taste buds a treat.
Saturday 18th October Skittle Marathon
We will be holding a 12-hour marathon in aid of local children in need. Come along and have some fun while raising money for your club to make a difference in the local community. (see article in letter)
Tuesday 21st October Tony Green’s Bull’s Eye Show
Mr 180 himself of TV fame will be joining us to host the evening based on the hit show. We are looking for 16 pairs to play the game for prizes; one to answer general knowledge questions and the other to throw the arrows. Both should be able to play darts. We will also have Treena Gulliver, the ladies world champion, with us for the evening. She will take on 8 people for a single game of 501.
Could pairs who wish to play the game give their names to the Secretary? If there are more than 16 pairs the names will go in a hat on the night and the first 16 drawn will have the chance to have a go.
Could anyone wishing to play against our champion please give their name to the Secretary by 21st September so that we can have an internal competition to get our best to play her?
We will also be providing a light meal of either chicken nuggets and chips or scampi and chips.
Tickets will be available at three pounds from behind the bar. Please indicate which meal you want when buying your ticket.
Our thanks go to Carlsberg-Tetley who are helping to fund the evening.
Saturday 29th November Children in need gala
More details nearer the date. Suffice to say that this has always been a cracking good evening arranged by our Steward Graham ably assisted by Kev Fardon which has to be a must for anyone able to attend.
Drinking-up time
Under the law of the land, all drinking must be finished twenty minutes after the final bell. This means that all glasses should be empty by 11.20pm Monday to Saturday nights and 10.50pm on Sunday nights.
These times are imposed on us by statute and persistent abuse could result in our registration certificate being withdrawn and, in effect, close the Club.
Your cooperation in observing this law would be greatly appreciated, and if not given voluntarily will have to be enforced through our own internal disciplinary procedures.
And finally
Your Secretary and Editor will be on holiday for the first two weeks in September when he and his wife will be celebrating their 30th Wedding Anniversary.
On behalf of the Management Committee and members, I would like to offer my wife commiserations and wish both of us a great celebration and a well-earned rest.
P.S. On behalf of my wife and myself I would like to thank you all for your kind good wishes.
Barry Slasberg