Monday, 13 July 2009

Old Newsletters Oct/Nov/Dec 2002

October 2002

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News October 02

Bar Refurbishment

At the time of going to press the contract is going according to plan. All the work in the seating area should be finished well in time for our official opening on the evening of Friday 25th October.

Keep an eye on the notice boards for the date when the bar will be open during the week again. We cannot fix the date yet as when the contractors go we will still need time to sort some of the furnishings and carpets.

We sincerely hope that no one has been too greatly inconvenienced by the work.

October Entertainment

Friday 4th Dynamite Live Band 60’s Rock n Roll
Saturday 5th Them n Us Band 60’s Modern
Sunday 6th Troyka Trio 60’s Modern
Friday 11th Free Beer Duo 60’s Modern
Saturday 12th Pendulum Group 70’s Modern
Sunday 13th Hollywood Group 60’s – 90’s
Friday 18th Silhouettes Duo Country Western 60’s Mod
Saturday 19th Bob Brolly Band Band Irish Modern
Sunday 20th Rye & Dry Duo 60’s Modern
Friday 25th Wals Jazzers Band Traditional Jazz
Saturday 26th Cover Up Band 50’s – 80’s
Sunday 27th Rusty Ford & the Classics 60’s Rock n Roll

As usual bingo will be played every Friday evening (Eyes down 9.00pm) and every Sunday evening (Eyes down 8.45pm) and Saturday 12th (Eyes down 9.00pm)

Bingo Survey

We only had to do the survey for one week to realise that almost every Saturday night player would rather play a restricted number of Saturdays than play every week on a weekday.

This wish will be honoured and with the possibility of the occasional exception; such as October; every endeavour will be made to ensure that no more than two Saturdays a month will be cut from the bingo programme.

Race Night

Our first race night got off to a nice steady trot. It was a fun night out for those who took part. We are sure that we will soon be going at a gallop with regular monthly evenings.

The next race night will be Thursday 17th October starting at 8.30pm.

Quiz Night

With the nights drawing in and the barbeque season almost at an end, we thought it would be nice to offer two quiz nights each month instead of the customary one.

So for October we will try Tuesdays 15th and 29th. If enough come we will try to keep it going through the winter months at two a month.

Dinner/ Cabaret 19th October

Tickets at £10 are going a lot better than for our last dinner/cabaret evening but there are still some left. This is an excellent night out and excellent value for money.

Where else would you get a three-course meal and a full cabaret for £10?

Just a cautionary note. If you are thinking you will be able to skip the meal and see the cabaret for free as some did last time: you will not be in luck. Only ticket holders will be permitted entrance this time.

Games News

We have news this month of two teams which give cause for great joy and pride: -

Ladies skittles finished third and have gained promotion this year. This is good news in itself, but when you consider that only last season they finished bottom, the achievement is all the more newsworthy. Well done ladies!

The outdoor bowls once again showed the stuff they are made of by winning the CIU team knock-out competition for the second time in three years. Long may they keep up the excellent work.

The winter seasons have now started or are about to start for Men’s skittles, Airgun, Cribbage, 25’s and Snooker.

All games sections welcome new players at any time. If you are interested please see Pete Kirby who is our Games Section Secretary.
Beer Festival

Plans are gathering momentum for the beer festival to be held Friday 25th October to Sunday 27th October.

As last year there will be five guest bitters from small independent brewers around the country, with varying strengths to cater for varying pallets and appetites. There will also be two rather nice guest ciders on offer together with our usual fare.

On the evening of 25th October, Kevin Smyth; General Secretary of the CIU; will be joining us to formally open the refurbished bar and the festival.

The entertainment will include a Jazz band on the Friday and Rusty Ford & the Classics on Sunday.

Dining at the Club

Since last month, things have been changing apace. The new improved standard menu is now in place. In addition we are now serving an excellent all-day breakfast. On Mondays to Thursdays inclusive we have a mind-blowing offer of two meals for £5 for selected meals.

So you can come to Kingsley and have lunchtime meals for the price of lunchtime snacks and indeed evening meals for the price of evening snacks. Is that good news or is it?

Date for the diary

Thursday 21st November is sports supper night. The guest speaker will be Norman Hunter; footballer of Leeds and England fame. There will also be a comedian and musical entertainment details of which will be announced later. Tickets will cost £10, worth every penny, and we want the room to be full.

And finally

By the middle of October a lot of your money will have been spent on refurbishing the bar. Please treat it as you would your home. Wrap your spent chewing gum in paper and put it in a bin rather than stamp it into the carpet, and use an ashtray for your cigarette ash and to stub out cigarettes. A little thought and hardly any effort can make a lot of difference. Thank you.

November 2002

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News November 02

October – That was the month that was!

Bar refurbishment

The project that most of us were affected by for most of the month was the bar refurbishment. At time of going to press the formal opening has been celebrated, nearly all the work has been finished, and the bar is back in full use.

It certainly looks different and; while most people say how nice it is; we know it is not to everyone’s taste. We hope that in time it will grow on you and everyone will feel comfortable and relaxed in the new surroundings.

Some animals, and we use the word advisedly, have already set to trying to spoil the room by grinding chewing gum into the carpet and burning the carpet with cigarettes.

If you see anyone doing this please report it directly to the secretary. Immediate and firm action will be taken against the perpetrators. This is the members’ club and the members have paid good money for the work done. Do not let it be wasted!

Dinner/ Cabaret

In October we had our second dinner/cabaret. As we try new things we have to learn from our mistakes and carry on, hopefully improving every time.

Unfortunately, things went sadly amiss with the setting up of the evening. Sincere apologies go to those who were discomforted by events.

On the up side, the entertainment was first class and we hope that more than compensated at the end of the night.

Do not be put off from coming to the next one; if only to find out how much things will have improved.

One excellent result from the evening was that the raffle raised £187 to buy equipment for the Geriatric ward of Northampton General Hospital. Our thanks go to IOS Lighting and Blindin’ Lights; both on the terrace and both suppliers for the refurbishment; who donated excellent prizes for the raffle.

Ladies Games

On the 26th Kingsley hosted the presentation night for the Bass ladies skittles league. Last month we reported the team’s promotion. This month we can report that one of our ladies was proclaimed both Player of the Year and Player of Players. This is a fantastic achievement and congratulations go to Maggie Reid.

We also have a star in our ladies darts team. Rita Dolby was runner up in the individual’s competition in the Town Darts League. Well done Rita!

Beer Festival

At the time of going to print the second annual beer festival is in full flight. The quality of the festival beers remains as good as ever, and the entertainment has certainly moved up a notch or two. Thanks go to Steve Barker as the inspiration of the festival, the guardian of the ale and the namesake of Barker’s Bite - a very enjoyable pint. Also thanks go to Frog Island Brewery who sourced the festival beers, and brewed Barker’s Bite for us.

November Entertainment

Friday 1st Birmingham Blues Brothers
Saturday 2nd Threepenny Bit Trio 60’s & Modern
Sunday 3rd Tease Band 60’s, 90’s
Friday 8th Eileen King Band Irish, 60’s, C&W
Saturday 9th Crimson Ice 50’s & 60’s
Sunday 10th Out of Skool 80’s to Modern
Friday 15th Broken Toys 60’s & 70’s
Saturday 16th L-A Nights Band Modern
Sunday 17th It Takes Two Duo
Friday 22nd Sky Rockers Band Rock n Roll
Saturday 23rd The Followers 50’s & 60’s
Sunday 24th New Dimension Duo 70’s to Modern
Friday 29th Blind Alley 60’s & 70’s
Saturday 30th Tegas Live Band 60’s & Modern

Bingo will be played every Friday evening and Saturdays 2nd 9th 16th & 30th (eyes down at 9.00 pm) and every Sunday evening (eyes down at 8.45 pm)

Games Section Supper

As reported last month, our Men’s Games section supper is being held on Thursday 21st November.

The entertainment line-up is: -

Norman Hunter, ex Leeds and England footballer is our after-dinner speaker
Mick Martin Comedian
Cee-C Dancer
Ivories Angels Girl Duo

We have a bar extension until 11.30pm

Tickets are £10 each and are now available from our Games Section Secretary, Pete Kirby. The evening is open to all men members. Come along and celebrate with the Games Section their achievements over the last year. Accommodation is limited and the last date for the purchase of tickets is Sunday 17th November.

Quiz nights

The quiz nights for November will be Tuesdays 12th and 26th. Come join us for a pleasant mid-week night out. We start at 8.30pm on the dot- almost.

Race night

November’s race night will be held on Thursday 14th. This time we will be holding the event in the main bar so that everyone can have a wee bet and see their horses coming home – eventually! First race 8.30pm

Christmas Draw

Get your tickets from the Doormen, Committee, behind the bar. Seek and find for your chance to win £700, £400, £200 or dozens of other prizes. Tickets are £1 for a book of 5. This could be your lucky year, but not if you don’t buy a ticket. Good luck!

Dates for the diary

Christmas Pantomime

See the notice board for the times for issuing of tickets for the panto on the afternoon of Saturday 7th December. This is a free event and demand is always high, so the earlier you collect your children’s tickets the better.
Children in need Christmas party

This event to raise money for local children in need is to be held on the evening of Saturday 7th December. The evening is open to members and associates with their children over the age of 15 years.

As usual, the evening will be full and varied.

For your entertainment we are proud to present: -

Spangles Galore Drag Artist
Avent Garde Duo
Father Christmas Rumour has it that it is the real one.

There will be opportunities galore for you to give for a good cause, and maybe win a little in the process through, amongst other things, a raffle or playing Aces high.

Tickets are available from behind the bar or from Kev Fardon at £4 each.

This evening is a proven winner, so don’t miss out.

Senior Citizen’s Christmas Free-n-Easy

This year we are holding our Free-n-Easy on Thursday 12th December.

Tickets will be available from either Brian or Rita Dolby from Monday 11th November onwards. A five pound deposit will be required which will be refunded on the evening to all those who attend.

The evening will start at 7.00pm for 7.30pm

Numbers are limited to 120 for your comfort, so you are urged to see Brian or Rita as soon as possible to ensure you get a ticket.

And finally

Once again we would like to thank you for your patience through the recent upheavals in the bar and wish you every pleasure in its use for the future. Earlier we mentioned the abuse of facilities in the bar. Your help would also be appreciated in reporting the people who persistently vandalise the ladies toilets almost every weekend. Thank you.

December 2002

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News December 02

The Festive Season is here again

Thank You

The latter half of this year has once again seen considerable upheaval as the facilities in the main bar have been improved. The Committee would like to thank everyone for your patience through it all. Also they would like to show appreciation to all members and associates for their continued loyalty to the Club throughout the year.

From 1st to 8th December inclusive the price of all drinks will be reduced by 20%. Over this period Carlsberg have already reduced the prices of their Lager and Tetley Smooth Flow and Coors of Worthington. With 20% off the already reduced prices we are able to offer really enjoyable beer in every sense of the word.

The 20% will be funded from the Treasure Chest.

Christmas Hours

Bar opening times will be as follows: -

Tuesday 24th December 11.00 am to 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 11.30 pm
Wednesday 25th December 11.00 am to 1.30 pm
Thursday 26th December 11.00 am to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Friday 27th December 11.00 am to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Saturday 28th December 11.00 am to 11.00 pm
Sunday 29th December 12.00 am to 10.30 pm
Monday 30th December 11.00 am to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Tuesday 31st December 12.00 am to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 12.30 am
Wednesday 1st January 11.00 am to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm

The kitchen will close at the end of the lunch session on Tuesday 24th December and reopen for the lunch session on Friday 27th December. It will also close for the evening session on Tuesday 31st December.

December events

5th Specimen Group Meeting Ray Walton, the foremost authority on Barbel in the
country, will be visiting the Club in the evening to give a talk with slides and video. The Specimen group are pleased to invite any folk interested amongst our membership to attend what promises to be a very interesting evening. The evening starts at 8.00 pm and entrance is free.

7th Children’s Pantomime Sorry, all the tickets have now gone.

7th Children in need Xmas party . A fantastic night out with monies raised going to local children in need. So far in 2002 over £3000 has been donated to local schools and individuals. The fund needs topping up so the Club can continue its good work. Tickets are a snip at £4 available from Kev Fardon or behind the bar.

11th Christmas Party Night A three course Christmas meal, our home-grown D.T. Disco and the party trimmings all for just £10.00.

To ensure the comfort of all entrance is by pre-booking only through our Steward Graham.
£5 Per head is payable on booking. Numbers are limited and bookings will be accepted strictly on a first come first served basis.

12th Senior Citizen’s
Free-n Easy Tickets are still available from Brian & Rita Dolby for this most enjoyable night out. A deposit of £5 is requested on booking which will be refunded to all those who attend on the night.

12th Race Night These nights are becoming more and more popular. Why not come along to find out why? It is ages since number five was first past the post. Perhaps tonight will be the night! First race 8.30 prompt - approximately.

17th Quiz Night There is just the one quiz night for December. Starting at 8.30 we hope you will come and give the brain cells a good working over before switching off for Christmas.

Bar opening hours

For some time members have been asking for the Club to be kept open all day
Mondays and Fridays. This has been carefully considered by the Management
Committee from time to time. It has been decided that we should now try the water
and see if the promised demand is there. As from 2nd December the club will be open
from 11.00 am to 11.00 pm Mondays and Fridays.

With effect from 1st December bar times will be as follows: -

Sunday Noon to 10.30 pm
Monday 11.00 am to 11.00 pm
Tuesday 11.00 am to 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Wednesday 11.00 am to 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Thursday 11.00 am to 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Friday 11.00 am to 11.00 pm
Saturday 11.00 am to 11.00 pm

December Entertainment

Sunday 1st Sazza 60’s to modern
Friday 6th Dun “n” Dusted Group 50’s & 60’s
Saturday 7th Platinum Jar Band 80’s modern
Sunday 8th Mixed Blessings Group 60’s 70’s & 80’s
Friday 13th Tom Healey Show Band Irish 60’s & 70’s
Saturday 14th Cassidy Show Band 60’s to modern
Sunday 15th Bangkok Beaver Patrol Great Duo
Friday 20th Pacific Blue Duo 60’s modern
Saturday 21st Ash Great band
Sunday 22nd Taylor Made Group 60’s to 90’s
Friday 27th Wellington Bootles Great trio
Saturday 28th Prestige Trio 70’s to modern
Sunday 29th How Bizare Male/Female duo

Look out for the posters giving details of the festive holiday entertainment.

Come join us for Bingo every Friday (eyes down 9.00 pm) and Sunday (eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 21st and 28th (eyes down 9.00 pm).

Games News

This month we only have two types of news; good and excellent.

The first item of good news: -

Our men’s skittles team had a glimpse of glory when they recently beat Queen’s Park WMC and went to the top of division one. Unfortunately, their defeat by United Trade the following week meant they dropped to second. With all the upheavals in the team this season, and a fresh faced new captain, this can only be seen as a monumentally successful season. Well done lads!

The second item of good news: -

Our air-gun team continue to chase that illusive first spot in the league. Spencer continue to dominate the league and they have beaten us twice this season which means we look to finish second. Keep up the good work. Our day will come!

And finally the excellent news: -

It was a cliff-hanger but, by winning their final match of the season, our Pool team has won the Northampton Pool League. We are the champions! Absolutely brilliant lads. Well done.

Wage Review

Once again our beloved politicians have stuck their oar in our business by increasing the minimum wage rate as from 1st October this year. Historically reviews in Working Men’s Clubs have been effective from the middle of January. Once again we have been obliged to review wages two and a half months earlier than usual.

Whilst this does have an immediate and substantial impact on the Club overhead, the Management Committee has decided to wait until next year’s brewery round of price increases to increase the bar tariff.

Subscriptions 2003

So that all may be fully aware this year, annual subscriptions for all members should be paid by 28th January 2003.

The subscription rates remain as last year: -

Men £3.75
Men Senior Citizen £3.15
Men Life Member £2.20
Women £1.25

Payment times are as follows: -

Sunday 5th 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday 6th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Tuesday 7th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Wednesday 8th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Friday 10th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Saturday 11th 11.30 am to 1.00 pm
Sunday 12th 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday 13th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Tuesday 14th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Wednesday 15th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Friday 17th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Saturday 18th 11.30 am to 1.00 pm
Sunday 19th 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday 20th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Tuesday 21st 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Wednesday 22nd 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Friday 24th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Saturday 25th 11.30 am to 1.00 pm
Sunday 26th 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday 27th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Tuesday 28th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Wednesday 29th 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm

If subscriptions have not been paid by this date, members become members in arrears and are not able to use the Club facilities. They do however have a further 28 days in which to pay their subscription after which they cease to be members of the Club.

To help jog memories there will be a card show from 29th January 2003 to 28th February 2003 inclusive. During this period the cards of every person entering the Club every time will be checked. No 2003 pass card will mean no entry. Bona fide guests and associate members with 2003 pass cards will be welcome.

There will be restricted times in February to pay Subs which will be on the notice board. If you turn up prepared to pay subs at the wrong time entry will be refused.

All this warning is bound to mean nobody will be upset, isn’t it !?

And finally

The Management Committee would like to wish all members, associates and guests who have used the Club over the year, a very happy Christmas and a happy healthy and prosperous New Year.