July 2002
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News July 2002
During June we had the unfortunate experience of finding children hanging the wrong side of the stair rail in the card room, unsupervised by their parents.
The Committee; ever aware of its responsibility; has charged those parents who could be identified. The reason the charges were raised was out of an absolute commitment to ensure this club should not experience one serious injury or fatality.
It is a true saying that kids will be kids. Many young people do not understand the danger of their actions and cannot therefore be held responsible.
It is equally true that parents must be parents and take responsibility for their children’s actions.
Those parents charged have been reprimanded and warned of severe consequences should there be a recurrence.
For the sake of the safety of your children the Committee wishes to make it crystal clear that, whilst it appreciates the majority of parents do properly supervise their children, this warning is applied to all parents forthwith.
July Entertainment
Friday 5th Rusty Ford & The Classics Rock-n-Roll and 60’s Saturday 6th Full Circle Group 60’s-90’s
Sunday 7th Hot Property Duo Modern
Friday 12th Krys Group 60’s
Saturday 13th Stone Park 60’s Modern
Sunday 14th D-H-2 80’s and 90’s
Friday 19th Donnybrook Fair Band Irish and 60’s
Saturday 20th Fat Chantz Group
Sunday 21st Ttorria Girl Band 60’s and modern
Friday 26th Restart Duo Vocal and instrumental
Saturday 27th Guardian Angels Group Band 60’s
Sunday 28th Step 7 60’s and 90’s
Bingo will be played every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening except Saturday
July 6th. Eyes down at 9.00 pm Fridays and Saturdays and 8.45pm Sundays.
Bar refurbishment
Your Committee is pleased to announce that we are imminently starting a refurbishment of the main bar.
The main features will be an improved lighting system, new wall linings, improved seating and new floor covering. There will be no major structural alterations.
It is anticipated that the contract will take about seven weeks to get to practical completion.
In that time the bar will be closed from lunchtime Monday to lunchtime Friday inclusive.
The lounge and concert room will offer comfortable and, we hope, congenial accommodation. The bar will be open from Friday evening to Sunday evening inclusive throughout the contract. It will always be clean and safe, but not necessarily quite up to the standards you have been used to.
We apologise for any inconvenience and assure you it will be kept to a minimum.
If you want an idea of what is being done please ask the Secretary.
Let us see how long the carpet can remain free of chewing gum and cigarette burns!
New Members
The final list of applicants this year for membership will be posted on the notice board in the first week of July.
It will be on the board for one week. Then the Committee will consider it. Invitations to collect cards will be posted on the notice board the following week.
Proposers and seconders please keep an eye on the notice board to inform those you nominated when they may collect their cards.
Quiz Night
The next of our celebrated quiz nights will be held on Tuesday 30th July at 8.30pm. It’s friendly, it’s fun and with that edge of competition it can be just a bit exciting. Come join us for a good evening out during the week.
Children’s Outing
This year the children’s outing is to Skegness on Saturday 10th August.
For children up to 14 years old there is no charge: indeed they will have a bottle of pop and some crisps thrown in to keep them happy on the journey.
For adults the fee is £8.00.
Tickets will be available in the club every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening in July from 7.30 to 9.00 and every Sunday lunchtime in July from 11.30 am to 1.00pm
Go on; give yourselves and your children a treat and join us for this fun day out.
Games News
Our pool team has won through to the Quarterfinals of the Branch knockout competition. They will be playing away to British Rail Club at Wellingborough on 13th July.
We have been losing finalists 3 times. Could this be our year? Our best wishes are with you to bring back that trophy.
And finally
No one can have missed how busy the club has been over the month of June.
We have had the Golden Jubilee celebrations, the World Cup celebrations and tribulations, visiting groups from other clubs and so it goes on.
No matter what hours events have taken place or how long the hours have been, Graham and his staff have not once let us down. Their enthusiasm and professionalism are an example to us all. To every one of them from every one of us we would say they are owed a great debt of gratitude. Thank you!
August 2002
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News August 2002
Supervision of Children – Again
What can we do? There is massive publicity in the press about a man trying to abduct young children in Northampton and some of our parents come and sit in the club and let their children hang about outside the club. The management cannot be held responsible if you; and you know who you are; put your children at risk and the worst happens.
Parents, you must always keep your children in view when you are in the club so that you can supervise, control and protect them.
Thank you.
August Entertainment
In the bar
Friday 2nd Streams of Whiskey Irish & Country & western
Saturday 3rd Pleasure House 60’s – 90’s
Sunday 4th Streetwise 80’s – 90’s
Friday 9th Time Warp 60’s – 90’s Duo
Saturday 10th T.B.A.
Sunday 11th Off The Record 60’s – 90’s
Friday 16th Declan Gaynor Irish, 60’s, Rock
Saturday 17th Bumps In The Night 80’s Modern
Sunday 18th Honeywell Modern, 80’s, Trio
Friday 23rd Them “n” Us 60’s – 80’s
Saturday 24th Ready or Not Modern
Sunday 25th Midnight 70’s – 90’s
Keep your eyes peeled for the poster showing Bank Holiday entertainment on Monday 26th August and the last Friday and Saturday of the month.
Bingo will be played every Friday and Sunday evening and Saturdays 17th and 31st. Eyes down at 9.00 pm Fridays and Saturdays and 8.45 Sundays.
Race Night
Because many of you have asked we are bringing back our mid-week race nights, with the first night Thursday 12th September. As a change we will be holding the event in the main bar so that everyone can join in and see the races. It is a fun night for a little flutter on the Gee-Gees. As with all these events the more that come, the more the fun. So make this evening a must!
The first race will be 8.30
Quiz Night
The introduction of Aces High at the last quiz night was a great success. It even drowned, almost, the disappointment of not doing our Mastermind round!
So Aces High is here to stay. Our next quiz will be a week early on August 20th as the following week the quizmaster will be on holiday (again!) the following week.
We start at 8.30
Dinner/ Cabaret Evening
Our last dinner cabaret evening was a great success enjoyed by all who attended. The problem was that not nearly enough members attended.
We hope the word has spread about not being there really meant missing out. In that hope another evening has been arranged for Saturday 19th October.
The evening starts at 7.30 with a cracking three-course meal followed by a cabaret.
Mike Taylor is the master of ceremonies and not a mean singer.
Keith (the thief) Charnley is a comedian not to be missed.
Mosaic entertained us with their song and dance routines when the new concert room was officially opened. They were good then; you should see them now!
There will be a raffle to raise funds for the Geriatric ward at Northampton General Hospital; an oft forgotten but very important part of the hospital service.
An extension has been arranged until 11.30pm
All this for only £10 per head. Tickets are available from behind the bar or the Entertainment Committee.
Your Management Committee is caught in the horns of a dilemma. More and more of our members are asking for the use of the concert room for wedding, anniversary and birthday celebrations on Saturday evenings and at the same time loyalty is owed to those who play bingo on Saturday evenings.
A suggestion has been put forward that we could play bingo one evening in the week instead of Saturday so that all our members can be accommodated.
Survey forms will be at the ticket table on the two Saturdays bingo is played in August. Your views will be appreciated and taken into account.
Bar refurbishment
Woe, Woe and thrice times Woe. At the time of going to press for the July newsletter everything was in hand and all orders placed for a smooth and effortless refurbishment.
Woe One. The new wall linings were found to be not available until October. We have since found a better lining (at no extra cost) which should be available about the third week in August; as it has to be imported from Spain; to get the contract started.
Woe Two. The improved seating material was discontinued after the order was placed. We have found a more than suitable alternative.
Woe three. Weeks after the new carpet was ordered the manufacturer informed us that it has been discontinued.
Some day we will look back and laugh at this Frankie Howard type scenario. In the mean time please be assured strenuous and very serious efforts are being made to ensure that we will have all the work done by early October.
September 2002
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News September 02
To communicate or not to communicate
That is the question!
At the end of last year your Management Committee took the brave step of instigating this newsletter. Before that time events were publicised on the notice boards and brought to your attention as done deals. With the newsletter we are now informing you about things as they develop rather than when they are done, so that if members wish they can have some input.
This means that when there are hiccups, you the members see them as you never did before. A glaring example is the delays suffered with the bar refurbishment, regarding which we are pleased to say we now have an absolutely firm start date of the first week in September. These delays were well outside the control of management and could not have been foreseen: but we would say that wouldn’t we?
The serious point is that members were given a chance to see the scheme and comment before it got under way. We believe that benefit far outweighs any embarrassment that may be suffered by apologies because of delays. We hope you do too.
The newsletter also brings to members attention matter of concern to either be debated or acted upon.
We have previously published nine newsletters; three of which have mentioned the supervision of children. Some parents still insist on allowing their children to roam the corridors; vandalise the toilets and garden furniture and go to areas excluded to children without their parent’s presence. They also allow children to hang about outside the Club causing a nuisance to people coming and going and be put at risk of abduction or traffic accident.
It could be argued that publishing requests for parental cooperation is seen as a waste of time. However, if parents are brought before the Committee on a charge of not supervising their children and found guilty, they will have no one but themselves to blame if suspended from membership for up to twelve months or expelled. Suspension and expulsion from this club mean suspension and expulsion from every Working Men’s Club.
We hope you agree that these matters are useful and for the good of the club.
Do not forget that if any member wishes to contribute to the newsletter with news or comment, those contributions are welcome. It should be pointed out that inclusion of any item is at the discretion of the editor, but all contributions will be acknowledged and discussed with the contributor before publication.
It is only right to question what we do from time to time. With our opening question “ to communicate or not to communicate?” we believe the answer has to be “ Yes.” We hope you do too.
September Entertainment
In the Bar
Sunday 1st Classix Band 60’s to Modern
Friday 6th Purple Marlin Trio 60’s 90’s
Saturday 7th Red Shed Great Show Band
Sunday 8th David Duffy Irish; Country & Western; Modern
Friday 13th Tom Healy Band Great Band
Saturday 14th Sharazz Group 60’s and modern
Sunday 15th Garry Lee & The Hotrods Rock & Roll and 60’s
Friday 20th Overdraft Group 60’s and 90’s
Saturday 21st Cassidy Show Band Irish 60’s Modern
Sunday 22nd The Bad Boys Rock & Roll and 60’s
Friday 27th Neo Great Duo 60’s and 80’s
Saturday 28th Physical The best Show band in the Midlands
Sunday 29th Destination Unknown Duo 70’s and 90’s
Bands to look out for in October. Hollywood and the Bob Broly Band
Can things get better?
Bingo will be played every Friday evening (Eyes down 9.00 pm) and every Sunday evening (Eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 7th and 14th only (Eyes down 9.00 pm)
Race Night
Whatever you do, do not miss out on our first race night of the season on Thursday 12th September. The first race is at 8.30 pm. A little bet can generate a lot of excitement. A free bite to eat during the evening should satisfy your appetite for a good night out!
Quiz Night
The next Quiz night will be held on Tuesday 17th September starting at 8.30pm.
At the last night we saw Aces high could be won. It was won by one of our faithful regulars who shared over £80 with his team – but nothing with his host!
It’s not the money, but the fun and company we hope you come for. Mind you the money is a nice bonus if you get it.
Dinner/ Cabaret
In our last letter full details were given of our Dinner/ Cabaret to be held Saturday 19th October. For a three-course meal and a good evening’s entertainment with a 30-minute extension, tickets are on sale at a snip of £10 each from either the Entertainment Committee or from behind the bar.
All this enjoyment to be the more fulfilling as you have the chance to contribute towards the Geriatric ward of the Northampton General Hospital through a special raffle.
The tickets are selling already- so don’t hang about and risk missing out!
The Welfare section, under the stewardship of John Fagan, as part of their function to provide sick pay and retired members’ payouts for the section’s members run a weekly tote with a total payout of £150 each week.
If you want to support this section and have the chance of a small windfall, why not have a go at the tote.
Tickets are available from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm Fridays; 11.30 am to 1.30 pm Saturdays and Noon to 1.00 pm Sundays from the Welfare Section Table in the main bar.
Dining at the Club
To eat at Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club is to eat restaurant quality food at Working Men’s Club prices in the atmosphere of your choice.
You can choose from our standard menu, which is changed every six months, or from our extensive range of specials from the boards including seasonal meals such as salads freshly prepared to order. And why not make the meal complete with some good quality inexpensive wine sold either by the glass or bottle.
Through the week you can eat in the bar or select the quieter atmosphere of the lounge with quiet, soothing background music.
Sundays, our function room is given over entirely for meals that can be either traditional Sunday roast or any item from our main menu.
We also have a good children’s menu
Orders will be taken Monday – Thursday Noon to 2.30pm 5.00pm to 9.00pm
Friday Noon to 2.30pm 5.00pm to 8.00pm
Saturday Noon to 8.00pm
Sunday Noon to 5.00pm
We also do sandwiches at these times if you do not want a meal.
And finally
As we go into September and October, our bar refurbishment will be under way. The bar will be open for weekends throughout so we will maintain our full social programme. From Monday morning to Friday lunchtime we will be using the concert room and lounge instead of the bar.
We will keep inconvenience to a minimum and apologise for any disruption caused, but hope that at the end of the day everyone will agree it will have been worthwhile.