October 2005
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News October 2005
Entertainment October 2005
It has to be admitted that our introduction of Karaoke as a Friday nightspot did not really hit the spot. As it was not what you wanted it has been dropped and our Entertainment Secretary has managed to get in alternative entertainment at very short notice. Thank you Chris
Saturday 1st Roadhouse Band 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 2nd Melody Lane Boy/Girl Duo Modern
Friday 7th Rush Hour Male Vocal/Instrumental Duo 80’s to present
Saturday 8th Bernard Cassidy Showband Irish
Sunday 9th 2K Male Duo Modern
Friday 14th Shy Tot Male Vocal/Instrumental Duo 70’s to present
Saturday 15th Perry Scorpio Band 60’s to 80’s
Sunday 16th New York Minutes Male Instrumental Duo Charts
Friday 21st Chartz Boy/Girl Duo Chart Hits
Saturday 22nd Frantic Band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 23rd Next Male Duo Modern
Friday 29th Jimmy Rev Male Vocal/Instrumental Duo 70’s to 90’s
Saturday 30th Duskk 3 Piece Harmony Group 80’s to 90’s
Sunday 31st Splash Boy/Girl Duo 70’s to present
Bingo Sessions
Every Friday, Every Sunday and Saturdays 8th and 15th
Remember that it is Eyes Down at 8.45 p.m. every session. We hope you enjoy this small change. It will give you a bit more time to enjoy the entertainment in the bar or just relax a bit longer in the concert room after the excitement of playing Bingo.
Kingsley Park’s Celebration of Real Ale (in association with Greene King)
They say variety is the spice of life. This year we are adding a little spice to our beer festival.
We are setting up the barrels in the concert room for Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th October. That’s right, the beer will be poured from the barrels to the glass.
As we go to press, it is anticipated that, in addition to IPA which will still be available at the bar, we will be serving Old Bob 5%, Ruddles Orchard 4.2%, Ruddles Best 3.7%, Moorlands Original 4%, Greene King Mild 3%, Ruddles County 4.3% and a great favourite; Speckled Hen 5.2%.
For these three days, only the concert room will be open at lunch times, but both bar and concert room will be open in the evenings.
On Tuesday night we will be running a quiz night that will be hosted by Paul Jenkins who is the Greene King Rep. He promises to bring some prizes with him. The evening will be in his hands. There will be a session of Aces High that will include any rollover money from previous quiz nights as a potential prize.
On Wednesday night we will be having a Curry Night and there will be entertainment as well.
On Thursday night we will be running a Race Night.
Three nights to savour. Book them in your diary now!
Food Glorious Food
Our new autumn menu will shortly be available for your enjoyment. Unfortunately, we have had to put prices up to cater for the huge fuel increase and to cover other overheads. Even with the increases, the prices will be extremely reasonable. However, there are many great deals to be had with lunchtime specials; sports specials when matches are being shown on Sky; Kiddies boxed meals mid-week deals and monthly specials.
We also have an excellent Christmas menu already lined up, details of which you will shortly be able to see in the club menu folders. We are holding our Christmas Party Night on 15th December. On offer is a truly scrumptious three-course meal, with a glass of wine and the favourite Christmas Cracker thrown all for only £15.00 per head.
On Sundays, following requests received, we are reintroducing waiter/ess service on Sundays. As many of you have said, it is this that helps make us that little bit different.
This all adds up great food, great variety and great value for money seven days a week.
Men’s Supper and Games Presentation Evening
It is not an understatement to say this must be one of the best line-ups for this evening the Club has ever presented.
Our after-dinner speaker is Tommy Docherty. Yes, it is THE DOC, the great Scottish soccer legend and king of the One Liners. This man is the tops!
Other entertainment will come in the form of highly rated comedian, Ronnie Stewart, and a magicienne who goes under the name of Lynx.
Top that with an excellent three-course meal and we once again have a recipe for a brilliant night out
Tickets for this exceptional evening, Thursday 10th November, are only £12.50. They are available from the Games Secretary.
Welfare Section Update
The Welfare table in the main bar is manned every Sunday from 12 noon to 1.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. and Fridays from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. when Dave Yates Our Welfare Secretary or John Carnegie-Brown, his assistant will be pleased to discuss any Section matters.
Treasure Chest
Tickets are available from the Welfare table when open, or from the main bar at any time. The minimum prize for opening the box is £500 rising £50 weekly until won. The prize has on occasion risen to over £1600. There is a consolation prize of £100 for a winning ticket that does not open the treasure chest.
The draw is made weekly at 9.15 p.m. on a Sunday. If the prize is not claimed there is no re-draw, but the consolation prize goes to Cynthia Spencer Hospice.
Savings Club
The Savings club has been running for a year now. It is a simple and safe way to put your money away until such time as you need it. There is no interest payable, but also there are none of the fines etc that used to eat up the interest in the old divi clubs.
This is well worth considering if you just do not have the self-discipline to put money into your own savings accounts. The rules are simple and you can get at your money any time, subject to seven days notice.
The Tote
Just pick 20 pairs of numbers between one and thirty for £1 and add two more pairs for free. If any of your pairs come up; and they can be reversed; you share a pot of £150 with any other people who have chosen the same pair.
The numbers are drawn at 1.00 p.m. every Sunday.
2005 Christmas Draw
Posters can be seen all around the advertising this annual extravaganza and orgy of prizes. Tickets are £1.00 for a book of five. 20 pence could win you £1000 or any one of a myriad of prizes. Unclaimed prizes go into a special Boxing Day Raffle in aid of the Northampton Blind Association. So this is a winner all round!
The Welfare Section
This section is open to our members who have held membership for 12 months. The current subscription is £4.00.
After twelve months membership of the Section you become entitled to sick pay when on certificated absence from work. This is currently £15 per week for up to eight weeks in any twelve-month period; subject to some conditions and limitations
After 5 years membership, once you have attained the age of 65 you become entitled to a quarterly payout of £15.
Not bad for a subscription of only £4 per year!
Please see Dave or John if you wish to benefit from any of these services.
On Tuesday, 20th September we said our farewells to Mick Brett. He died peacefully in his sleep after a short period of being under the weather, diagnosed as pneumonia after his death. It was typical of Mick not to have made a fuss about things, as he must have felt pretty ill for those last few days.
Mick was a loyal servant to the club. He was on the Committee for many years, first on entertainment and then as Vice- President until his stroke ten years ago.
He lost most of his power of speech, but generally found ways to communicate. He was in the club most days of the week and his not being present in the club leaves a palpable gap here.
Our condolences go to his family, and I think it true to say that for many of us in the club, our loss will be as deep as a loss of a family member.
Rest in peace Mick.
In the case of the death of any club member, if their family or friends wish to say some words through the newsletter they will be welcome. All contributions to The Secretary please.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 11th and 25th October Quiz Nights
Please note that these have been moved back one week to cover Bamber’s holiday and the quiz night to be held during the beer festival.
The second evening will be a total novelty with Greene King Brewery supplying some different prizes and the Quizmaster. Aces high will be played at both sessions.
Thursday 27th October Race Night
This again will be in association with our beer festival. There could well be some interesting innovations here also.
Thursday 10th November Men’s Supper and Games Presentation Evening
See the earlier feature for the evening’s programme. Add the fact that our Cribbage B Team won the branch CIU Knockout; our Darts and Dominoes teams were losing semi-finalists in the CIU knockouts, our Snooker A team, Football and Darts teams all won their leagues, and we have real reason to celebrate our games achievements over the last year.
Thursday 24th November Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party
We are proud to present another not-to-be-missed night. Enjoy a beautiful meal, excellent entertainment and the best of company. See the notice boards for when the tickets are being issued. A £5 deposit will be required that will be returned to everyone on arriving for the evening. Otherwise the deposit will not be refundable. As ever, Brian Dolby will be the master of ceremonies for this evening.
Saturday 17th December Children’s Pantomime
At 12.30 p.m. we are proud to present Cinderella for your children’s delight. Tickets will be available from the Entertainment section from the beginning of November. Look out for the times on the notice boards and be there early to avoid disappointment.
And Finally
You will have seen in the local press and on our notice board that we have been granted our Club Premises Certificate under the 2003 Licensing Act to enable us to continue supplying alcohol after 24th November 2005.
It is important to stress the two conditions laid down by the issuing authority, Northampton Borough Council. The first is that all entertainment must finish fifteen minutes after the final bell and the second that the club empty thirty minutes after the final bell.
These are conditions that if not honoured could lead to our Certificate being revoked.
Also, there were several letters of complaint from neighbours about noise late at night. The Committee urges all those who use the club to show respect and consideration to those living near the club by being as quiet as possible when leaving.
The Committee wishes to thank you all in anticipation of your cooperation in this matter.
November 2005
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News November 2005
Ken Taylor Club Member of the Year 2005
Two nominations have flooded in for the first ever Club Member of the Year Award.
We have many members who are worthy of consideration and you, dear members, know who they are.
People who have excelled in games; people who have supported games; people who have supported the bar; people who have been friends to the club without fuss or fanfare.
There is no limit to the genuine reasons for nomination.
This is a serious award instituted in serious honour of Ken Taylor, a serious hero of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club.
Nominations close on 30th November and the E.C. will choose the winner from nominations received and the result will be declared on the evening of the Christmas Draw.
There will be a roll of honour prominently displayed in the club. The winner shall receive a free main course meal every week of the calendar year following the award.
Nomination forms are available from the Secretary.
Entertainment November 2005
Our Entertainment Secretary, Chris has been on a well-earned holiday and as a result at the time of going to press we do not have details of November’s entertainment programme. We will be putting some extra posters up in the club to keep you fully informed. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you.
Bingo Sessions
For the month of November there will be sessions every Friday, every Sunday and Saturdays 12th & 26th. Eyes down at 8.45 p.m. for every session appears to have met with universal approval and so will continue.
Sunday Morning Bar Times
We do have a small number of members who come in to the Club early on Sunday mornings and sit for up to an hour waiting patiently in eager anticipation of their first pint at 12 noon. Your Committee has decided that, with effect from Sunday 27th November 2005, the main bar will open at 11.00 am for the sales of alcoholic beverages for a trial period. The other bars and the restaurant shall retain the current opening times.
Early morning alarm calls may be arranged for a small fee!
Local Children in Need Fund Raising
The total income from the skittles marathon held on 22nd October is set to top the £1500 mark. Nine people played for the full twelve hours knocking down and stacking up 9193 skittles. The undoubted star of the day was Kev Fardon who hit 1161 including 27 stack-ups.
We also had one person who played pool for twelve hours.
Thanks to all who took part. The final total and the destination of some of the money raised will be reported next month.
At the quiz night on 25th October, the participants gave up half their winnings for Children in Need totalling £22. Thank you for your generosity.
Greene King donated beer festival glasses that were sold at£1.00 each in aid of Children in Need. The total raised will be reported next month. Thank you Greene King.
Treasure Chest Bonanza
On October 2nd the Treasure Chest was opened and the lucky winner scooped no less than £1750.00. It was the first time the Chest had been opened since 3rd April.
After the next time it is opened your Executive Committee has decided to raise the starting prize from £500.00 to £750.00. Be here Sunday nights to experience the thrill of Treasure Chest Fever.
Savings Club
As the time approaches for some organisations to pay out their Christmas Divi’s, now should be the time for planning next year’s savings.
Come and speak to John Carnegie-Brown or Dave Yates at the Welfare table and see how our savings club measures up for flexibility and convenience.
You could be very pleasantly surprised. The rules are simple and minimal and John or Dave will help you through them to make any transition as painless as possible.
Christmas Draw
What ever you do, do not miss out on buying your Christmas Draw tickets this year. What would the £1000 first prize do for your celebrations?
They can be obtained from the door staff, the welfare table, behind the main bar or from any member of the Committee. £1.00 for five chances to win any one of the almost 100 prizes.
Games News
Branch Knock-out Competitions
A historic change has been given the go ahead at the recent six monthly South East Midlands Branch Council meeting of the CIU. This is a meeting at which all 88 clubs in the branch are entitled to attend through delegates appointed by their Committees.
For 2006, approval has been given to allow women to be entered in teams. In effect this means that both single-sex and mixed-sex teams may enter for all the branch knockout competitions.
The details are yet to be ironed out. The principle of women being allowed to enter clubs to which they do not belong in order to compete has been given tacit approval by the minister responsible Richard Cabourne in a statement in the House of Commons. His stated concern is that clubs continue to be run as bona fide private members clubs and do not open their doors to the public.
Thank you, Carlsberg
In recent months there has been some discontent amongst our members about the consistency of the quality of Tetley Cask. This has been acknowledged by Carlsberg who have kindly given us a deal by which we have been able to offer this product at 20p off a pint for one month.
When we were visited by Cask Marque, an independent organisation which examines of Cask Ales, on 18th October, they judged Tetley Cask to be served at the perfect temperature; Brilliant in appearance; Appetizing in its aroma and of excellent taste.
Let us hope that this beer will retain its respected position in the club for a long time to come.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesdays 8th & 22nd November Quiz Nights
We are pleased to offer two more nights of fun and frivolity, with the possibility of going home with big money if you win Aces High. Bamber will be back in the chair with his usual selection of fun-to-answer questions. Come along for 8.30 and join in the fun.
Thursday 10th November Men’s Supper and Games Presentation Evening
Tickets are now available at £12.50 for this evening of celebration of a great year of achievement in the club and a great evening’s food and entertainment. Tommy “The Doc” Docherty is our after dinner speaker. It is a guarantee that he will have you crying in your beer with laughter. If there is any laughter left in you, it will surely be used up with listening to Ronnie Stewart who always goes down well when he visits us. Finally, you will be amazed at the magical talents of Lynx; a magnificent magicienne.
Tickets are limited, so see Pete Kirby early to avoid disappointment.
Thursday 17th November Race Night
It was a little disappointing to see so few of our regulars at the September meeting. If the numbers get up enough we hope to reintroduce these great entertainment evenings twice a month through the winter.
Thursday 24th November Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party
Tickets are available from Brian Dolby for this most enjoyable night out. A £5.00 deposit is required on the issue of the ticket. It will be returned to all who turn up on the night.
Thursday 1st December A presentation by Neville Fickling
The Northampton Specimen Group are proud to host a presentation by Neville Fickling who has written five books on his specialities, being Pike and Zander.
The group has issued an open invitation to Club members and associates interested in this topic. The meeting will start at about 8.00 p.m. in the concert room.
Saturday 17th December Children’s Pantomime
Our annual panto, Cinderella, will start at 12.30 p.m. this is a free entertainment open to children and grandchildren of members only. In past years tickets have gone to others and our own children have missed out. When collecting tickets, you will be asked for the names of the children and your relationship to them along with proof of your membership. We thank you for your cooperation.
And finally
I would refer back to our lead article. Your nominations for Club Member of the Year 2005 would be very much appreciated.
If any member has any comments or views they want published on any matter to do with the club or club life, please contact me. I can accept your written word; however I maintain the right to edit subject to informing you before publication. If you are not happy writing, I will gladly put your views in writing (even if they do not agree with mine) for your approval before publication.
Barry Slasberg
December 2005
What about the women then?
Who ever heard of women HGV drivers, brickies, managing directors and the like twenty years ago? They were freaks and oddities. Something to be laughed at and ridiculed. That was twenty years ago. Today, it is commonplace to see women driving huge lorries and doing building work. Some of the highest paid and most successful executives in the land are women.
They do their jobs well; and sometimes badly; alongside men without any sense of difference in the work place about the job in hand because of gender.
And what about women in Working Men’s Clubs? Over half the clubs in the CIU today have women with full membership, who can attend and vote at members’ meetings and who can stand on their club’s Executive Committees. Like the men, some are good, some are bad and some are indifferent. The difference about those clubs as opposed to ours is that in them men and women work together as equals for the good of the club to which they belong. Twenty years ago oddities; today the norm.
And what about Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club? In the South East Midlands Branch 53 of our 88 clubs have full women membership. The question is, are we getting out of touch with what is going on in the world today, or are we standing up for a principle that must be honoured in the name of everything we believe the CIU stands for? (The formal policy of the CIU is full square behind the 53 clubs with full women membership.)
It might be interesting to note that the first National Executive Council of the CIU was made up of 14 men and 8 women. Women were instrumental in forming at least two of our founder clubs.
They were good enough to take a major part in starting the CIU. Are they not good enough to join with us men in fighting for the continued success of this club today?
The decision is in the hands of the male members of the club. If you want to share equally the running of this club with women, you can move a notice of motion at the club’s Annual General Meeting in February. A two-thirds majority in favour would give women full membership by adopting what is known as “The Interpretation Rule.” If you are happy with things staying as they are, you need to do nothing.
As a member of this club for 28 years, I would urge the club to adopt the interpretation rule because I believe many women use the club as much as we men and love the club as much as we men do. As General Secretary of this club I would urge you to adopt the interpretation rule because it would open up a whole new aspect to the management of the club. This should be regarded as an opportunity not to be missed rather than a threat.
This is my personal view, not necessarily the view of the Executive Committee. What is yours?
Barry Slasberg
E-mail: barry.slasberg@barbox.net
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club Newsletter December 2005
At the time of going to press, the sum raised from the sponsored skittles marathon and other minor collections has come to the magnificent total of £1250, and there is still more to come
Some of this money will be spent on providing equipment for the Children’s Hearing Unit at the Northampton General Hospital. They are in urgent need of a text phone, a fax machine and a case to hold equipment for their domiciliary visits to new clinics being set up in the community during December.
A date everyone must put in the diary is Saturday 4th February 2006.
This is the date of our Children in Need extravaganza. A brilliant group that we have not seen for some time at the Club will be entertaining us at a low price in support of our appeal for Local Children in Need. Accrington Stanley will be joining us. They will be supported by another favourite of Kingsley Park WMC, the brilliant comedian Pete Lucas.
Tickets will be on sale just after Christmas at only £5.00. Numbers will be limited and demand will be high. Look out for the notice board with sale details and get in quick.
We will also be running a prize draw on the night. Any donations of raffle prizes will be gratefully accepted. Please leave them with the Steward or Secretary. Thank you.
Festive Season Opening Times
The Bar
Saturday 24th December 11.00 to 23.30
Sunday 25th December 11.00 to 13.30 and 19.00 to 22.30
Monday 26th December 11.00 to 17.00 and 19.00 to 23.00
Tuesday 27th December 11.00 to 23.00
Wednesday 28th December 11.00 to 23.00
Thursday 29th December 11.00 to 23.00
Friday 30th December 11.00 to 23.00
Saturday 31st December 11.00 to 17.00 and 19.00 to 00.30
Sunday 1st January 12.00 to 22.30
The Kitchen
The kitchen will take last orders at 17.00 on Christmas Eve and remain closed for cooked meals until Sunday 1st January.
From 26th December through to 31st December inclusive, there will be a limited supply of baguettes on sale through the day.
In order to ensure we have adequate supplies for Sunday 1st January, we will only be able to serve you if you have booked in advance. If you are fed up with cooking and washing up, give Steve or Shirley a ring on 01604 715514 and get a little pampered.
Welfare Section
The last Tote draw for 2005 will be made Sunday 18th December. The first day for sale of tickets in 2006 will be 6th January.
The Savings Club will close on Sunday 18th December and re-open on Friday 6th January.
The Treasure Chest will not be drawn Christmas weekend.
Festive Food
Our catering staff have once again excelled in their choice of the set Christmas Meal that is available from 1st to 23rd December inclusive: -
Start your meal with a choice of Prawn Cocktail or Pork, Apple & Calvados Pate.
For your main course the choice is, Turkey, Beef, Salmon or the vegetarian option of Mushroom, Brie, Rocket & Redcurrant Filo Bundle. (It’s gorgeous!)
Your choice will be served with Pigs in Blankets (not for vegetarians!), Yorkshire, Carrots, Brussels, Green Beans and Roast Potatoes.
Sweet is either Christmas Pudding with Brandy Custard or Orange & Cranberry Meringue Roulade.
Finish the meal with a nice cup of coffee and mints.
Not bad for only £12.50. Look around and you will see lesser meals for twice the price or more.
It would be appreciated if you could book as soon as possible if you are coming with a party for this gastronomic orgy. We want to ensure we have enough food and staff on to ensure everyone enjoys the evening and gets what they want when they want it.
December Entertainment
Friday 2nd The Inside Job Versatile vocal & Instrumental Duo
Saturday 3rd 3 Phaze Excellent 3 piece band
Sunday 4th Robbie Allen 1996 Stars in Their Eyes Finalist as Bobby Vee
Friday 9th East To West Top Male/Female Duo
Saturday 10th Reflections Popular 5 piece band covering the best of 60’s to date
Sunday 11th Innuendo Excellent versatile male duo. Vocal & Keyboards
Friday 16th Rockit
Saturday 17th Ready or Not Excellent 4 piece cover band
Sunday 18th
Friday 23rd
Saturday 24th Suga Shak Top class party trio in Bar
Aley’s Comet Rock n Roll in concert room
Monday 26th Hot Wax Disco in concert room 12.30 to 16.00
Tony Gee Disco in concert room 20.30 to 23.00
Phoenix Great Duo Lunch time in the bar
Krys Sixties live band in the bar
Tuesday 27th John Headley Roadshow Family Disco in the Concert Room 13.00 to 16.30
with Alan Martell Punch & Judy/ Magician. Great Kids Party!!
Friday 30th Cory Lewis Mr Mowtown Great Vocalist
Saturday 31st Apollo Disco in concert room 20.00 to 00.30
Freeway Live Group 60’s 70’s in bar
Sunday 1st Good 4 Tunes Duo 60’s to 00’s
Monday 2nd The Soundations Trio Motown & Soul
Extension of Bar Hours
Please note that the bars will remain open until 23.30 on 10th December.
Bingo Sessions
Every Friday, Saturday 17th and Sundays 4th 11th 18th and 1st January. Eyes down 20.45 every session.
Membership Subscriptions 2006
In accordance with club rules all subscriptions should be paid by 28th January 2006. If not paid by this date, members become members in arrears and are not able to use the club facilities. They do have a further 28days in which to pay their subscriptions. If not paid by this extended time, their membership of the club lapses.
The subscription rates are as agreed by the members at the 2003 AGM and are as follows: -
Men full subscription £5.65
Men Senior Citizens £5.15
Men Life Members £3.00
Women £1.50
Payment times in January are: -
Sundays 8th 15th 22nd 29th 11.00 to 13.00
Mondays 9th 16th 23rd 30th 19.30 to 21.00
Tuesdays 10th 17th 24th 31st 19.30 to 21.00
Wednesdays 11th 18th 25th 19.30 to 21.00
Fridays 13th 20th 27th 19.30 to 21.00
Saturdays 14th 21st 28th 12.00 to 13.00
Payment times in February are: -
Sundays 5th 12th 19th 26th 11.30 to 12.30
Mondays 6th 13th 20th 27th 19.30 to 20.30
Please try and pay by the 28th January. We hope the club is as valuable to you as you are to the club. Your Management Committee does not wish to lose one member through non-payment of subscriptions on time, but its hands are bound by club rules. If you have a genuine reason for not being able to pay at the above times, please contact the Secretary to make an alternative appointment. You may pay by post or get a friend to pay for you. Personal attendance is not a condition for payment. All that is needed is for your current membership and associate card to be presented on payment.
Men’s Supper & Games Presentation Evening
Our thanks go to Pete Kirby for arranging yet another superb evening. Great food, great entertainment and a lot of achievements of which our club can be proud.
Kingsley Management has always been keen to support games, recognising that they lay at the heart of our club. This they do so by providing heavily subsidised food for home matches, grants and transport. (Admittedly some teams use their own transport.) They always receive requests for help sympathetically.
It was therefore most disappointing that on the one night the club looks for support from those they support year in, year out, hardly any was forthcoming.
Some did not even bother to come to collect their hard earned trophies.
Your Management is determined to continue its wholehearted support of all the games sections. All it asks is that next year as many who benefit from that support as possible come and enjoy this annual celebration of excellence in games.
The Licensing Act 2003
We have received some correspondence stating that we have not given full details of our Club Premises Certificate. We believe that a list of details of the Act as it applies to the Club would be ideal fodder for a good snooze, and have therefore given only information that is important from a practical point of view. Here are some of the main points, which include some not stated before. We must stress the following is the Law of the Land and not something dreamed up by your Management Committee.
It is illegal for anyone under 18 to drink alcoholic beverages on the premises. Personal liability attaches to Bar Staff and the Committee and Secretary if this law is not enforced.
It is illegal for anyone to buy alcoholic beverages for anyone under 18. Personal liability attaches to the person who acquires the drink.
It is illegal to supply alcoholic beverages to anyone who appears to be drunk.
All entertainment must finish no later than 15 minutes after the final bell.
The premises must be empty no later than 30 minutes after the final bell.
The Management Committee would ask for your total cooperation if Bar Staff ask for club cards to confirm your age and also in leaving the club by the stipulated time. If you do not support the club in these matters, you could be putting its very existence in jeopardy.
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 1st December A presentation by Neville Fickling
Members interested in fishing Pike and Zander are cordially invited to a presentation by Neville Fickling who has written five books on the subject.
The meeting will start in the Concert Room at about 20.00.
Tuesdays 6th & 27th December Quiz Nights
Come along and enjoy the fun! We start at 20.30 with four rounds of questions, a novelty round, Aces High, a mid evening snack and even a touch of awful home grown poetry. It is an informal evening where taking part is the fun and winning is just the icing on a very moreish cake.
Saturday 17th December Pantomime
We regret to announce there are no more tickets available for this event. We hope all the children fortunate enough to have ticket have a thoroughly enjoyable time.
Saturday 4th February Local Children in Need Night
Please see the special item in this newsletter. Tickets will be available after Christmas.
Saturday 18th March St Patrick’s Day Celebrations
This year we are moving away from our usual format.
Thomas Bodkin, a sixteen-year-old student at Northampton School for Boys, is going on an expedition with “World Challenge” to the Himalayas to help reconstruct a school for disadvantaged children.
Thomas, with his family’s help is holding an Irish Ceili and Dance which will feature the Comhaltas Irish Ceili Band and dancers from the Clifford Academy of Irish Dance.
The evening will include a buffet of assorted Irish foods and the famous “Traditional Irish Stew.”
Entry will be by a note donation towards Thomas’s venture on entry on the night for every person entering the concert room.
Festivities will commence at 19.30.
And Finally