Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Old Newsletters Apr/May/Jun 2003

April 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News April 2003

Entertainment April

Friday 4th Liazon Duo A bit of everything
Saturday 5th The Quest Band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 6th It Takes 2 Duo 70’s to 90’s
Friday 11th Expressive Harmony Duo 60’s & 70’s
Saturday 12th Threepenny Bit Great band 60’s to 90’s
Sunday 13th Bad Boys Trio 60’s & Rock n Roll
Friday 18th Silhouettes Duo 60’s to 80’s
Saturday 19th Hollywood Nights Group 60’s, 70’s & Meatloaf trib.
Sunday 20th New York Minute Duo Terrific
Monday 21st Krys Great band 60’s
Wednesday 23rd St George’s Day. See below for lunch-time and evening acts.
Friday 25th Tribute to Rod Stewart and Tina Turner
Saturday 26th Ash Band 80’s to Modern
Sunday 27th Voodoo Duo 70’s to 90’s

Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) every Sunday (eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 12th & 19th (eyes down 9.00pm)

Some members have been asking if children are allowed to play bingo. The ruling is that if they are sitting with an adult, who accepts responsibility for them, children are welcome to play.

Dates for the diary

Dinner/ Cabaret 5th April

For those hoping to come, we regret that all tickets have been sold. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one and get in early for the tickets.

Serving for the meal will commence at 7.30pm prompt. Please be seated in time, as there is a lot to fit into the evening.

Quiz nights 15th & 29th April

We are back to two quizzes this month. We are not big on prizes, but we hope we are big on fun and good-natured competition, with a bit of food thrown in for good measure. Come and join us for an 8.30pm start.

Charity Night in aid of The Weston Favell Ulcer Clinic 17th April

Do not forget this evening arranged by one of our members, Mr F Knock, as a thank you to a dedicated team; sadly lacking in resources; which your Committee is pleased to endorse by its support.

St George’s Day 23rd April

From 1st April to 17th April tickets for the English breakfast at £2.10.00d in English money and English lunch at £3.00.00d in English money will be on sale from behind the bar.

As we informed you last month, the girl group Ttorria will be entertaining us lunch- time. They will do two spots with their standard repertoire, and in between a section devoted to traditional English songs.

For the evening we will sway to the sound of The Jimmy Graham Band. They are a 5-piece band that will entertain us with Big band sounds and have plenty in their repertoire to sing along with.

Last year the evening was a little quiet despite members asking for the celebration to be kept going for the whole day. Make our day by making this your day at Kingsley Park W.M.C.

Ladies Supper 26th April

Ladies, you cannot miss this excellent night out. For only £7.00 you get a three-course meal and three class acts to entertain you.

See the notice boards for when tickets are available from the Entertainment Committee.

Please make sure you are seated so that the meal can be served at 7.30pm prompt as again, there is a lot to fit into the evening and we don’t want it rushed.

Games News

At the time of going to press there is no specific games news to impart. However, having just welcomed a whole load of folk as new members to the club, we would like to stress how important we believe games are to the life and welfare of the club.

If anyone is interested in playing Cribbage, 25’s, Pool, Skittles, Darts, Snooker or shooting Airgun for the club please see our Games Secretary, Peter Kirby, who will put you in touch with the team captains.
We are becoming very concerned about the treatment of equipment in the snooker room. In the last two weeks two rests have been broken and someone has scratched the playing surface on one of the match tables. If these were accidents it would be appreciated if those responsible could speak to the General Secretary. If they were not accidents, and the culprits are discovered, the strongest possible disciplinary action will be taken. This club is proud of the games facilities offered to members and associates and is not prepared to tolerate its abuse.

Club Rules Review

It is many years since our club rules have been reviewed. For instance, under rule 7 Associates may not take books out of the library. Do we have any members who remember us having a library?

In order to change the rules there has to be a Special Meeting of members to give approval.

Please keep your eye out for the formal notice of a Special meeting to be held 27th April.


The Welfare section of the Club runs a Tote which is open to all members and associates. Every week the payout is £150 and any surplus goes into the Welfare Fund.

If you fancy your chances, tickets can be purchased in the main bar on Friday nights from 7.00 to 9.00 and Sundays from noon to 1.00pm.

You might also want to join the Welfare Section of the club. If you do please speak to our Welfare Secretary, Dave Yates, when you buy your tickets.

Senior Citizen’s and Life Member’s Outing

This year we plan to have this outing on Saturday 28th June.

Last year there was much muttering and mumbling about the venue chosen. This year the Committee is asking for ideas from those entitled to go on the outing.

Please drop a note to the General Secretary or drop in to see him if you have any suggestions before 16th April.

Working Men’s Club & Institute Union Ltd Annual General Meeting

The first weekend in April sees the Annual General Meeting of the C.I.U. in Blackpool. Three delegates attend this meeting from Kingsley Park. It is the one time in the year when club people from all over England Scotland and Wales come together. There is often lively debate and a wide range of opinions on most topics discussed.

This year the meeting has a special significance because the C.I.U. is currently diving into oblivion if it cannot reverse its financial fortunes in fairly quick order.

Ignoring special items £880,000 was lost in 2001 and £1,076,000 was lost in 2002. These rates of deficit cannot be sustained. The Union is trying to stave off the need to introduce drastic cuts in its services by appealing to the movement on two fronts.

1. They want it to be made compulsory for every male member to buy a pass card each year. This is something almost 100% of our members already do. In some parts of the country this does not happen. We are given to understand that if this motion is adopted it will raise £886,000 each year with immediate effect. Believe it or not, there is a very vocal part of the movement that says it is iniquitous to expect each member to pay £2.00 per year towards the upkeep of the Union!

2. They want women to be issued with associate and pass cards in equality with men. At present women can only be members of their own clubs and not gain entry to other clubs as men can. This proposal comes up almost every year and there are spirited arguments on both sides. This motion is put forward by the Union both on financial and ideological grounds. Well over half the clubs in the Union offer women full membership rights; there are many women Club Secretaries and some of the highest qualified holders of the Club Management Diploma are women. It is to be seen if these facts have any sway over the meeting.

A report on the meeting will be made in the next newsletter.

And finally

We must not forget to thank The Saints for visiting us on 11th March. Everyone who came to the club enjoyed a wonderful evening of competition, chat, and good-natured fun. It was worth it just to see the awestruck look on some of the children’s faces (and some of the Grandma’s too.) If possible we will have a repeat evening, maybe next year, and win the games trophy back!

May 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News May 2003

There could be trouble ahead!

As reported in the last newsletter, the Annual General Meeting of the CIU took place at Blackpool on 5th April.

There were two main items on the agenda.

The first was to make it compulsory for every male member of a Working Men’s Club to buy at least one pass card every year. At one sweep this would have righted the annual deficit the Union is currently suffering of about £1 million per year.

Over 60% of the delegates voted in favour but, as a 2/3rds majority is needed to change the rules, the motion was defeated.

The second was to grant women associate and pass cards in equality with men.

Again over 60% of the delegates voted in favour but, again as a 2/3rds majority is needed to change the rules, the motion was defeated.

Why then could there be trouble ahead?

Simply put, if clubs and club members are not prepared to support the CIU financially, and adapt to modern society, the CIU will have to dramatically cut its expenses. This could mean services to clubs either through games, homes or legal and administrative assistance being cut back or curtailed. Even more worrying, it could mean our lobbying influence in the corridors of power in parliament is damaged.

There are many vested interests in the world outside of Working Men’s Clubs jealous of the special rights and privileges we enjoy as non-profit making clubs. These are put at risk if the CIU is not constantly vigilant on our behalf.

Some clubs say they can survive outside the CIU, so why worry? The reason clubs can survive outside the CIU is that they still benefit from the work done by the CIU!
It is a safe bet to say that such clubs would not last for long without the CIU!

Both decisions taken at the AGM were manifestly not democratic and both were manifestly damaging, long term, to clubs and the Union alike.

This story is not yet finished!

Entertainment May

Friday 2nd Birthday Group Mainly 60’s
Saturday 3rd Smack in the middle Trio
Sunday 4th Tai Pan Male Duo
Friday 9th Streams of Whiskey Trio
Saturday 10th Platinum Jar 70’s to Modern
Sunday 11th Pacific Blue Duo 60’s to Modern
Friday 16th Hot Stuff Duo
Saturday 17th Red Shed Cabaret Show Band
Sunday 18th Easy Group 60’s to 70’s
Friday 23rd Dun “N” Dusted Group 60’s to 70’s
Saturday 24th Tease Group 80’s to Modern
Sunday 25th Coupe De Ville Trio 60’s to Modern
Friday 30th Garry Black Tribute to Bryan Adams
Plus Aidene Superb female vocalist
Saturday 31st U-B-4T U.K’s top UB40 Tribute

Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) every Sunday (eyes down 8.45pm) and Saturdays 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st (eyes down 9.00pm)

Final Farewells

Since the last newsletter we are sorry to announce the deaths of several members and relatives of members.

On behalf of all club members deepest sympathy goes to the relatives of: -

Mrs Bee; Mary Brennan; Anna Delaney; Fred Knock; Hillary Millar; Beryl Saunders and Susan Smith.

Fund raising night in favour of the Weston Favell Ulcer Clinic

It was Fred Knock’s wish that the fund raising night go ahead even though he was not to be with us.

Many friends from Kingsley and the Vocal Club of which he was long-time President came to the evening. He was with us through those who came and had a good night when the drink flowed free; smiles were on everyone’s faces and the generosity of those present allowed £804 to be donated to the clinic.

Everyone did Fred proud!
Senior Citizen’s and Life Member’s Outing Saturday 28th June 03

Many thanks for the suggestions for this annual outing. We regret that Iraq was just a little too far to cope with in one day!

However, the other suggestion of Matlock in Derbyshire is possible, and indeed has been chosen for the venue.

Because of the distance this will be a longer day than usual. The proposed programme for the day; which has yet to be finalised; is as follows: -

9.30 Full English Breakfast at Kingsley Park WMC
10.30 Depart by Coach for Matlock United Services Club
12.00 Arrive at the Club to spend lunch time
14.30 Optional trip to Matlock Bath, the main tourist area.
18.00 Meal of Soup, Ham Salad, Cheese and Biscuits. Some entertainment will be laid on until we leave.
20.30 Depart by coach for home.

Tickets will be available from the Welfare section from 9th May to the end of May.

There is a £5 deposit required which will be returned only if you turn up.

This promises to be a very different kind of day from past years. Long and possibly tiring; but Matlock is a very beautiful spot and well worth a visit.

Dates for the diary

Quiz nights 13th & 27th May

All are welcome to join us for an evening of light relaxation when everyone will know the answers to all the questions – and that is guaranteed!

We start at 8.30pm promptish with a break for a snack during the evening.

Race night

Look out for the notice board with the date for the next race night. These evening are becoming more and more popular. Miss it and you definitely miss out!

Games News

Commiserations to the ladies darts A team who were just pipped at the post to become runners up in their league by a single leg.

Congratulations ladies, on doing so well. Next year will be yours!

Treasure Chest

For the first time since the Treasure Chest began the key was not claimed on
April 20th.

In the spirit in which the Treasure Chest was set up your Committee has decided to donate the prize to the Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice.

We are sure they would say thank you to our absent friend!

And finally

Please do not hesitate to see the Secretary if you want to contribute to this newsletter. Comments, articles, anecdotes or anything that takes your fancy is welcome. If you have something to say and want help putting pen to paper, the Secretary will help. The content is in the Secretary’s hands as editor, but no reasonable article will be refused publication and any editing explained to any contributor before publication.

June 2003

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News June 2003

Entertainment June

Sunday 1st 2 C.H.E. 60’s to modern
Friday 6th The Flying Ants Band 60’s &70’s
Saturday 7th The Eljays Trio 70’s to modern
Sunday 8th Hollywood Great Band
Friday 13th Select Duo 60’s to 90’s
Saturday 14th Guardian Angels 4 Piece Band 60’s
Sunday 15th Kenny Lavish & The Repo Men Music for all
Friday 20th Streetwyze Group 70’s to modern
Saturday 21st Private Eye Band 70’s to 90’s
Sunday 22nd Detroit Runners Great Band
Friday 27th Yvonne Haylen. Fantastic tribute show to Cher
Supported by Rita Pereira
Soul – Motown – Pop – Dance and 60’s

Saturday 28th To be arranged
Sunday 29th A Night To Remember Band 60’s to 90’s

Bingo will be played every Friday (eyes down 9.00pm) every Sunday (eyes down 8.45 pm) and Saturdays 7th, 14th, and 28th (eyes down 9.00pm)

Club Cards

Working men’s clubs have a very special place in society as private members’ clubs. One thing the licensing authorities and other statutory bodies are becoming more and more strict on is that only authorised people may gain access to our clubs.

You will be aware that this club employs staff to ensure that this happens.

With about 2500 members, it must be appreciated that doorkeepers cannot know every member. They are under instruction that if they cannot identify someone positively as a paid up member or associate they are to deny entry, unless a Committee member can identify the person involved.

The management does not want to turn anyone away who is entitled to enter the club, so please make it a rule that if you come to the club you come with your cards, no matter how long you have been a member.

Also please be aware that to lend another your cards for them to gain entry to the club is an extremely serious offence.

Welfare Section

The four monthly retired members’ payout is to be made from Sunday 1st June to Sunday 6th July inclusive at the following times: -

Friday 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Sunday Noon to 1.00 pm

Or when the Welfare Secretary or his assistant is in the club.

New Member Applications

There is to be one more group of applicants for membership to be considered this year.

Please ensure applications are in the Secretary’s office by the end of Sunday 15th June.

All applications received after that date will be held over until 2004.

There are still quite a few successful applicants who have not collected their cards. They are: -

D M Baker L Berlyn D Braines M Brennan B Buchanan
J Chisholm G Connery A Coulthard A Croft
M Donovan J Fastnedge S Fitzpatrick M Flanagan D Friary
L Friary B Gardner T Glanville M Grummett K Hall
L Handy K Harris A Keevil P Larrington D Laughton
T Laughton D McLaughlin R McLaughlin M O’Rourke A Osborne
I Ray B Smith D Smith A Sykes C Taylor
A Valentine W Ventour C White C Woolley M Wooley
All these folk have been written to inviting them to collect their cards. If you know them please give them a nudge. The preferred time for collection is between noon and 1.00pm Sundays. The Secretary will, however, sort them out whenever he is on the premises if not otherwise engaged. If the cards are not collected by the end of July, these invitations will lapse and the applicants will not be allowed membership.

Dates for the Diary

Tuesdays 17th June and 1st July Quiz Nights

Come and enjoy the fun of the Quiz, the excitement of Aces High, and the anticipation of Quizmaster Bamber getting it wrong! We start at 8.30 pm and hope the anticipation bit does not come to fruition.

Saturday 16th August Children’s outing to Skegness.

This perennial favourite venue is free for children up to and including 14 years of age. The cost to adults is £8.00.
Tickets will be available from about mid-June. Keep an eye on the notice boards for dates and times.

Mutual Helpfulness

Mutual helpfulness is one of the main objects of this club.

We are extremely fortunate as a club to have many members who have their own businesses across a wide variety of industries from Artists to Hairdressers to Plumbers to Builders to Gardeners to Accountants and so it goes on.

With about 2500 members in this club there is a ready market for you.

If you wish to offer your services to members at discounted rates, why not put a line advert in the newsletter. For a donation to either the Charity Fund or the Children in Need Fund (to be agreed individually) this can be arranged.

If the idea appeals please see the General Secretary to discuss it further.

Kingsley Card Shop

We are pleased to announce that from the first week in July two of our members, Jan Gray & Steve Redden will be opening a greeting card and novelty shop in the Committee room selling greeting cards, novelties and things to keep young folk occupied whilst in the club such as Quiz books and games, all at extremely reasonable prices.

This will be for a six-month trial period and the opening hours will be: -

Friday 12.00 – 15.00 19.00 – 22.00
Saturday 12.00 – 15.00 19.00 – 22.00
Sunday 12.00 – 14.00 19.30 – 21.00

Prices will generally be much cheaper than in most shops, and a percentage of receipts will go to Club Funds.

Mini-Bus Driver Vacancy

After six years loyal service Bob Bowden is retiring as our number one bus driver.

We therefore have an immediate vacancy to replace Bob. The work mainly involves runs to airports and the seaside with other local and medium to long distance runs from time to time.

This means there will be some early morning and late night work as well as daytime trips.

From the above you will appreciate that hours will vary from week to week and season to season.

If you are over 30, have had a clean driving licence for at least five years and are interested in the job, please contact the General Secretary for further details.

Bar opening hours

Last year we started opening all day Mondays and Fridays for a trial period. Whilst Friday afternoons are well attended, not many use the Club Mondays. It has therefore been decided to close the bar Mondays from 3.00pm to 5.00pm as from 2nd June 03.We will remain open all day Fridays.


My, how time flies! It is exactly two years from 1st June 2001 since we opened our kitchen with the 1st Choice menu. Judging by the number of folk who come time and time again to eat in the club, we are pleased to note that the high standards we set ourselves at the outset for Quality, Quantity, Price and Service are to most folk’s satisfaction.

However, our sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings do not see as many joining us for a meal as we would like.

As an incentive for families to eat out on those evenings we are delighted announce a Kids Eat Free deal. For every adult who pays for a meal, one child will be entitled to a Kid’s meal free of charge. This changes excellent value for money into stupendous value for money. Families who miss this really will miss out!

An added item to our weekday menu will be the availability of a traditional roast with all the trimmings at the same price as our Sunday roast.

We also have a great new meal deal just started called “Smothered Chicken New Yorker.” As a reluctant guinea pig, your editor tried the meal on your behalf. It looked good; smelled out of this world and the taste was to die for. At £3.99 it has to be tried.

Don’t forget that Father’s Day is June 15th. If it is anything like Mother’s day you will need to book a table if you want to get a meal. Phone and ask for Graham or Elaine to ensure you are not disappointed.

Finally, our catering team are always looking to improve their service. To this end we would ask our diners to spare a couple of minutes to complete our Catering Quality Questionnaire. From this we would hope to get your view of our service and see if it can be enhanced.

On behalf of the Committee thanks go to our Catering Staff for all the hard work over the last two years in making your catering service the credit to the Club that it is today.

Games News


Now the season is over we are going to give the snooker room a lick of paint. Could all members who have cues on the wall please arrange to remove them as soon as possible until the work is done? Thank you.

Ladies Darts

Congratulations to the Ladies darts players. They came away from the recent presentation night with a pile of trophies.

Kath Maclean and Heather Williams won the pairs knockout competition.

Kingsley B won the 5-a-side competition.

Kingsley A were Winter League Runners up.

Kingsley A got 4th place in the Summer League.

And finally

We now have a baby changing facility in the disabled toilet. It would be appreciated if parents could take soiled nappies home for disposal Thank you.