Thursday, 16 July 2009

Old Newsletters Oct/Nov?Dec 2004

October 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News October 04

Your Management going to the Country for you!

At the CIU annual general meeting at Blackpool earlier this year, motions were passed increasing the annual cost of a pass card by £1.00 and the annual subscription to the CIU by 15 pence per member. This means members’ annual subscriptions will increase in 2005 to £5.65. Kingsley Park WMC had to support the motions as failure would have brought the Union close to bankruptcy and no amendments are allowed at the meeting

However, the only reason such a large increase was passed was because the majority of club members throughout the CIU do not abide by their own rules and buy pass cards. This means that members of clubs loyal to the Union have to make up the shortfall of income needed to run the Union.

Your Management Committee has put forward to the South East Midland Branch two notices of motion, as ratified by a special meeting of our members held on 19th September. These propose that pass cards be given free to every member holding an associate card and that the annual subscription to the CIU be increased to £2.00 per head.

The effect of these proposals if passed will be that every member of every CIU club will contribute equally to the running of the CIU. Assuming that the number of members remains unaltered from the 2004 level, it will generate an extra £445,000 per annum. (Information supplied by CIU head office.) However, as numbers countrywide are falling, the £2.00 level provides a much needed buffer.

As far as the members of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club are concerned, the proposal will result in a reduction in full subscriptions for 2006 to £4.65.

This action is taken by the Management Committee as, whilst it believes 100% in the CIU, it equally believes that no one member should pay either more, nor less, than any other member in its upkeep. This is a plea for unity and fairness across the land.


Treasure Chest

The Welfare Committee has taken over responsibility for the Treasure Chest. Tickets are on sale at the Welfare table in the bar on Fridays 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and Sundays Noon to 1.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. when the draw takes place. Details of the amount to be won and the number of keys are displayed on the Club notice boards, as are the Treasure Chest rules.

Savings Club

The Savings Club was launched on Sunday 12th September.
Any member of KPWMC or other CIU club may join. Simply pick up an application form and a copy of the rules from the Welfare table on Sundays between Noon and 1.00 p.m. or Fridays between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. Return the completed application form with the required proof of identity and address. A Savings Club Record Book will be issued immediately and straight away you can start saving.
Members may withdraw all or part of their savings at any time subject to giving one week’s notice on a Request for Withdrawal Form supplied by the Welfare Committee.
Withdrawals of up to £100 may be made in cash. Withdrawals over £100 will be by CHEQUE ONLY with the cheque being made payable to the member.
Cheques may either be paid in to the member’s own bank account or cashed at Allied Irish Bank, St Edmund’s Rd, Northampton.
Please note that interest will NOT be paid on member’s savings. Any surplus arising from interest once expenses are met will be given to charity.

The Welfare Section

Any male member who has been a financial member of KPWMC for at least 12 months may join the Welfare Section. The current subscription is £4.00 per annum.
The benefits Welfare Members get are; _
Sickness pay for time off work of £15.00 per week up to a maximum of 8 weeks in any 12 Month period subject to doctor’s certification and certain limitations for long-term sickness. No benefits are payable in the first 12 months of membership.
Senior Citizen’s payout of £15.00 per quarter payable to all those members aged 65 and over who have been members of the section for 5 years

The Tote

The tote is a game of chance played by KPWMC Members and Associates who choose pairs of numbers between 1 and 30. If one of their pairs of numbers match the two numbers drawn by the Welfare Secretary on Sunday at 1.00 p.m., the member wins £150 or an equal share if there is more than one winner. Most members pay £1.00 per week and choose 20 pairs of numbers with 2 extra free pairs. These numbers are entered into the weekly draw.
Any surplus funds derived from the Tote are used to finance the Welfare Section payments as described above

Dave Yates, the Welfare Secretary and John Carnegie-Brown, the Assistant Welfare Secretary, are available at the Welfare table in the bar on Fridays between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. and on Sundays between Noon and 1.00pm to receive Tote, Welfare and Savings Club Payments and answer any questions.

Christmas Draw

Tickets are now on sale for the Christmas Draw. You can get them on the door, at the Welfare Table, from the Secretary and most members of the Committee.

With a fist prize of £1000, a second prize of £500, a third prize of £250 and literally dozens of other prizes including drink, Christmas fare, sweets and electrical goods a book of tickets for £1.00 must be an excellent investment.

Entertainment October

Friday 1st Krys Band
Saturday 2nd Flydrive Male Duo
Sunday 3rd Devil Divas Female Duo
Friday 8th Jonnie Hawkins Solo Artiste
Saturday 9th The Cassidy Showband
Sunday 10th Mike Nelson Caribbean Style Artiste
Friday 15th Liazon Duo
Saturday 16th Blaze Brothers Band
Sunday 17th Brothers Grimm Male Duo
Friday 22nd Freeway
Saturday 23rd Platinum Jar Group
Sunday 24th It Takes Two Male/Female Duo
Friday 29th Silhouettes Male/Female Duo
Saturday 30th Paul Briggs Solo Artiste
Sunday 31st Electric 80’s Trio

Bingo Sessions

Every Friday Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 2nd, 9th &16th Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes down 8.45 p.m.

Children in Need

The season for raising money for Local Children in need is now beginning to get into top gear. Variety is the spice of life and this is the variety on hand for the rest of this year.

Saturday 16th October is the day for our 12-hour sponsored games day. They will be at it from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. So far we have skittles and darts on the agenda. Last year we had some Crib player doing some spontaneous fund-raising on the day. So who knows what will happen on the day. If people come round with forms please give your full support. Come and join in on the day and for a fee you can challenge the 12- hour wonders; but look out because they do have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Wednesday 27th October is our Casino night. It isn’t for real money, but the thrill of the roulette table or the cards will be there for all to enjoy and there will be an incentive for doing well on the night. An evening with funny money with emphasis on the fun.

Wednesday 24th November is our Cockney Night. The music and the food will bring back memories of the good old East End of London. Tickets will be £4 but be prepared to dig in for any special fund-raising on the night

Wednesday 22nd December is our Christmas party. The details are yet to be worked out but the outcome is guaranteed because Kingsley members know how to make a good night out happen especially if it is in a good cause.


It is six months since we had a total revamp of our menu. Looking to the winter we felt it is time to make appropriate changes to the menu.

Many of the items on the menu are firm favourites and these will not be changed. We do have some old favourites coming back like the two giant sausages; two eggs and chips. The great winter warmer of steak and kidney pudding is coming back. Winter wouldn’t be the same without it!

The terrific new addition will be a surf n turf meal that will be offered in two sizes. So the meal can be as big or as small as most appetites.

The menu will be introduced on 1st October. We regret that due to increased costs the prices on the menu will have to be increased. The increases are being kept to an absolute minimum so that our claim to provide excellent food with excellent service and excellent value will not be challenged.

On the odd occasion when the standards we set ourselves are not maintained, please speak to the manager on the night and we guarantee that any genuine failing on our part will be resolved to your satisfaction.


The ladies are certainly making all the games news this month.

With only three games left to play the ladies darts team is clear at the top of their league.

In the ladies darts singles competition Marilyn Ely won and Kathy Maclean came runner up.

And again in the ladies darts, Lesley Page and Katrina Birch came in as runners up in the Charity Pairs competition

In ladies skittles Angie Wright of the A Team was runner up in the singles knockout competition in her section of the league.

Again in ladies skittles Louise Murray of the B team won her section in the singles knockout competition and went on to become champion of champions in the grand knock-out at British Rail Club on 20th September winning the JRS Championship Cup.

Congratulations to you all on your magnificent achievements.

Letter to the Editor


I am writing because I am tired of hearing a small but vocal group of members knocking this club and the Committee. This club of ours is the best club in town and better than most clubs in three counties (Northants/Beds/Bucks.) What I do not understand is if they don’t like it why do they keep coming back? They moan about the price of drinks but what other club (or pub for that matter) gives what this club does?
I believe this club has a good committee, a good steward and good bar staff. Not perfect but certainly good, indeed very good!
We have one of the largest selections of beers and lagers in the town and guest ales every week. We have free entertainment every Friday, Saturday and Sunday; Quiz nights; Race nights and lots of other things going on in the year like St George’s day and St Patrick’s day celebrations; a ladies supper, men’s sports section supper, senior citizen’s outing, children’s outing and pantomime and children in need special events.
Then we have our sports sections. There are three full size snooker tables, two skittles tables, two pool tables, darts, cribbage, dominoes and even an air gun section. We also have our own football teams and a bowls team. What more can people want?
We have bingo two, sometimes three times a week. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is yet another service the club provides.
There is even a restaurant so we don’t have to go home for Sunday lunch and miss the big match.
To my mind we have more in this club than anywhere else in town. I want this club to remain the best place in town and the best place in the area. If the moaners are only interested in the price of a pint then they should go where they can get it.
These same people also enjoy knocking the Committee, calling them freeloaders and on the fiddle. If that is the case and they think they can do a better job why don’t they put their name up for election to the Committee. There has been ample opportunity in the last few months.
This Committee works hard to keep the club the best in town, so if anyone would like my job or any other job on the Committee and think they can do it better, put your name up for election next year, that is if you have four nights a week to spare including Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My challenge to that vocal minority is PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

C Billingham B170
Entertainment Secretary

Editors comment

There is some really strong stuff in this letter. It is only fair to state that this is a personal letter and not a representation on behalf of the Committee.

Many of the sentiments are a reflection of the article in the August newsletter “What price cheap beer?”

I do not believe Chris would want people with genuine grievances to keep quiet. The Committee will always consider seriously every representation made to it in writing in either the form of a complaint or suggestion. As club secretary, I am also available, whenever on the premises, to discuss matters of concern or help formulate letters to the Committee from any member not confident in letter writing.

Barry Slasberg

Dates for the Diary

Tuesdays 5th & 19th October Quiz nights

Easy questions (Sometimes!) Easy money (Perhaps!) Good company (Definitely!) and a nice lite bite (For sure!) Four good reasons to join us for our 8.30p.m. start. We look forward to seeing you.

Thursdays 14th & 28th October Race nights

With a nice canter to start at 8.30 p.m. the evening builds to a crescendo of frenzied excitement, not just for the money but the thrill of seeing your horse pass the post first. With the inimitable style of your host and his gallant staff, you are assured an enjoyable time, not to be missed

Friday 5th to Sunday 7th November Beer Festival

Book the date. This weekend will be one that those who really enjoy beer of exceptional quality, presented in an exemplary way will not want to miss. We will let you know a week before the festival what beers will be available. Look out on the notice boards.

And, whatever you do please try and support all the children in need events listed earlier in this newsletter.

Saturday 6th November Men’s Sports Section Supper

In recent years the numbers attending this special celebration have been declining; so the Management Committee thought changing back to a Saturday would encourage more to attend. For the same price as last year £10.00 per ticket, there will be the usual excellent meal, an after dinner speaker of real local interest and entertainment that will have you rocking in your seats with laughter and be a pleasure on the eyes and ears.

See Pete Kirby for tickets from 1st October. If you miss this you really will miss out!

And finally

We now have Government guidelines and Local Authority guidelines to help implement the Licensing Act 2003. As can be seen from the title of the act, the Government has not had an easy ride getting it through parliament.

The act has some very good points and some points verging on cretinous. They will all have to be ironed out over the next year.

Because at the moment everything seems to still be in some kind of melting pot there is no point in setting out details. As things develop we will keep you informed through this letter. You will find current information and updates monthly in the Club Journal. This may be seen in the Secretary’s office if those put out in the bar are all taken.

November 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News November 04



From the superbly maintained cellar of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club, Steve and his team proudly present for your enjoyment a selection of beers from around the country for your pure enjoyment.

From Badger Brewery we invite you to sample K&B Sussex. This is King and Barnes most popular beer. At 3.5% it is a clean tasting hoppy beer perfect for any session. It is mid-brown in colour and particularly full-bodied for its ABV. Cost £1.85 per pint

From Elgoods Brewery we offer their Greyhound bitter. This is a premium cask-conditioned real ale at 5.2% with a light hoppy aroma giving a bittersweet palate. Cost £2.20 per pint

From Hop Back Brewery we present Old Red Devil. This is a dark mild with an ABV of 4.5% It has more body and flavour than lower strength versions. This beer is both fruity and full-bodied and more toasted than roasted. A beer to appeal to all drinkers who fancy being wicked but not evil. Cost £2.00 per pint.

From Wychwoods Brewery we could not resist Three Wyches. This brew takes its name from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. With an ABV of 4.4%, it is a formidable brew with amber and crystal malts which produce complex toffee malt flavours Cost £2.10 per pint

Something different again is Crackerjack from J W Lees brewery. Brewed with a combination of malts to produce a nutty flavour and bramling hops for fruitiness and a hint of blackcurrent, this beer weighing in at 4.7% cannot be given a miss. Cost £2.15 per pint

And finally, what festival would be complete without Weston’s Traditional Scrumpy. Weighing in at 6.0% ABV this is one to be enjoyed at a very leisurely pace. Cost £2.25 per pint

We also have commemorative pint glasses celebrating the festival. While stocks last, your first pint will be poured into one of these antique treasures of the future. Please do not take more than one so that as many folk as possible enjoying the festival may take away this memento. Thank you.


There is just one week until this annual celebration of our men’s sporting achievements over the last year. There are still some tickets left that may be obtained from Pete Kirby or your team captains only until 3rd November. This event is open to all male members and promises to be a memorable one.

For the minimal sum of just £10.00 you will have a three-course meal, followed with an excellent after dinner speaker in Graham Alsop. Mike Dennett is a name you will easily forget, because his partner will dominate his act. Stringing the evening together will be Paul Shave, a versatile compere who is also an accomplished vocalist and comedian. A lot to pack in and lot worth coming for!

Entertainment November

Friday 5th Fat Catz Duo
Saturday 6th Mighty Wonerfulls Band
Sunday 7th Neo Male/Female Duo
Friday 12th 2 Good Male/Female Duo
Saturday 13th Edge to Edge
Sunday 14th Nataya Solo Artiste
Friday 19th The Boys of Jimmy Rev Male Duo
Saturday 20th Aleyes Comet Band
Sunday 21st Birmingham Blues Brothers Tribute
Friday 26th The Supreme Three Tribute
Saturday 27th Three Penny Bit Band
Sunday 28th Ricky Swann Solo Artiste

Bingo Sessions

Every Friday Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 13th & 27th Eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Every Sunday Eyes down 8.45 p.m.



Tony is a member of the Northampton Specimen Group which has for some time had close ties to Kingsley Park WMC of which he is also a member.

On Monday 4th October 04 whilst fishing the Great Ouse for barbel, he caught a new British record fish of 20lb 6oz. (Thank goodness we have at least one bastion left that uses proper measurements!)

Yes, there will be only one first 20lbs plus fish and Tony caught it. This beat the previous record by 15 ½ ounces. Some experts said the previous record would never be beaten, so its congratulations all round from the specimen group and the members of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club.

For his magnificent achievement, Tony used a 12foot Bob Church/ Tony Gibson multi-specialist rod and the bait was his own special “Boilies.”


David is the young athlete the club is sponsoring and what an excellent season he has just had representing Kingsley Park WMC.

In all he had 18 races, winning 15 of them and coming second in three. In one of the races where he came second, he was up against Britain’s number one two and three. He was only beaten by the number one. That shows the calibre of this young man.

David qualified for England schools and the AAA competitions. He was unable to compete because of an injury scare that has since been sorted.

When the new season starts in November, David will be moving up an age group to the under20/junior men. He will be one of the youngest in a group predominantly made up of semi-professional athletes. The pressure will then be on David to perform, and in his usual fashion he is eagerly anticipating the challenge.

Over the last season David’s times have improved in the 400m hurdles from 56.4 seconds to 54.7 seconds and the 100m hurdles from 13.4 seconds to 13.2 seconds. He also has a new personal best time of 15.3 seconds for 110m hurdles.

We all wish David well for the new season and look forward to reporting on his achievements early in the New Year.


Louise is the captain of our Ladies Skittles B Team. At the presentation evening for the Summer League held at Kingsley Park WMC on 23rd October, Louise celebrated a year of achievement which, to put it mildly, verges on phenomenal. The list is as follows:
She won the singles knockout competition.
She won the player of the year trophy
She was awarded the Janet Harding trophy, which is for the player’s player of the year.
She won the JRS trophy, which is for Champion of Champions throughout all the divisions of the league.


Last month we reported that the ladies were close to winning the number one position in the league. We are delighted to report that they held that first place and have finished top of the league.

Other Games News

The one most important element in success in games is having people to play. If you are interested in any particular discipline please have a chat with Pete Kirby who will put you in touch with the team captain. Don’t worry if you are not particularly good as practice makes perfect. It would be daft to say winning isn’t important, but equally important is having a good night out with your friends, and you may make many new ones both in your team and with your opponents.

We are in special need of team members for Men’s Darts, Ladies Darts and Men’s Skittles. Your Club needs You!

Parents-Why do you do it?

Your Management Committee has shown itself to be keen to encourage youngsters to participate in the games activities of the club. The age for using tables has been reduced to 13, with the only restriction being that parents are in the room when youngsters are playing.

Over the last few months some parents have been obtaining snooker balls for their young and leaving the children unsupervised in the snooker room. Some of these children keep breaking rests, removing the markings from the tables, behaving disrespectfully to other people in the room and are generally rowdy.

Because some parents seem to have no desire to either control their children or support them in their sporting endeavours, all children will have to suffer.

With immediate effect the snooker room is not available for the use of anyone under the age of 18 years. Tables may only be used by Members, Associates and bona fide guests over the age of 18.

This is by most reluctant order of the Management Committee. They hope this restriction will not have to be spread to include the games room, but once again it is in the hands of our parent members.


The fund raising is now in full swing.

The evening with the Limelight Theatre School raised £507. The entertainment was spot on and the dedication of the school was evidenced by its owner, Katie Bunting, performing song and dance routines while eight months pregnant! £500 has since been donated to a local charity “A gift for Christmas” which provides Christmas gifts for children on the “At Risk” register or in residential care over Christmas.

The Soul and Motown night provided another excellent evening’s entertainment and raised £172 that has been deposited in the fund.

The 12hour marathon was an enjoyable endurance test for all those who took part. Playing skittles were Val & Phil Heiron, Gill Ward , Dave Hewitt, Jason Smith, Judi Slasberg and the ever-popular Big Kev Fardon. Playing darts we just had two members who worked their socks off for the full twelve hours; Kath Maclean and Neil Shaw. What they did was a magnificent achievement! The money is yet to be fully accounted for, but the bucket on the day received £153 in donations and self –imposed fines from the skittlers and a rough calculation is about £1300 sponsorship.
Those who took part in the marathon asked for a contribution to be made to provide a wheelchair for a young lady called Zoe French. Zoe is severely disabled, with profound and multi-sensory impairment. A general appeal left a £650 shortfall, which is going to be made good out of the marathon funds.

The results of the Casino night on 27th October will be reported next time. Do not forget Wednesday 24th November, our Cockney Night and Wednesday 22nd December, our Christmas Party night.

Great evenings, great fun and great causes! This is just one aspect of Kinglsey Park Working Men’s Club that makes it a great club! Thank you for all who work so hard and all who contribute so willingly.

Wage Review

In line with the date of the increase of the minimum wage, the national annual wage review of Working Men’s Clubs came into effect on 1st October.

Once again our movement has been faced with a government-imposed increase in hourly rate out of all proportion to what is going on in the real world. The minimum wage has increased by a massive 7.77% from £4.50 to £4.85. This is the band that affects most of our staff.

In a market place where clubs are generally losing turnover by about 12% per annum, this could be a final nail in the coffin for many of them.

Indeed it is a very bitter pill for this club to have to swallow. However, swallow it we must. Your Committee is determined that the increase will be absorbed until the general round of price increases in the early part of next year.

As stated in previous years, the best way to counter these increased costs and relieve the pressure on prices at the bar is to use your club more. Your Committee is looking at ways to do this, especially in the week and at lunch times. In recent months the staff have been putting forward ideas that are most welcome. Ideas from members for things they would like to happen in the club Monday to Thursday or, indeed at any other time would be greatly appreciated. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of managing the club, but they do this on behalf of you, the members, whose ideas are always highly valued.

Drop in and have a chat with the Secretary or drop a line to the Committee.

Member’s letter

I would like to thank everyone at the club who contributed so generously to the collection held on Saturday 16th October for our local children in need.

I know there are some who feel that there are too many charitable appeals doing the rounds and too many people chasing them for their money. I know because I used to feel a bit like that myself. I never thought there would come a time when I would desperately need help and support from anyone. And then in 1991 my darling daughter, Natalie, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Cancer which was rapidly destroying her nervous system and for which there turned out to be no effective cure. As you can imagine, my world came tumbling down!

Sadly, Natalie died in 1993 but for two years she fought hard to get better. With the love of her family and with the financial support of many who knew her and many who did not, we were twice able to travel to Mexico to seek alternative therapy that held out the promise of a cure. It was not to be however. But again, with the financial support of friends and people not known to us, we were able to make Natalie’s last few months special, with a trip to Disney World in Orlando and a flight in a hot air balloon which had always been one of the things she wanted to do.

I treasure my daughter’s memory and, of course, I am still very sad when I think about her. I take heart from the kindness and generosity so many people showed us at the time and again later when I set up The Natalie Hill Hope for Life Fund, a charity offering financial support to families unfortunate enough to find themselves in the same dreadful position I was in almost twelve years ago.

I know from the experience I went through how many positive things come through people’s generosity. I also know that people cannot respond to every request for money however deserving the cause may be. All I would ask is that, if you cannot or do not want to make a donation, please do not say you are sick of charities and that they are an unnecessary intrusion – sadly they are not!

Vanessa Hill (Member H22)

Savings Club

Our Savings Club is now up and running. This section is open to members and associates. The rules and terms have already been well advertised and the response has been very positive considering how late in the year the club got off the ground.

If you are a member of a savings club that will be paying out next month, why not consider joining the Kingsley savings club for next year.

We do not mess around with minimal amounts of interest, fines for borrowing and fines for not borrowing. It is a straight money in and money out scheme with your money available at your convenience, subject to one week’s notice.

Please see John Caernegie-Brown or David Yates at the Welfare Table for details.

Christmas Draw

Miss out on buying your Christmas Draw ticket and you miss out on the opportunity to win £1000, £500, £250 or any one of the dozens of other prizes including poultry, electrical goods and bottles of your favourite tipple. Committeemen, doormen, and bar staff will all be able to supply your need. Don’t be shy and don’t miss out!

Christmas Food

Make a date to come to the club for a three course Christmas dinner lunch time or evening any day from 1st to 19th December

Start with a choice of Soup or Melon Boat

For your main course enjoy either Roast Turkey and stuffing or Parsnip, Chestnut and Sweet Potato Bake, complemented with roast and mashed potatoes, parsnips, brussel sprouts and carrot batons.

And complete the meal with either Xmas pudding and brandy custard or exotic fruit salad and cream.

All this for only £9.95

And if you want a slap up Christmas meal in a party atmosphere, on the evening of Wednesday 15th December we are holding our annual Christmas party with a three-course meal, crackers and a disco for only £14.95. Tickets will shortly be available from behind the bar. Keep your eyes open, as numbers are strictly limited to ensure everyone has fun in comfort.

Dates for the Diary

Tuesdays November 2nd, 16th & 30th Quiz Nights

Three in a month! Will the excitement be too much to bear? Lizzie’s Lovelies will be running the Quiz on 2nd. A great time was had by all last time they did the business. This time will be different again. On 16th it will be the time for the young ones which should be quite an experience and on 30th good old Bamber will be back after his well earned and thoroughly deserved holiday. We start at 8.30pm.

Saturday November 5th Men’s Sports Section Supper

See front page for details

Thursdays November11th & 25th Race Nights

There are some things you can never get enough of and race nights seem to be one of them. A friendly drink; a little flutter and a little win to put the jam on the bread and butter are winning ingredients for a great night out. First race 8.30pm.

Wednesday November 24th Cockney Night

This is another Children in need fund raising event. Entertainment will be supplied by Gordon Bennett (Who else?) There will be some typical East End food and if you want to display your pearly wear, do not be shy. It will be a good old-fashioned knees-up with a bar extension until 11.30pm. Tickets will shortly be available. Keep your eyes on the notice boards.

Thursday December 9th Senior Citizen’s Free n Easy

Tickets will be available from Brian Dolby from the beginning of November. As usual we will be asking for a five pound deposit which will be refunded to all those who attend on the night. These evenings are always thoroughly enjoyable with an excellent three-course meal and entertainment purely for your pleasure. Seek Brian Dolby for a ticket and you will surely find the truth of this statement!

Wednesday December 22nd Christmas Party

This is the final fund raising event for local children in need for this year. Once again the bar will be open until 11.30pm. With our entertainment secretary, Chris Billingham, organising the evening you can be sure of a good time. Details will be published in the next letter.

And finally

As reported earlier, £650 was contributed through the efforts of our marathon heroes to Zoe French’s Wheelchair fund. Zoe came to the club with her carer on 21st October, when she received her cheque towards her chair. This lovely young girl trapped in a totally dysfunctional body touched all of us present. It brought home to us all what a blessing it is just to be able to walk, talk, hear, touch, smell and see. As we approach the “festive” season, maybe we could look just one more time at Vanessa Hill’s letter. There is no sin in not being able to give or indeed choosing not to give, but there is in abusing those who ask on behalf of others.

December 2004

Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News December 04


On Tuesday November 16th our dear friend, Ken Taylor was laid to rest at Kingsthorpe Cemetery. It was only this year that Ken stood down as President after serving in that position for 24 years, after previously having served as vice president under Jack Skinner.

For the last few years Ken has not been well enough to attend the club very often, but his few visits seemed to somehow lighten up the place. Even though his body let him down, he was sharp as a pin to the end and always had the welfare of this club in his mind and heart.

Ken served the club from the mid seventies when it was struggling for survival and was a driving part of the various and changing teams that transformed it to the premier club it is today.

He was the inspiration of many, but also a modest and unassuming man.

He loved this club with a depth and sincerity very rarely seen these days. The amount of money he made for the club by simply not claiming his rightful beer tickets ran into hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds over the years. This place was his life, and his life has touched every member of Kingsley Park WMC whether we have met him or not over the last quarter of a century or so.

To honour Ken’s memory, your Management Committee has resolved that our lounge shall be named “The Ken Taylor Lounge”. It has also resolved that the club will present an annual trophy called “The Ken Taylor Trophy” to the club member of the year from 2005 onwards. Details of how this person shall be chosen will be announced early next year.

This Club has known many great characters over the years, in management; through games and just through the social life of the Club. Ken ranks up there among the greatest.

Ken may you rest in peace, for you have surely earned it.

Entertainment for December through New Year

Friday 3rd Krys Group
Saturday 4th Phaze M/F Duo
Sunday 5th Willow M/F Duo
Friday 10th Liazon M/F Duo
Saturday 11th Deep Heat Group
Sunday 12th Kelly Solo Vocalist
Friday 17th Freeway Group
Saturday 18th Me 2 U Trio
Sunday 19th Rocking Earth Tremors Group
Friday 24th Bar 3s Company Trio
Concert Room Mixed Blessings Group
Sunday 26th Lunch Bar Obsession Duo
Concert Room Hot Wax Disco
Sunday 26th Evening Bar Paul Neon & The Saints Group
Concert Room Tony Gee Disco
Monday 27th Bar Bangkok Beaver Patrol Group
Friday 31st Bar The Top Cats Trio
Concert Room Backstreet Duo
Saturday 1st Jan Private Eye Group
Sunday 2nd Jels Duo
Monday 3rd Sugar Shak Group

Bingo is a bit complicated over this period, but sessions will be as follows: -

Fridays 3rd 10th 17th December eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Saturdays 18th December & 1st January eyes down 9.00 p.m.
Sundays 5th 12th 19th December & 2nd January eyes down 8.45 p.m.
Mondays 27th December & 3rd January eyes down 9.00 p. m.

Other seasonal entertainment: -

Wednesday 15th December. Christmas Meal and Disco. For only £14.95 you can have a slap up three-course meal with all the festive trimmings and a disco to dance the food down with. This has always been a popular night, so make sure you book your table as soon as possible to get your place at what, you can be assured, will be an excellent night out.

Saturday 18th December. Christmas Pantomime. This year it’s Aladdin, one of the all time favourites. Entry is by ticket only. Make sure you see the Entertainment Section as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Strictly first come first served!

Wednesday 22nd December. Children in need Christmas Party. This will be our final Children in Need event of the year, and what a party it will be. We have three live acts plus a disco plus a super duper raffle as promised by our entertainment secretary, Chris Billingham. Tickets are £5.00 available now from Chris and the Entertainment Section.

Monday 27th December. Kid’s Christmas Party. Children come free, but again entry is by ticket available from the Entertainment Section. There will be face painting, a clown, a magician and a disco. From adults attending we request a donation to our Local Children in Need Fund.

Tuesday 28th December. Christmas Quiz Night. After all the time in the previous few days of pure luxurious vegetation, why not sharpen up the senses with a visit to the quiz night. Bamber promises to be gentle with you, and you know you can trust his word!

Festive Season Opening Times

The Bar

Friday 24th December 11.00am to 11.30pm
Saturday 25th December 11.00am to 1.30pm
Sunday 26th December 12.00am to 11.00pm
Monday 27th December 11.00am to 11.00pm
Tuesday 28th December 11.00am to 11.00pm
Wednesday 29th December 11.00am to 11.00pm
Thursday 30th December 11.00am to 11.00pm
Friday 31st December 11.00am to 12.30am
Saturday 1st January 12.00am to 11.00pm

The Kitchen

The kitchen will close for cooked meals at the end of the lunch session on 24th December and re-open for the lunch session on Sunday 2nd January.

A limited supply of sandwiches, rolls and cold snacks will be available at lunchtimes except for Christmas day.

Welfare Section

The last Tote draw for 2004 will be made on Sunday 19th December. This will also be the last day in the year for deposits into the savings club. Both sections will reopen on Friday 7th January 2005.

Subscriptions 2005

In accordance with club rules all subscriptions should be paid by 28th January 2005. If not paid by this date, members become members in arrears and are not able to use the club facilities. They do have a further 28 days in which pay their subscription. If not paid by this extended time they cease to be members of the club. February payment time will be posted on the notice board in due course.

The subscription rates as agreed by the members at the 2003 AGM are as follows: -

Men £5.65
Men Senior Citizens £5.15
Men Life Members £3.00
Ladies £1.50

Payment times in January 2005 are as follows: -

Sundays 9th 16th 23rd 30th 11.00am to 1.00pm
Mondays 10th 17th 24th 31st 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Tuesdays 11th 18th 25th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Wednesdays 12th 19th 26th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Fridays 14th 21st 28th 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Saturdays 15th 22nd 29th 12.00am to 1.00pm

Games News

The old war-horse has done it again. Congratulations to Pete Kirby for coming in as runner-up in the Air Gun Town League Individual Competition.

New Football World Champions

Congratulations to Spain, under captain Jason Driver for beating France captained by Tim Jones in the World Cup Final screened exclusively, live at Kingsley Park WMC, on 18th November. The prize was £70 to our local children in need. Well done everyone who took part,

Dates for the Diary

Tuesdays 14th & 28th December Quiz Nights

Come and shine at the infamous Kingsley Quiz Nights. If you do not have a team, come and join with a team that does not have its full four members. Make new friends in an informal stress free atmosphere. Maybe take a small fortune home if you win on Aces High. Enjoy a snack in the course of the evening. We start at 8.30pm and look forward to welcoming you.

Thursdays 9th & 23rd December Race Nights

For these two nights we can guarantee that all the horses you bet on will have four legs. For the ultimate adrenaline rush, and a bite to eat come and join us for the first race at about 8.30pm.

Thursday 9th December Senior Citizen’s Free n Easy

Sorry, but all the tickets have gone for this event. If disappointed this year, make sure you get in early next time.

And Finally