April 2004
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News April 2004
At the annual general meeting, our President of twenty-four years stood down this year. Ken Taylor came to the position of Vice-President in the mid-seventies when this club was going through one of the stormiest periods in its long history. He was in this position until Jack Skinner retired and has held the position of President ever since.
In the earlier years Ken’s dulcet tones were often heard at weekends when he finished off an evening’s entertainment with a song with actions addressed to each and every one of those present.
Most of Ken’s work, however, was behind the scenes, where he had a wealth of knowledge about running the club and never stinted when it came to giving time and effort on behalf of the club. It is not always the easiest of jobs to chair meetings either of the Committee or Members but Ken always managed with a calm dignity, although he could make himself heard quite forcefully if the situation warranted.
Ken is a shining example of what club life is all about, and his presence and influence are both sorely missed. I have no hesitation, on behalf of all our members, calling Ken a dear friend because; whether we knew him personally or not; that is exactly what he has been for over twenty-five years to every single person who has used Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club.
Thank you dear friend and we hope you may be well enough to come to the Club in the very near future.
Barry Slasberg
Welcome to the new Committee
Congratulation to Mick Shaw on his election as President. Mick has for some time now been standing in for Ken Taylor who has been too ill to attend the Club. His election is just recognition for the service he has already given to the Club, and best wishes are offered for his tenure as President.
Congratulation also go to Bob Horner who was elected as Vice-President. Bob is the only new face on the Committee. As a breath of fresh air, Bob’s contribution is looked forward to with eager anticipation.
And finally congratulations go to the five Committee Members who were re-elected after having stood down at the AGM. They are Dave Yates, Jimmy Finucane, Ken Jones, Pete Kirby and Chris Billingham.
It was pleasing to note that 196 members took the trouble to vote. The turnout in recent years has never exceeded 160. When people are elected as a result of a good turnout rather than apathy it is most gratifying. All those elected would like to thank those who voted.
Stop press
We regret to announce the retirement of Paddy Mullally as Entertainment Secretary and Jimmy Finucane from the Committee. Their leaving with only two day’s notice gives the management little time to organise replacements. Whilst everything possible is being done to ensure the entertainment programme is not disrupted, it is hoped our members and guests will be patient if there is the odd blip in services. Thank you.
Annual General Meeting
Thanks go to the 1.75% (including Committee) of members who attended the Club Annual General Meeting on 29th February.
As may have been expected from the lead article in the last newsletter, there was some lively debate on the accounts for the year. The auditors gave them a clean bill of health and they were passed by the meeting.
There was a notice of motion proposing that women should be given full membership rights in the Club. Compelling arguments were put on both sides and the motion was defeated by 21 votes to 13.
Games news
Kingsley Park Bowls report through Jeff Boswell that they had a very happy season; finishing 4th in the league and reaching the semi-finals in the C.I.U. competition. Congratulations, and it’s nice to see the word “happy” attached to a game. Enjoyment in taking part is the name of the game. Winning is the icing on the cake.
After a gap of some years we are delighted to once again have of our own club football teams from the beginning of next season. Kingsley Park F.C. will be fielding two teams in the Sunday Alliance League which plays on Sunday mornings on the Race Course. They come with a full squad, but always welcome new members keen to play the game. If you are one of those, please see Andy Harris, Mark Knight or Phil Knight.
After a gap of several more years we are equally delighted to welcome the return of Men’s Darts to the Club.
We have just introduced our new menu for the Spring, and though we say it ourselves, we believe it is one well worth sampling. There are some excellent new items in all areas of the menu. We are also catering for the bigger appetite with Steaks going up to 16 about ounces; a mega mixed grill with about 22 ounces of meat and even a triple stack burger. The range of pasta meals has been extended and the children’s menu re-vamped.
The normal times for taking orders are
Monday to Thursday Noon to 2.30pm and 5.00pm to 9.00pm
Friday Noon to 2.30pm and 5.00pm to 8.00pm
Saturday Noon to 8.00pm Sunday Noon to 5.00pm
We are delighted to announce that from Saturday 8th May we are starting a Children’s Games Club. The aim is to teach children how to play traditional club games and instil a respect for equipment and each other. We have two permanent volunteers to run the club being Neal and Kerry Shaw who will be assisted by Linda Lawrence initially.
The club will start fairly small, with Skittles, Pool and Darts only and will expand if and when we get more volunteers. The proposed running of the club will be as follows
1. It will be open to children aged 8-13 years inclusive. They must be member’s children.
2. Membership of the club will be subject to application. Initially there will be 24 members. Application forms are available from Neal Shaw and acceptance will be on a first come first served basis. A waiting list will be maintained. Membership will lapse after three week’s non-attendance without notice.
3. Children will have to be delivered to, and collected from the Club by their parents who will be expected to sign them in and out.
4. There will be a fee of 50 pence per session, all of which will be donated to the Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice.
5. Sessions will be structured so that every child will have the opportunity to learn every game.
6. It is intended that there will be internal competitions and competitions with other Working Men’s Clubs running similar schemes.
7. A tuck shop will open in the games room for the duration of the club.
As you will appreciate, this club is being made available for children with an interest in games. It will be structured with all children being given the chance to learn all the games on offer from time to time. It is intended to be fun, but it will be expected that all children will do as they are told by the club organisers to ensure the best use of this facility.
Should we be fortunate enough to get more volunteers, both the number of children who can attend and the number of activities will be able to expand. If the club is successful it is hoped that we may be able to do something extra in school holidays.
Dates for the diary
Tuesdays April 13th & 27th Quiz Nights
In March Aces High was won with a payout of £688. The recipient does not want publicity, but may be identified by the permanent beam on his face. Come along for fun nights out staring at 8.30pm. Drinking, eating, thinking, chatting and competing. What better way to spend an evening?
Thursdays April 8th & 22nd Race Nights
It had to happen! By popular demand for a trial period we are pleased to offer two race meetings a month with effect from this month. For that unmissable adrenalin fix be in your seats for 8.30pm. Miss it. Miss out!!
Saturday April 17th Ladies Supper
Tickets are still available, but they are going fast. A feast of food and entertainment for only £7.00. Definitely a night not to miss.
Friday April 23rd
Come along at about 9.30am for a scrumptious breakfast for only £2.10.00d. The bar will open at 10.00am. Between noon and 3.00pm Smart Move and Richard C Parker will be entertaining us.
Lunch of Bangers Mash and Onion Gravy will be served about 1.00pm again for only £2.10.00d
In the evening we will be entertained by Dun n Dusted, a local group we have seen before. With a bit of luck and a fair wind they will throw in a couple of flag waving numbers to round the day off.
If you want breakfast and/or lunch please buy your tickets from behind the bar in the two weeks up to the 23rd so that we can be sure of catering for enough folk. Thank You.
Saturday June 12th Motown Disco
This is a fund raising evening in aid of our Local Children in Need Fund. Ticket will be available at just £5 from the beginning of May from behind the bar. They will go like hot cakes so be sure to get in early
Saturday June 26th Life Member’s & Senior Citizen’s Outing
What a day this promises to be. Away at 9.30 in the morning with stops at Rutland Water and Melton Mowbray, a steam train ride and finishing off at a club in Leicester. We plan to get back to Kingsley park at about 8.00pm
Tickets will be available from the Welfare Table nearer the date. Keep your eye on the notice boards. A deposit of £5 will be requested on booking which will be returned when you join the coach.
Classified Section
Many members of the club run their own businesses. In the spirit of helping our own, we have introduced a classified section to the newsletter. Members of Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club who present their membership cards to advertisers when ordering are promised the best possible deals the advertisers can offer. Payment for advertising space is by voluntary contributions to our Local Children in Need Fund.
Castles Office Furniture
For your office furniture needs use free phone 0800 58 766 12 or visit us at Heathfield Way, Gladstone Industrial Estate, Northampton NN5 7PQ. We are a new business and we plan to succeed with a winning combination of Price, Quality and Service.
May 2004
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club News May 2004
Bon Voyage Graham
It is with great regret that we have to announce the imminent departure of Graham, our Steward, who is going to join the American branch of the Faulkner clan over in the United States early in June.
Graham joined the club in 1993 as assistant to Reg Cosford. When Reg decided to go in early 1994, Graham took over the reigns.
The value of Graham’s input to the success of the club cannot be strongly enough stated. The usual cries of “where’s the Steward?” could almost always be answered with the fact that he was doing something behind the scenes for the benefit of the Club. Quite often that something was above and beyond anything that could be written into a contract of employment.
From a lad his ambition was to work as Steward at Kingsley, and he has fulfilled that ambition in spades. His input and help in the introduction of the food catering operation has been invaluable. Going back a few years, his help when the concert room was altered was sterling. In the last three years, he has had to manage an increase of trade in the region of £204,000 per annum, which in percentage terms is about 39%. Never is such expansion easy to manage, but Graham coped magnificently; with the loyal support of his staff; through all the many teething problems encountered.
Everyone will also remember the untiring work he did in partnership with Kev Fardon to raise money for local children in need over many years. Hospitals, schools, charities and individual children have all benefited from their efforts.
On the evening of Thursday 27th May the club will be given over to a farewell evening for Graham.
There will be a disco in the concert room and live entertainment in the bar. All members, associates and bona fide guests are welcome and we hope to give Graham a send off he will remember for some time.
On behalf of the Management Committee, Members and many friends we wish Graham bon voyage and a happy and successful life on the other side of the pond.
The vacancy for Steward will be advertised in the Club Journal and local press in early May.
Entertainment for May
Saturday 1st Nostalgics 60’s Showband
Sunday 2nd Electric 80’s Tribute Band
Monday 3rd Neo Duo
Friday 7th Blues Brothers Tribute Band
Saturday 8th Funk Project Group
Sunday 9th Night Fever Male/Female Duo
Friday 14th Liazon
Saturday 15th S.A.E. Band
Sunday 16th Larger Than Life Trio
Friday 21st Krys
Saturday 22nd Pendulum Trio
Sunday 23rd Johnny Red Billy Fury Tribute
Friday 28th Devil Divas Female Duo
Saturday 29th Full Circle Group
Sunday 30th It Takes Two Male/Female Duo
Monday 31st Two Rare Duo
Bingo sessions are as follows: -
Every Friday eyes down 9.00pm
Saturdays 1st 15th & 22nd eyes down 9.00pm
Every Sunday eyes down 8.45pm
Mondays 3rd & 31st eyes down 9.00pm
Management Committee Vacancy
Further to the two resignations reported in the last newsletter, we are pleased to announce that Mr Neil Shaw has been co-opted on to the Committee and is helping with raffles and entertainment.
Mr Chris Billingham has taken on the role of Entertainment Secretary. A brave move Chris when your section is one short and we are in the Bank Holiday period. I already think a vote of thanks should go to his wife, Sharon, for her forbearance in this initial period.
We still have one vacancy that we are eager to fill as soon as possible. The person appointed shall initially be working with the Entertainment Section. This will involve a fair amount of weekend work. However, with a full committee a rota system can be implemented which will mean everyone gets breaks on a regular basis.
Application for consideration by the Management Committee should initially be made to the General Secretary who will be able to give more detailed information on what is involved. Applicants must have been financial members of the club for at least six months.
C.I.U. Annual General Meeting
On 3rd April about 1300 delegates met at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool for the Annual General Meeting of the Working Men’s Club & Institute Union Ltd; and what an uninspiring event it was!
Rather than a positive call to rally behind the Union we were greeted with wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Presidential address and a desperate plea for support.
The accounts presented showed another million pound loss bringing the total reserves down below five million pounds.
Again the meeting was asked to allow ladies to carry Associate and Pass cards making them equal with men. Again there was a large majority in favour; but the majority fell short of the two thirds required by two percent. The general consensus of opinion is that, if the movement does not embrace this change voluntarily, it will be imposed on us by law in due course.
The meeting approved the increase in the price of annual pass cards to £3.00 and club subscriptions to the Union to 35 pence including VAT. The result for our male members is that from 2005 subscriptions will increase by £1.15.
Concerning holiday and convalescent centres, it was moved that a rule be implemented whereby the Union would not be obliged to own or run convalescent homes and that the 50% of pass card revenue currently earmarked for the homes be put to the general fund. Neither of theses motions even got to a vote as the meeting soundly rejected them.
Finally there were proposals for a radical reshaping of the whole of the National Executive and Management of the Union. The General Secretary promised that the proposals would be carefully considered including consultation with clubs so that a proposal could be put to the next Annual General Meeting.
Editor’s Comment
With the meeting cut down to just one session there was no time to do anything other than look at the financial distress of the Union.
What the meeting needed to hear was a challenge to face the future with determination, if not total confidence.
What the movement needs is the introduction of true democracy rather than the sham that this meeting offers. Postal votes would allow every club a say in the important matters of the day and sideline the vocal minorities whose sole intention seems to be to drive the Union to extinction.
What we saw was an Executive totally alienated from the movement it is elected to run. Surely that Executive must now make the effort to regain contact with and the confidence of the clubs they represent.
Games News
Northampton Cribbage League Individual Knock-Out Competition
Kingsley Park Working Men’s Club is bathed in glory thanks to the fact that our members both won and came runner-up. Congratulations to Mick Howard on claiming the championship, and also to Kevin Mandley as runner up. The two of you have certainly put the club on the top of the pile. Well done!
25’s Pairs Knock-Out championship
Alan Coles and Ramesh Chudasama beat off impressive challenges from around the town to win this competition. Congratulations champs!
Children’s Games Club
The first day is Saturday 8th May. The time 3.00pm to 5.00pm. The rules as stated in the last newsletter and available with application forms.
Thee are still vacancies, so if your child/ren (restricted to member’s children) is/are between 8 and 13 years old, get an application form from Neil Shaw.
Encourage your children in the good traditions of Working Men’s Clubs. You know it makes sense!
Dates for the diary
Thursdays 6th & 20th May Race Nights
The atmosphere is electric, the pregnant silence as the horses round the final bend and the roar as the crowd cheers on their chosen steed. Well maybe not quite, but you are guaranteed a good night out at the horses without the worry of being rained on.
With a bite to eat thrown in, good company and the chance to win a few bob, this is really worth giving the TV at home a miss for. The first race is around 8.30pm
Tuesdays 11th & 25th May Quiz Nights
Also starting at 8.30pm an evening of joyous harmony when the quizmaster is freely forgiven for every error he makes (He wishes!) Another good night out to be had by all. Aces High is beginning to build up again so you could be alright if you get a chance and play the cards right
Sunday June 6th 60th Anniversary of D Day
Book this date for an afternoon of nostalgic entertainment which we hope will be offered by the Jimmy Graham Band. They have a wide repertoire of music from 40’s and 50’s. An afternoon of memories for a few and, hopefully an afternoon to remember for all!
Saturday June 26th Life Member’s and Senior Citizen’s Outing
This is already a total sell-out. We wish those fortunate enough to have booked in time a really good day out.
Euro 2004
The first matches are Sunday 13th June 19.45 against France; Thursday 17th June 17.00 against Switzerland and Monday 21st June 19.45 against Croatia.
For the first match our Sunday night entertainment in the bar will be the big match and there may just be the odd price reduction on the drinks front to enhance your enjoyment.
And finally
Over the next couple of months the Club will be facing considerable upheaval with the change in our key staff. To many of the staff, losing Graham will not just be losing a manager, but also a very good friend. Every endeavour will be made by all concerned to ensure that our target of excellence is always aimed at, but please be patient if you should experience the odd hiccup. Thank you!
June 2004
A Star in the making!
Many of you will have met David Tranter as he waits table, collects glasses and occasionally calls at bingo. What many of you will not know is that David is a budding star in the world of athletics. He has reached grade one national representation standard in the 100m hurdles running within 13 seconds and 400m hurdles running within 56 seconds. He can also jump 1.85m in the high jump.
His aim is to turn professional and represent England in the Olympics. The Management Committee believes that such talent within our midst should be nurtured and has decided, on behalf of the members, to sponsor David over the next year.
If you wish to see David in action, he has 3 dates already arranged: -
30th May Representing the Heart of England in the Phoenix Competition in the 100m Hurdles and the High Jump at Drayton School Banbury
6th June In the premier league division 100m and the 400m hurdles. Venue to be arranged.
12th June Representing Northampton in the 100m and 400m hurdles, the high jump and possibly in the relay competition at Corby Rockingham Stadium.
He will be proudly displaying the club name on his tracksuit, and we wish him well in his endeavours.
We will keep you informed of his future events.
Dates for the diary
Thursday 3rd June Race Night
With Euro 2004 playing havoc with life as we know it, there will be only one race night this month. So let’s pack the bar and make a really good night of it. The thrill of the races; the enjoyment of a bite to eat during the evening and excellent company make this a night not to be missed. You know it makes sense!
Tuesdays 15th & 29th June Quiz Nights
Summer is fast approaching and with it comes the lethargy borne of long hot sunny days: we hope. So get out and stimulate the brain cells on the Kingsley Quiz Nights. Brain teasers, the chance to win big on aces high and a snack at half time. What better way to spend a Tuesday night?
Saturday 14th August Children’s Outing
You just cannot beat the old favourites. We’re off to Skegness again for a day of fun and frivolity. The children/ grandchildren of members only who are under 14 go free. For all other folk the cost is £8.
Details of when the tickets will be available will be displayed on our notice boards shortly.